A good day

Jul 09, 2012 16:52

I woke up at 8:15 and was out the door at 9:20, with girls and plenty of food in hand.  We spent the whole day in DC (from 10:30-3:15).  Kids did GREAT.  I love having older kids.  Met up with another fan who was very patient with my kids and my distraction:)

We hit Natural History and the Hirschorn.  The Natural History museum is always a good time.  We tried out the forensic anthropology lab and learned about someone from their bones which was great, but would have been much better if the person taking us through had been at least in college.  Maybe it was his first day in the lab?  He was ok, but he went rather quickly and didn't know all the answers I had questions to.  We looked at the bones exhibit on the way out and hit the insects and then went outside for lunch.  We really lucked out with the weather.  It was not hot and it was a little cloudy and didn't actually rain.  So, lunch wasn't on the grass, but we managed ok.

After lunch I talked the kids into going to the Hirschorn which is mostly sculpture but also a little modern art.  The kids were so engaged with the exhibits there.  It was awesome.  I had a lot of fun with them there.  The best was this room where there were all these long blue plastic strings hanging and you walked through it.  The kids LOVED that.  And then there was a room where there were these fluorescent blue bulbs in these little window frames that changed the color of things.  Our teeth were pink and dd2's dress turned sort of white.  Very cool.  We ended with a snack in the courtyard looking at zodiac sculptures.  The ride home was uneventful and now I'm exhausted.

Best luck of the day: finding the last spot in the parking lot at the metro.  Shew. I was worried we were going to be quite late.

So, that's where I've been all day.  I wish all days could be that fun, but then there wouldn't be anything to eat or clean clothes to wear:)  Hoping to work on my quilt tonight.

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/582837.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

life, a day

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