"Found", Bucky/Steve, PG, 212 words

Sep 16, 2009 00:45

Fandom Marvel Comics (Captain America)
Title Found
Rating/Warning PG, pre-slash/unbeta'd - point and I'll correct
Pairings/Characters James Buchanan Barnes (Bucky)/Steve Rogers (Captain America)
Spoilers/Summary/Prompt AU from issue #14 of Ed Brubaker's Cap - What if Bucky hadn't been transported to Fort Lehigh; Steve took him home with him instead.
Disclaimer I own nothing. I make nothing. Bucky and Steve belong to Marvel Comics and Disney.
Word Count 212
Thanks to literaryll and merelyfic for the inspiration and enthusiasm.

The tips of Steve's fingers touch Bucky's scalp. Massaging. Calming his nerves. Both their nerves Steve hoped. Breathed. Having Bucky home still sharp and unbelievable if not for the physical contact.

Bucky had showered, taking a long time. Steve imagined he was trying to scrub the guilt of the Winter Soldier's actions physically off his body conscience. Steve laid out a pair of gray sweats and one of his ARMY t-shirts. It was a bit large for Bucky, but Steve liked the way it fit Bucky - loose and clingy. Comfortable.

Now though, the T-shirt was covered with one of Steve's towels draped around Bucky's broad shoulders. Steve was cutting his hair. Another thing Bucky needed to feel like himself again - a decent, classic hair cut. Steve was determined to do everything he could to make Bucky whole and well again.

He ran his fingers through his hair, separating the strands. Soft. Vulnerable. Beautiful.


He cut the strands beneath his fingers. Coarse. Strong. Masculine.


He breathed in the smell of him. Clean. Earthy. Alive.


His hand strayed down to Bucky's temple. Stroked. Gentle. Possessive. Longing.

Bucky startled. "Cap. Steve... " Searching.

There wasn't any need to search anymore. Steve dropped his head to Bucky's own and kissed it.

x-posted to buckycap, raremarvelpairs, and marvel_slash

fandom: marvel comics, *less than 1000 words, pairing/s: slash

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