Random and sundry

Feb 17, 2014 09:36

First, I want to link to a comic
ashesandghostff made about coming out as genderqueer. DW entry is here. Tumblr post here.

Astonishingly, the kids are in school AAAALLLLL DAY.  They are making up a snow day. I was terrified it was going to be canceled or delayed.  So happy they are at school. I can hole up in my studio and sew and listen to ALPA IV at the highest volume, as is my wont.

So, to do:
2 loads of laundry washed/dried
finish cleaning up in kitchen
work on dance quilt patch
work on hamsa quilts
start new tree quilt
go to fabric store to look at tulle/organza for sister's bridal veil (eeeeeee!)
cook chard and broccoli
get face threaded?
take DD1 to/from tutoring
take DD2 to Michael's (arts and crafts supply store :))

Has anyone bought clothing from modcloth? I finally caved and made an account, but the clothes look so expensive there.

Can't think if there's more. Probably. I am still decompressing from four days of people in my tiny house.

ETA: omg, I am getting stuff done. I thought I didn't do anything.

bonus things:
posted links to recent podfics on

cleaned bathroom (yay!)

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/785411.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

links, to do, signal boost, sexuality

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