lvsinsanity, I know you know this, because I am a babbler.
Anyway, I had a cracky crack dream last night. At first it was almost normal- my sister and I were in Puerto Rico in this vacation villa alone (I don't know why, we always stay with relatives) and there was this seriously awesome canteen thing running. At some point, this dream turned into the MOST BIZARRE THING EVER.
Basically that dream went away completely and another dream popped up, in which Batman was getting kidnapped by some supernatural agent wearing the face of the Joker so he could pound some sense into Batman's head to make him less manpainy. He chased him through this Chuck-E-Cheese like casino and the SAME AWESOME CANTEEN/SHOPPING CENTER I'd gone to in the dream before. Only I wasn't me. I was Batman. And I'd for some reason bought the same things at the canteen that 'I' had, which is odd, because I can not see Batman buying three Japanese candy bars and a Gryffindor meat pie.
So Joker (who kept flashing into Stephen King's IT) dragged Batman through a labyrinthine, rundown pharmacy that seemed to be in a swamp. He picked up this large, green, half-moon-shaped bottle with some kind of potion with it and brought it with them for obscure reasons, then stuck Batman in a locked room.
Anyway the morning rolled around and Batman escaped...but not really, because Joker kept trailing him as a guide figure, and it turns out 'Joker' dragged him into the world of fictional characters! So there was Alice from Alice and Wonderland and Rorschach and Holmes and Vimes and all the Disney characters running around. None of the villains, though, because this was evidently a magical utopia land. (WITH RORSCHACH THERE, WTF.)
Also the world of magical characters was apparently in the same damn place the awesome canteen/shopping center was in, because there I was in it. So Batman was made to learn various Heartfelt Lessons, but as he did so, he began gradually morphing into me, and the Joker guide became less Joker and less...solid. Actually I have a growing suspicion that the 'Joker' figure was a whole bunch of different people in that town. But that doesn't matter, because apparently the whole dream was building up to my lifelong certainty that I am ACTUALLY BATMAN.
I had Chinese food and a praline ice cream cone before going to bed. I must try this combination again.