whereas we are tired of politics as usual

Apr 08, 2006 07:55

Today is our Democratic party's county assembly, which is the equivalent of the state and national conventions but on a local level. We will officially nominate and vote on candidates for the primary and vote on resolutions that were raised in the caucuses last month to get passed on to the state level. I thought you all would be amused by resolution #24:
Since the word, “whereas,” is rarely used in common parlance (of course, neither is parlance); and

Because, “whereas,” is primarily the lingo of lawyers and historical literature; and

Given that Democrats have enough challenges attracting new, active participants, without having to explain and justify archaic language and arcane processes;

Therefore, we resolve to eschew (just making the point!) the use of “whereas,” along with other archaic and arcane traditions wherever practical.

random silliness, politics, language

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