Looking for a character

Jul 08, 2012 09:10

I need a character, either from Firefly or Merlin, who is definitely secondary.  I'm writing a Mithian/Morgana Merlin/Firefly crossover.  I need someone to interact with Mithian right now (where I am in the story) and I can't figure out who it should be.  It's going to be a light interaction and not someone who is making a big impact.

George is out.

Mithian is in high school at the moment.  I want the person to be friendly, but also slightly antagonistic/teasing.  I was thinking male, preferably, but it seems like it might be easier to do with a female character.  So, any ideas?  :D  I'm trying not to be too picky here.  Ordinarily I'd say stick to S4 of Merlin, but I think I'm going to have to let that requirement fall by the wayside.  Oooh, Annis might work if I change the scenario a little.  Still, I'd love to hear other ideas:D


ETA: hms_seth has suggested the character pages on merlin.wikia.  I think I'll be able to find something there.  Thanks!  Crowdsourcing ftw!
This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/582533.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

fanfic, writing, help!

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