Busy day

Jul 10, 2012 18:08

About the only restful thing I've done all day is sleep in.  Otherwise I:
  • mowed
  • went to allergist
  • took kids to Wendy's for drive through lunch
  • took clean dishes out of dishwasher and put most of the dirty ones in
  • ripped out quilting stitched and redid the line
  • took dh's violin bow to be rehaired
  • stopped at Trader Joe's with girls for airplane snacks
  • picked up dh
  • picked up new reading glasses (bifocals be gone!)
  • mailed wallhanging
  • stopped at tire place to have a guy tell me useless info (low pressure sensor is intermittently on; it was off when I went there)
  • talked to a friend for a few minutes
  • talked to my mom (this morning)
  • went to the library
  • filled up gas tank in car
  • cooked noodles for girls' dinner (cheesy noodles)
  • called to get new prescription for nasal spray
Now I'm going to go quilt.  I need to get that dragon done so I can start to bed it while we are on vacation.  Ugh. So tired.  I'm glad that I won't have the car tomorrow and we'll be chilling at home, getting ready for our trip.

And happy birthday to twilighthdfan and hms_seth (a little early).

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/583062.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

busy day, ta da list, (not) wimpy mommy

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