To do

Feb 19, 2014 09:18

Ta da:
unloaded dishwasher
got kids to school
conference with teacher

To do:
dirty dishes in dishwasher
fold load of laundry
work on hamsa quilt(s) and possibly one other
mail tulle/organza samples to sister
grocery store (punting for another day/time)
get DD1 to/from dance
record more of We Are Startdust (weather permitting)
actually set up things on superbetter
post pictures on society6
list quilts on Etsy
deal with glove situation

Finish watching all the rest of Pushing Daisies.  The obsession with Lee Pace has begun. Also Kristin Chenowith, Swoozie Kurtz, and the rest of the cast. The woman who plays Chuck and the guy who plays Elroy(?).   LOL. Won't really finish watching it, but you know...

Spoons are low at the moment. Feel free to comment, but it might take me a while to get back to you. Trying to tell myself I don't suck. This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

to do, ta da list

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