the quarter (plus a little) in fic

Apr 07, 2006 16:55

Inspired by recent posts from musesfool and prillalar, not to mention china_shop's interesting graphical summaries of what she's written lately, I thought I'd list what I've posted since the first of the year and look at trends and statistics. (And hey, if you missed one, you can catch up, because you want to read all my stories, don't you?) I'm cheating a little by including a story posted in April, but right now is a good time to summarize because I have no stories being written right now, and a little break before I write and post the next.

(Not) Being Ray Vecchio, dS, Fraser/RayK-ish, PG, 1650 words | challenge, humor
Theory/Practice, SGA, McKay/Sheppard, NC17, 1280 words | angst
Back Porch Sunset, Wilby Wonderful, Duck/Dan, PG, 735 words | vignette
On The Bus, Narnia/HP, Susan/Albus, G, 680 words | challenge, drama

Still Life Wilby Wonderful, Duck/Dan, NC17, 6400 words | romance
Definitely Not In Kansas, RPF, Callum/isiscolo/joandarck, PG, 900 words | humor

Security Breach, SGA, Teyla/Bates, NC17, 2000 words | drama
You'll Go Blind, SGA, McKay/Sheppard, NC17, 2350 words | challenge, drama
Why Rodney never calls John by his first name SGA, McKay/Sheppard, G, 340 words | humor
if you can see where you're going, dS/Wilby Wonderful, Frannie/Buddy, Duck/Dan, Fraser/RayK, PG, 9100 words | romance
Ich Weiss Nicht (the Eins, Zwei, Drei remix), dS, Frannie/M, RayK/M, implied RayK/Fraser; R, 2400 words | challenge, drama
Keeping Watch (Alien Backbeat Remix) SGA, Ronon/Elizabeth, PG, 900 words | challenge, drama

Almost still March
Ladykiller, RPF, Callum/Hugh, Hugh/F, NC17, 7400 words | drama

For a total of 13 stories, around 36,135 words, in a variety of fandoms, genres, and ratings.

I thought this list, viewed as a time series, would show a trend in what I've been writing, but it really doesn't - the fandoms are all mixed up. However, I feel as though I'm moving away from SGA and toward other fandoms, although I have certainly not given up on SGA. SGA dominates the pie chart of the stories I wrote by fandom:

But if you look at the actual number of words written in each fandom, SGA is a much smaller slice:

And in fact if you group the fandoms appropriately, the real picture emerges:

(This measures fandom Callumosity, and not story Callumosity; for example, the ds/Wilby story has only a small amount of Callumosity, but I'm counting it due to both fandoms being Callumish.)

Okay, what other possibly-interesting conclusions can I draw? 5/13 stories were written for challenges, although three others (the RPF stories and the SGA ficlet about names) were inspired by lj discussions. 2/13 are crossovers. 3/13 are humor, and they tend to the shorter ones - this surprises me, actually, that there aren't more. 7 are primarily slash, 5 are primarily het, 1 is equal parts both - zero gen and zero femslash, at the moment. This compares interestingly to last year when slash and gen far outnumbered het and femslash.

In my 2005 in review post I noted that out of 15 stories (yes, 15 for the whole year as compared to 13 for just the first quarter, here; but two of them were novella-length, and I spent about half of the year away from fandom) only two were NC17, and I resolved to write more porn in 2006. So far, I'm living up to my resolution, with 2 G, 5 PG, 1 R, and 5 NC17 stories, which means that nearly half my stories have some degree of smut:

But again, comparing word count rather than number of stories gives smut the edge:

So far, my most popular story by far this year was Theory/Practice; it's a good story, I think, but its popularity is more due to the confluence of fandom, pairing, and rating than anything else. (On the other hand, You'll Go Blind has the same fandom, pairing, and rating, and was much less popular - and I agree it's not as good a story.)

My personal favorite is Ladykiller, but that might be just because it's my most recent. But I think it's a fabulous story, not least because it's been crafted to have the emotional impact of a sledgehammer to the skull, and I'm proud of that. I'd also have to say it's the most sexy story I've written so far this year.

So, what's next on the agenda? I've signed up for the ds_flashfiction Badfic Challenge. My highwaymiles story - HCL/Wilby crossover - is being figured out in my head, but I haven't started it yet. And I've signed up for the greatestfits challenge; I have a few ideas floating around in my head for it, and this one just may end up being SGA. I haven't touched either of my SGA WsIP in a long time, but I'm starting to think about picking one of them up again. And that's about it, for now.

Oh, and GIP. Because Callum handporn is hot, but Callum handporn with handcuffs is even hotter. (Image clipped from stormymouse's caps of BSG Flesh and Bone, which I finally watched last night.)

navel-gazing, statistics, random silliness, fic, writing

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