In stark contrast to yesterday

Jul 06, 2012 17:55

Yesterday I sewed the binding onto the front of this quilt.  It's fairly small (less than 24 inches across, I think).  I made it in a class from a kit to learn a skill and um, it's not my taste or style.

So, if anyone wants it, PM me with your address. I can draw straws or something.  If no one wants it, I will fob it off on my MIL next week.

I have done almost nothing today.  I didn't starve the kids (yet).  I got laundry folded.  Still have no idea what is going on with my story.  ACK.  I know an idea will strike me and I will be writing like there is no tomorrow, but that has not yet happened.  *chews fingernails waiting for the right combo to click*  Going dancing tonight.  It's hot, but I don't even care. I probably have some links for you, like this one to a TED talk about the danger of telling one story, but uh, it's on the other computer and i've only watched two minutes of it:)  And damn, I wanted to do a post about kink!fics.  Ok. I'll go post something under the locked filter for that now, while I digest my food and think about quilting motifs.

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

life, quilt, update

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