Merlin Fic: And the World You Promised: Epilogue: You’re in Control

Aug 06, 2013 20:17

Epilogue: You’re in Control

Merlin left Arthur’s room in a rush, grinning the whole way like a madman. It felt right to be running from Arthur’s wrath at the reminder a woman had on a time beaten him in fair combat.

Once a fair ways distant Merlin slowed to a walk and then to a halt, leaning against the wall, feeling Aithusa’s invisible head butting up against him. He absentmindedly rubbed the dragon’s not yet fully scaly head.

So much had altered in so short a time, it was hard to believe. Merlin had felt stretched for years, urged to do the impossible, trying to fix everything and feeling hopeless when he failed. But now…it was different. With Arthur at his side and his magic actually under control, Merlin was finally living in the world he’d always dreamed of, the one he’d been promised years ago. He could finally visit his mother and let her know the fulfillment of all her wishes and dreams for him.

It was incredible, better than a dream, and he knew there was nothing he couldn’t do. He was truly and completely free.

With a blink of his eyes Merlin vanished with Aithusa, reappearing in his room. He peeked out the door to listen to Gaius snore. There was a note on the table. It read:

Merlin. My home is yours for as long as you need it. -G

Merlin grinned and pulled the covers up over Gaius more firmly, more grateful to the man than he could ever express. Then he went to his room and settled Aithusa down in the corner before going to the window and pulling back the shutters, glorying in the sight of a Camelot at rest under the moonlight.

It was done and it was beginning.

andtheworldyoupromised, pairing: arthur/gwen, length: multi-chapter, fandom: merlin

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