To do

Feb 19, 2014 09:18

Ta da:
unloaded dishwasher
got kids to school
conference with teacher

To do:
dirty dishes in dishwasher
fold load of laundry
work on hamsa quilt(s) and possibly one other
mail tulle/organza samples to sister
grocery store (punting for another day/time)
get DD1 to/from dance
record more of We Are Startdust (weather permitting)
actually set up things on ( Read more... )

to do, ta da list

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Comments 12

millionstar February 19 2014, 16:26:29 UTC
How on earth could you ever suck? My icon has never been more appropriate.

I love you. Thanks for being you.


jelazakazone February 19 2014, 16:28:46 UTC
Ugh. You are going to make me cry. I never cry. I feel like the worst mom. Let's just start there. Parenting sucks. I'm a sucky parent. My friend says kids suck. LOL.

<3 <3 I love you too.


castmeaway February 19 2014, 17:31:40 UTC
Pushing daisies is like my favorite thing ever! Every one in a while I will make pie and marathon it. Also, Lee Pace is amazing. (You should watch him in "The Fall).


jelazakazone February 19 2014, 17:38:52 UTC
*glomps you* HI HI HI. How are you? All is well, I assume. <3

PUSHING DAISIES IS THE BEST THING EVER. I am in love with Lee Pace and The Piemaker and guh.

Is The Fall creepy? Movie? TV Show?


castmeaway February 19 2014, 20:19:42 UTC
It's probably one of my all time favorite movies. It's not creepy at all, though maybe a little dark? The cinematography is breathtaking. Find the trailer on youtube, and that'll give you an idea.

And I'm pretty good! Nothing new or exciting right now. Teen a Wolf is destroying me though.


jelazakazone February 20 2014, 03:22:51 UTC
Oooh, The Fall looks awesome. Someone else has recced it to me. *sigh* I will see if I can get it cheap(er).

Yay for pretty good. Awwww. Seems like those in TW fandom are pretty sad these days. :( :( Sorry to hear it.


aome February 19 2014, 19:42:22 UTC
Re: conference - regular parent-teacher conference or is something going on with one of your kids? Hope everything is all right and that they're doing beautifully, as usual. :-)

mail tulle/organza samples to sister

Is she getting married?


jelazakazone February 19 2014, 19:44:41 UTC
Oh, DD2 doesn't want to do group work. LOL. Just trying to figure out how to socialize her better. It's nothing big, thanks!

Oooh, yeah. She is. I thought I said something about that here? This is little sister (she's 27 now). She emailed me earlier in the week about veils and the fabric store was having a sale, so I went to check it out. Good excuse to go to the fabric store. I only left with samples though. There will be plenty more sales before she gets married!


lillibet February 20 2014, 03:51:42 UTC
I loved Lee Pace in Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day.


jelazakazone February 20 2014, 03:55:57 UTC
Sounds cute. I will keep it in mind. Thanks!


47eleven February 20 2014, 14:27:14 UTC



jelazakazone February 20 2014, 14:31:00 UTC
Thank you for the affirmation! <3


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