What is my life?

Feb 18, 2014 20:00

I just started watching Pushing Daisies. I may not emerge for a few days (weeks?). Lee Pace! The women! The PI. This show is so freaking clever and quirky. Waaaa. Why did it only have two seasons?

Also, I hear Almost Human is on the verge of being canceled. Boo fucking hoo. Not happy.

Ok, in other news here's what I did today:

Woke up at 6:45. Discovered school was delayed two hours.
Kids got up at 7:30. WTF. I normally can't even pry them out of bed. Ok.
I cleaned up in the kitchen, packed their lunches and got them off to school.
Got allergy shots.
Worked on hamsa quilt! (Blurry pic at the bottom:))
Went to music store to deal with DD1's violin.
Picked up DD2 from school.
Did something. Ate?
Folded laundry. Watched first ep of Pushing Daisies.
Went to library.
Am now in bed, watching Pushing Daisies. I may stay here until I watch all the eps.

Hamsa is not attached. May go on a different quilt. That's all I got for now. Still feeling like I am moving through molasses. So slow.

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/785903.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

quilting, ta da list

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