Fandom Marvel Comics (Captain America)
Title Leave
Pairing(s)/Character(s) Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers
Rating/Warnings PG/none
Spoilers none
Summary Bucky and Steve go to a picture show.
Word Count 249
Notes Written for
lost_constant at
fandom_stocking Bucky and Steve were in New York for a series of events to improve moral on the homefront and increase recruitment for the war effort. They had a a parade in the morning, but tonight they were on their own and would sleep in a real bed, courtesy the War Department.
They decided to take in a moving picture for their leave this evening. It had been a long time since Bucky had seen a picture and he was looking forward to it. Steve, however, tensed as soon as the newsreel started. Bucky could feel it. It radiated off Steve in waves.
Bucky cracked a joke to ease the tension, but Steve admonished him, his back straighter than ever.
Bucky frowned. The whole point of their night off was to relax, the better to present themselves for the press and the masses tomorrow. It wasn't going to work if Steve insisted on holding everything on his shoulders tonight. Yeah, he was Cap, but tonight, he was really just Steve and Bucky wanted him to remember that.
The movie wasn't important. Bucky tapped Steve's shoulder, "Let's go."
Steve looked confused. "I thought you really wanted to see this?"
"Not really. I'd really rather get some fresh air and walk around the city some. I've never been to New York. Show me around?"
"Yes. Let's go." Steve actually looked pleased. He almost smiled even. He always seemed to be happiest doing something for somebody else. Bucky was glad to be that somebody and glad to make Steve happy.