Ich Weiß Nicht (the Eins, Zwei, Drei remix) - audio version

Apr 07, 2006 10:53

I've completed the audio version of my due South Remix story. This was a lot of fun to put together because treewishes's husband recorded the German-language bits for me separately, so I got to play with fading, envelope effects, and mixing. I was striving for an effect along the lines of what NPR does when they air an interview segment with someone who is speaking through a translator. The sound quality is still a little weird in places - there's a bit of a hollow effect from the noise removal - but I think overall it's pretty good. Please right-click and save the mp3 file, which is about 13.5MB, 14:23 long.

Ich Weiß Nicht (the Eins, Zwei, Drei remix) audio version (13.5MB) | written version (2400 words)
due South, Frannie/M, RayK/M, implied RayK/Fraser; R.
Summary: Three people Josef meets in Chicago. Spoilers for Dead Men Don't Throw Rice.
This story is a remix of Ich Weiß Nicht (NC17, RayK/M, implied RayK/Fraser) by pearl_o, written for Remix Redux IV.
Thanks to Raul Nickelgruber for reading assistance!

audiofic, due south, fic

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