
Jul 05, 2012 01:03

Ok, that was unexpected, but rather fun.  I met up fuzzytomato02  who is in the area on vacation.  It was rather spontaneous.  She and her hubby came over for fireworks and we hung out for a while and then I attempted to bring them back to their hotel.  Only I got directions to the wrong hotel.  Luckily, they knew where they were staying and so we worked it out eventually.  Turns out, I know exactly where that hotel is, only I didn't know it until we got there.  *facepalm*  The good news is it took me a lot less time to get home, but we had a great time being able to talk more.

We didn't take the kids anywhere for fireworks.  Instead I bought some fireworks at a stand and we had our own little show in the backyard.  It was fabulous.  I'm totally doing it again next year and I'm going to go for the BIG cans next time:)

Hopefully the next couple days will be rather low key.  I need a vacation;)  (Oh, we had friends over all afternoon and they stayed for dinner.  It was good to see them too.)

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/581747.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

life, fandom, friends, update

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