NEW VID: "Narrow Escape"

Aug 08, 2010 00:53

This was my VividCon premiere for this year. World go boom!

"Narrow Escape"
Source: various disaster films
Music: Celldweller
Summary: Can you outrun the end of the word?

Download: [here] (69 MB, xvid)

Many thanks to bradcpu for cheering on the idea both before and after I laid clips down.

password: earth

Sources used: Independence Day, Deep Impact, The Day After Tomorrow, and 2012

So, just to clear up any misconceptions, this song was MADE FOR ME. Everything about it hits every angle of my little musical heart, and it is near perfect in my mind. I knew from the first time I heard it that I wanted to vid it; the problem was, as always, what source to use. It has a very industrial feel, which usually equals BSG to me, but that didn't feel right this time. I needed something with very dynamic visuals and a lot of explosions, something that could keep up with the pace and intensity of the song. Maybe viper chases have gone stale to me, but that just wasn't going to cut it. I thought about doing disaster movies but wasn't sure if it would work or not. I bought Independence Day and The Day After Tomorrow to rewatch them (for the first time in years) and knew I'd have to get into Premiere and just see how it worked when I meshed audio and video together.

I didn't have to hold my breath for long. You guys, when I laid down that first explosion, my heart exploded right along with it. I think I actually giggled and bounced in my chair clapping. This was perhaps the most fun vidding experience I've ever had. (And believe me, I've had some very fun ones.) This is right up there with Paul McCartney and Maneater. It may be a terrible thing to say, but blowing shit up is VERY SATISFYING. Especially when you do it on beat!

At the same time, I was always conscious of the real tragedies that have happened and are happening to our planet, and that kept me grounded. I made this vid during the oil spill, and shortly after I finished it, the SPN Haiti racefail happened, which really freaked me out. These movies have always been, to me, fun, over-the-top science fiction that is far enough removed from reality. But I want to say that if this vid offends or appears as exploitation of disasters, I truly apologize.

Thanks for all the cheering and support at Premieres after the vid played. I'm glad y'all had as much fun with it as I did!

vids, vvc10

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