Nov 23, 2012 04:04

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing. I make nothing. The characters and settings featured in these stories are the properties of others. These are works of homage and no copyright infringement is intended.

  • " Fall of Krypton" (WIP - yes, I'm still working on it.)
    Summary: World of Krypton (1979) re-imagined as a Smallville prequel. The beginning of the End. Five days from five points of view.
    *"PART ONE JOR-EL" posted 3 April 2007.
    Summary: Jor-El has a bachelor party.
    Pairing, Rating and Word Count: Jor-El/Zod, Teen, 1502 words
    RECCED by literaryll on 16 April 2007.

Battlestar Galactica (RDM):
  • "What If?AU" posted 5 January 2010 in fandom_stocking
    Fandom and Pairing: Battlestar Galactica (RDM), Bill Adama/Laura Roslin
    Summary: Bill gets a book.
    Rating and Word Count: PG, 247 words

  • " Good Hunting" posted 14 March 2008 in ninebillion
    Prompt: ''Guard of the race, embued with gentle mind, to helpless youth benevolent and kind;benignant nourisher; with births you sympathise.' Kara prays the hymn to Artemis every night, trying to believe in divine motherhood." From rivrea.
    Rating and Word Count: Teen, 1225 words
    RECCED by firestar28 on 22 April 2008.

Battlestar Galactica/Harry Potter CROSSOVER:
  • untitled posted 5 January 2010 in fandom_stocking.
    Fandom and Pairing: Battlestar Galactica (RDM)/Harry Potter, Athena/Bill Weasley/Fleur Delacor
    Summary: Athena enjoys her relationships.
    Rating and Word Count: PG, 156 words

  • " Journey" posted 24 December 2009.
    Pairing: Jerome Morrow/Vincent Freeman
    Summary: A meditation on the perspective of Jerome.
    Rating, Word Count: Mature, 763
    Prompt: for ignaz_wisdom for Yuletide 2009.

Roman Holiday:
  • " One Day" posted 24 December 2009.
    Pairing: Joe Bradley/Princess Ann, Joe/OFC, Ann/OMC
    Summary: Twenty years later, Joe reflects.
    Rating, Word Count: PG-13, 1010
    Prompt: for fairestcat for Yuletide 2009.

Bridge over Troubled Water:
  • " Lie la Lie" posted 25 December 2009.
    Fandom and Character: "The Boxer", Original Character
    Summary: A runaway keeps fighting.
    Rating, Word Count: Mature, 269
    Prompt: for bethfrish for Yuletide 2009.

Star Trek:
  • " Demora" posted 5 January 2010 at fandom_stocking.
    Fandom and Character: The Original Series, Demora Sulu, Hikaru Sulu/Pavel Chekov
    Summary: Demora's a child of her fathers.
    Rating, Word Count: PG, 151 words

  • "Iliana Ghemor Meet Kira Nerys" posted 5 January 2010 at fandom_stocking.
    Fandom and Pairing: Deep Space Nine, Iliana Ghemor and Kira Nerys, Tekeny Ghemor
    Summary: Iliana learns about her father too late to go see him.
    Rating, Word Count: PG, 188 words

  • "Never Get Back" posted 25 October 2009.
    Fandom and Pairing: Deep Space Nine, Jake Sisko
    Summary: Jake plays baseball in a holosuite after "What You Leave Behind".
    Rating, Word Count: PG, 217 words
    X-posted to: starfleet_hq for Mission #7 Mini-Holo-Novels on 25 October 2009.

DC Comics:
  • " Abandoned No More (Doing It For Ourselves Remix)" posted 16 May 2010 at A03 and 31 May 2010 on this journal.
    Fandom and Characters: Birds of Prey/Teen Titans/Batgirl, Rose Wilson, Cass Cain, Charlie Gage-Radcliffe, Sin
    Rating and Word Count: PG-13, 1276 words
    Remixed from pervyficgirl's story, " We Will Be Villains, Then" for remixers_lounge 2010.

