Big Damn Hero

Jul 05, 2012 22:42

So, I know that for some people this is just another day, but I'm feeling like a big damn hero today.
  • spent at least 30 minutes booking tickets for kids to go to Adirondacks in Aug
  • fed children
  • got up at 7:30 after going to sleep after 1am
  • folded laundry from several days ago
  • unloaded and loaded dishwasher (at least twice, I think)
  • wiped out microwave
  • started laundry (in drier now)
  • sewed binding to front of little wall hanging I made in a class
  • finally got kids out of house at 2pm to run errands to: pick up tupperware from friend, drop off zappo shoes at UPS, stop at optometrist for glasses issue for me and DD1, stop at cobbler to ask about DD2's boot heels (probably more than it's worth to fix them at $45. Ouch), and go to grocery store.
  • Cooked chicken drumsticks and broccoli for dinner and pulled together salad
  • Managed to eek out a few more words on podtogether story.
  • Taught some people how to make ♥ :D
  • Discovered that I've inspired
    chloris to make kilt!picspam (find it on LJ here) and am eagerly awaiting her goodies. It will be a nice treat to wake up to.
  • Started thinking about trip to Seattle and all the logistics of meeting up with people there.
So, have a cute clip from Firefly that inspired today's post.

image Click to view

And you, lovelies, what did you do heroic today?

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

kilts, a day, update, ta da list

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