
Jun 14, 2016 10:16

Revising my notes just makes me realise how much more I have to look up. Harmonica pockets, blind closures for blouses and for coats.... I just hope I get around to it all today as tomorrow I have to show my stuff.

Yesterday I relaxed a bit by playing Armoured Warfare after studying. Had a nice mission, suddenly found a friend request from one of the guys from the mission, logged onto Teamspeak and we drove battles with him and his friends. Just a random stranger you meet on a game and then play a couple of missions with. I think that's pretty special.

He was from Schotland though, and it was hard to both focus on driving a tank and trying to decipher what he was saying. His accent wasn't even that thick.
The missions (PVE) in Armoured Warfare are 5 against the AI, and we were a platoon of five. No outside strangers, no suicide scouts, everyone stuck together and since we practiced focused firing the enemies hardly stood a chance. I've now unlocked the Chinese tanks and I've also progressed to tier 5 which means I can drive hard missions, where the AI is smarter and you can damage your teammates as well. It wasn't very hard in such a good platoon though...

Anyway, back to the books!

games, school

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