  • " The Faculty of Conscious and Especially of Deliberate Action" posted 13 May 2010 at comicsbigbang.
    Fandom and Character: Justice Society of America, Alan Scott
    Pairings: Alan Scott/Molly Mayne, Alan Scott/Alyx Florin, Alan Scott/Irene Miller, Alan Scott/OFC, Alan Scott/Jay Garrick/Joan Williams implied
    Rating and Word Count: PG-13/Mature, 11,636 words

  • " Broken" posted 20 March 2010.
    Fandom and Pairing: Justice Society of America, Grant Emerson/Jesse Chambers/Rick Tyler
    Prompt: "Grant Emerson/Jesse Chambers/Rick Tyler, healing, scars mean nothing, past" by shiny_glor_chan at the DCU Spring Porn Fest 2010.
    Rating and Word Count: R, 210 words

  • " Blush" posted 19 March 2010.
    Fandom and Pairing: Justice Society of America, Courtney Whitmore/Maxine Hunkel
    Prompt: "Courtney Whitmore/Maxine Hunkel, excitable, first time, sex on the JSA meeting table" by milleniumrex at the DCU Spring Porn Fest 2010.
    Rating, Word Count: NC-17, 534 words

  • " Heroes" posted 13 February 2010 for "Humility" at 7_virtues and for kirax2's Heroes in Haiti Challenge.
    Fandom and Characters: Justice Society of America, Pieter Cross, Jakeem Williams
    Rating and Word Count: PG, 262 words

  • " Life of the Flesh" posted 19 January 2010 for "Wrath" at 7_deadly_sins_.
    Fandom and Pairing: Green Lantern/JLA, Kyle Rayner/Todd Rice
    Rating and Word Count: NC-17, 1951 words

  • "Alan Scott per Doiby Dickles" posted 5 January 2010 in fandom_stocking.
    Fandom and Pairing: Green Lantern, Doiby Dickles, Alan Scott/Irene Miller
    Summary: Doiby reflects on his friend.
    Rating, Word Count: PG, 266 words

  • "First Time" posted 5 January 2010 at fandom_stocking.
    Fandom and Pairing: Teen Titans, Dick Grayson/Roy Harper
    Summary: Roy tries something new in Titans Tower.
    Rating, Word Count: NC-17, 401 words

  • "Coming Home" posted 31 December 2009.
    Fandom and Pairing: Superman, Clois, Chris/Thara
    Summary: Lois is presented with homecomings for Christmas.
    Rating: PG-13, 781 words
    Prompt: Written for "CELL PHONE" at 12days_of_clois

  • "That Will Mean I May" posted 28 December 2009.
    Fandom and Pairing: World's Finest, Clark/Bruce, Clois
    Summary: songfic: 'Cause I've seen, oh, blue skies/Through the tears in my eyes/And I realize, "I'm Going Home"
    Rating, Word Count: PG-13, 1222 words
    X-posted to: worlds_finest for WFGE on 28 December 2009.

  • "Settling In" posted 24 December 2009.
    Fandom and Characters: Justice Society of America, Todd Rice, Sanderson Hawkins, Todd/Damon
    Summary: No one talks to Todd.
    Rating, Word Count: PG, 256 words
    Prompt: for neotoma at Yuletide.
    RECCED by unloveablehands on 27 December 2009.

  • "What's Your Objective" posted 24 December 2009.
    Fandom and Pairing: Justice Society of America, Courtney Whitmore/Maxine Hunkel
    Summary: Maxine shares her Wicked obsession with Courtney.
    Rating, Word Count: PG, 498 words
    Prompt: for milleniumrex at Yuletide.
    RECCED by unloveablehands on 27 December 2009.

  • "Equilibrium" posted 23 December 2009.
    Fandom and Characters: JSA, Karen Starr, Courtney Whitmore, Jesse Chambers, Libby Lawrence, Ma Hunkel
    Summary: Jesse and Courtney have doubts; Karen lends an ear.
    Rating, Word Count: PG, 3052 words
    Prompt: for neotoma for jbbs.

  • "Gluttony" posted 06 March 2009 for 7_deadly_sins_.
    Fandom and Pairing: Justice Society of America, Jesse Chambers/Grant Emerson/Rick Tyler
    Rating and Word Count: PG, 469 words
    RECCED by stinglikeabee on 23 August 2009.

