VividCon 2010!

Aug 11, 2010 10:08

I am on my way home from my fourth year at VividCon, and I can easily say that it was the best one since my first year. There are so many things that go into a con experience, so you can't really parse out too specifically why it's "good" or "better," but several general things do come to mind. The overall quality of vids across the board was outstanding this year. Typically in vid shows I see more vids I don't care for than vids I like or love. This year I think I saw maybe two vids across the entire con that I just did not like at all and never want to see again. MAYBE TWO. ACROSS THE ENTIRE CON. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE. The Premieres show, in particular, was the strongest I've ever seen from start to finish, but it could also just be that so many vids included themes, aesthetics, source, and music that I, specifically, enjoy. Either way, it was incredible.

Socially, this year was also the best I've had since 07 without question. My second year I was stuck in the "wait, this won't be my first year all over again?" funk, and last year I had a lot of selfish and dramatic crap going on that was entirely my own fault. This year, though, everything was fantastic, and I didn't feel reclusive and only wanting to hang with my established groups of friends. I didn't feel the need to run away when I looked around the atrium and saw none of my friends were there! I talked to new people! I walked up to random folks and introduced myself simply because I had never seen them at VVC before and wanted to make sure they were having a great time! As a result, I got to meet some wonderful people whom I'm delighted to have spent time with. Some names that come immediately to mind are danegen, bop_radar, wistful_fever, tencel, and mresundance (he and I were hotel roomies, but I know I would've made a point to talk to him anyway). There were many, many regular VVC attendees who couldn't go this year, more so than usual -- and the con did have a different vibe without them! They were missed! Still, the people that were there were a fantastic group, and I felt very comfortable and safe in the space all weekend.

Speaking of which, I want to say briefly that I was so very impressed with everything I saw that the concom and membership at large did to provide access, information, and help to attendees. From big things like the mobility line and folks bringing VCRs to share when the hotel didn't have them, to small things like making sure someone got the bar wristband they paid for if it wasn't in the reg packet. More than once I saw the concom handle a concern in a timely fashion like it was important because it was important to the member in question. Considering the very short amount of time they had to (re)watch hundreds of vids ("watch...ALL the vids?") and put together warnings information after the online discussion broke out a month ago, I was blown away that they were able to do as much as they did. I know at least one person had frustrations about the system in place, but we knew nothing was going to be perfect, especially not the first time, and I'm still very impressed that the trial run went so well. I applaud you, concom, for everything you are doing.

You know, after everything that happened online last month, it felt so good to see everyone having so much fun at the con. I talked to several first-timers who were stunned to see what the con is really like, SO different from how many portray it online. The VVC community is such a fantastic group of people. People who do live public readings of bad fic at four in the morning; people who will host a poker game during Club Vivid to give those who can't dance (or don't want to) something fun to do as a group; people who will carry a television on a plane so that someone in need can use the built-in VCR function at the con; people who bake an entire table's worth of food for 150 people while providing dietary information as well as recipes; people who take you at face value when you state your gender and don't ask violating personal questions; people who will take care of you during Club Vivid when you've had a bit too much to drink and check on you throughout the night even though you've only just met. Going to VividCon always feels like coming home, and this year was no exception. I truly love these people.

Okay, I can feel my ability to construct narrative rapidly falling apart. Here are some tidbits of things from the con worth remembering later, which I'm sure I will add to as things come back to me:

- countessmary finally came to VVC! Hooray! We've been friends since DragonCon 2005, so it was about time, damnit.
- I was very impressed with the panel on Race and Representation in Vidding, specifically the things deepad had to say, and afterward I introduced myself and told her so. She is an asset to this community with that super smart brain of hers, and we will miss her when she returns to India.
- I had six vids in the con this year, which is a personal best for me. Like My Very Own Blood (BSG) played in the We Blame the Patriarchy vidshow, 4ever (D.E.B.S.) played in the We're Here, We're Queer vidshow, Who's Watching Me (SPN) and Lucky (21) played in Club Vivid, Narrow Escape (disaster films) showed in Premieres, and Tandemonium (BSG) showed in Challenge.
- bradcpu and millylicious are my new favorite VVC couple. ♥ We had a lovely little bedpile Sunday night and some great conversation.
- The moms were back! sdwolfpup, cesperanza, counteragent, and kassrachel, it was good to see you!
- My vid dvds all sold, which gave me money to eat with over the weekend. Thank you, everyone! (I do still have a few at home if anyone wants one!)
- renenet has bravely stepped up to run the con! *applause!* And thank you, elynross, for all you have done for the con these many years. You are a superhero.
- Speaking of, I was a superhero for Club Vivid! I came dressed as bradcpu.
- Other notable costumes: laurashapiro as Eleventy, the Star Wars contingent of greensilver, sweetestdrain, pipsqueaky, and braver_creature, and the Legend of the Seeker contingent of dualbunny, radixiscat, and millylicious.
- Outback has strawberry margaritas for $3.50. I took advantage of this once twice three times a lady.
- I walked by the badfic party at 2am Sunday night and happened to hear a line of text so amazing and so dirty that I actually will not repost it here. Let's just say it stopped me in my tracks and I made a O.O face that cracked everyone up. I'm sure it was priceless.
- I got to bring poker to VVC, woohoo! It was a great icebreaker in the lobby on Thursday afternoon, and I taught fan_eunice how to run her own table during CV. Hopefully we'll get to play again next year!
- While co-moderating the Vid Concrit panel, we ended up having to use my laptop for tech. This meant the whole group got to see my hunky underwear model desktop background, and he remained onscreen (in his tighty whities) for the whole panel. I am a classy broad.
- Club Vivid favorites to dance to this year: Party in the Midlands/USA, Bad Romance, Take on Me, Get Back, For Your Entertainment, Love Shack, I'm on a Boat.
- Panels I attended: Teaching With Vids, Defining Viddability, Race and Representation in Vidding, Reading Vids Practicum, Vid Concrit (co-mod), Structure Redux.
- Vidshows I attended: We Blame the Patriarchy, We're Here We're Queer, Identity, Nearly New pt 1, History of Vidding, O Canada.
- Karaoke was the best yet, particularly with the strong opening of Love Shack (by braver_creature, pipsqueaky, and absolutedestiny) and the amazing closing with the literal version of Total Eclipse of the Heart.

And finally, here is a list of my five personal con highlights, in no particular order:
1) Being ON A BOAT with my homies in karaoke.
2) Revealing myself as the maker of Tandemonium in Challenge.
3) Serenading heresluck (with pipsqueaky, sisabet, and f1renze) and literally making her cry (because she was so embarrassed for us, obviously). I'm just saying, "I'll Make Love to You" and "The Greatest Love of All" never sounded so good.
4) renenet onstage with elynross: "We'll lead as two kings."
5) Hearing that bop_radar had switched to only speaking French after Club Vivid, leaving countessmary no choice but to use the only French she knew: singing "Jingle Bells." ♥

Thank you to everyone who helped make this year a truly spectacular con experience. I felt so safe, loved, and happy all weekend, and I can only hope everyone else had as terrific a time as I did. If anyone has pictures with me in them (or video, for that matter), please email them to me! Thank you so much! Recs will come once I get a chance to rewatch the dvds this weekend, but for now I can say very confidently to watch everything you can get your hands on from this year's con. It's all good. I promise.

conventions, vvc10, vidcrew

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