  • " Diligence" posted 06 March 2009 for 7_virtues.
    Fandom and Characters: Justice Society of America, Alan Scott, Molly Mayne, Jennie-Lynn Hayden, Todd Rice
    Rating and Word Count: PG, 311 words

  • "Bruce in a Cave, Day 13" posted 15 August 2008.
    Fandom and Pairing: Batfamily, Dick/Tim
    Summary: Tim is invited to play.
    Rating, Word Count: ADULT, 1784 words
    X-posted to: batfic, mrsarcastic_tim and we_love_dick on 25 November 2008
    RECCED by iesika on 16 June 2009.
    RECCED by snake_easing on 13 July 2009.

  • "Ersatz" posted 20 November 2008.
    Fandom and Pairings: Teen Titans, Tim/Cassie, Tim/Kon, Cassie/Kon
    Summary: Cassie remembers; Tim fantasizes; neither is Conner.
    Rating and Word Count: ADULT, 1322 words
    X-posted to: timkon, timxcassie and titans_together on 24 November 2008

DC movies/Marvel movies CROSSOVER:
  • " Sweet Talk" posted 14 February 2010
    Fandom and Pairing: The Dark Knight/Iron Man CROSSOVER, Bruce/Tony
    Rating and Word Count: PG-13, 1220 words
    Prompt: for heeroluva's winning bid at help_haiti
    X-posted to wayne_stark on 14 February 2010.

Marvel Comics:
  • " Leave" posted 6 January 2010 at fandom_stocking.
    Fandom and Pairing: Captain America, Bucky and Steve
    Rating and Word Count: PG, 249 words

  • " The Little Things" posted 24 December 2009.
    Fandom and Pairing: Captain America, Bucky and Steve
    Rating and Word Count: Mature, 437 words
    Prompt: for pervyficgirl at Yuletide.

  • "Presence" posted 24 December 2009.
    Fandom and Pairing: Captain America, James/Natasha
    Rating and Word Count: PG-13, 383 words
    Prompt: for lost_constant at Yuletide.

  • " Found" posted 16 September 2009.
    Fandom and Pairings:Captain America, Bucky/Steve
    Summary: Steve cuts Bucky's hair.
    Rating and Word Count: PG, 212 words
    X-posted to: buckycap, raremarvelpairs and marvel_slash on 16 September 2009.

  • " Tea Time"
    Fandom and Pairings: X-Men First Class, Jean/Scott, Jean|Wanda
    Summary: It's not quite a pillow fight in a X-Men First Class future.
    Rating and Word Count: PG, 998 words
    Originally posted to: heroines_fest on 09 October 2009
    RECCED by likeadeuce on 15 October 2009.
    REMIXED in 2010, "Tea time (The Middle of the Story Remix)" by seriousfic.

Vertigo Comics:
  • "Rebellious Bonds"
    Fandom and Characters: Lucifer, Michael Demiurgos, Lucifer Morninstar, Yahweh, Elaine Belloc, Sandalphon
    Summary: Michael struggles with relationships.
    Rating and Word Count: PG, 705 words
    Prompt: for klinche at Yuletide.

  • "Suited"
    Fandom and Characters: Y: The Last Man, Rose Copen/Allison Mann, 355/Yorick Brown
    Summary: A poker match and minor arcana reflections on the lives of Rose, Allison, 355, and Yorick and how they've changed each other.
    Rating and Word Count: R, 1297 words
    Prompt: for schmevil at Yuletide.

  • 7_virtues table
    Fandom and Characters: JSA general series




  • 7_deadly_sins_ table
    Fandom and Characters: JSA general series




  • Women Are Awesome table at

    001. Strength
    002. Survival

    004. Consent
    005. Pain

    006. Gentle
    007. Wisdom
    008. Learning
    009. Sister
    010. Family

    011. Joy
    012. Power
    013. Trust
    014. Success
    015. Sexy

    016. Adventure
    017. Dreams
    018. Alone
    019. Games
    020. Growth

    021. Velvet
    022. Silk
    023. Steel
    024. Choice
    025. Fear

    026. Religion
    027. Freedom
    028. Music
    029. School
    030. Taste

    031. Community
    032. New
    033. Safe
    034. Culture
    035. Home

    036. A phone call
    037. Art
    038. Water
    039. Color
    040. Danger

    041. Noise
    042. Quiet
    043. Stormy
    044. Boys
    045. Children

    046. Car
    047. Super Heroine
    048. Warrior
    049. Politics
    050. Writer's


master list

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