Asian food shopping!

Dec 30, 2022 21:09

But first...  I woke up early because I had an appt for a blood draw.  I actually showed up early so had to wait.  Not sure if I would have been seen earlier without an appt.  Because 2 other appts came around the same time.

Made tuna for breakfast.  Regretted at least not getting a coffee after my blood draw.  I usually get breakfast, but as Mom said re lunch, we had so much food.

Bought stuffs for NYE.  Went to HMart for the 12 round fruit / grape(ape)s.  Didn't wander around enough for me to revert to being an Asian / do an Asian squat.  Mom and I got our calendars.  Lol.  I use the HMart calendar on my "computer" desk at home.  The St. E's calendar at work / my prayer space.  The HMart calendar stands up vs the other 2 which need to be hung.  While setting up my calendars...  It's "funny" how I really only put the Aunts bdays.  Like...  I don't have Tito Abe's bday, nor them downstairs.  In terms of cousins I only list geebs and sparkyboy.  Lol.  Maybe I need to figure out when everyone eles's bday is and add them as well.  Lol.  I'm making a spreadsheet...

After HMart we went to the Filipino store.  Mom wants her tikoy.  But then the lady asked about Chinese New Year being in Jan?  I guess it's more a Chinese New Year thing?  Mom doesn't remember us making it last year.  I wasn't a fan...  It's like some fried, but sticky thing covered in eggs.  We got biko and maja instead.  And the Queso de Bola.  7500centfish got otap.  We always get it on the return trip home from Sight and Sound along with an empanada and other Filipino / Costco snacks.

Honeybaked ham.  Mom wanted the smallest ham.  Which I guess is the 1/4 ham on bone.  But we got the smallest, well a little more than smallest half ham?  And they tried to sell us a turkey thing.  No thanks...  I got some mustard as well.

Home.  7500centfish attempted to order a pizza.  But Mom kiboshed that because we had so many left overs.  But...  I'm not eating anything more than the tuna fish.  I'm gaining too much weight anyway...

Update on Papa Benny...  He concelebrated Mass from his bed this (?) afternoon.  So...  They then said Mass for him at St. John Lateran.

Reddit thread.  Which Rite Am I.  Interesting...  His mother is Roman Catholic.  His father was baptized / raised Methodist.  Who as an adult "converted" to Byzantine (Ruthenian) Catholic.  (FYI, the Catholic Church is actually many Churches / Rites the Roman being the largest.)  OP was then baptized / crismated as Ruthenian.  But he has since learned his father never formally switch rites.  From his understanding the fact his father was baptized as a Methodist he is default Roman Catholic since it is an off shoot of the Western Rite / Roman Rite.  And...  The Rite you are part of comes from the father.  A lot of the responses are you were baptized Ruthenian therefore you are Ruthenian.  It doesn't matter what you father was.  Or you father when he converted went to the Eastern churches, therefore you, etc, etc.  But like OP said, he should have switched rites.  At the end of the day...  The fact it's a Catholic church and not Orthodox, it all ends with the Pope as the supreme head of the Church.  But I think it affects marriage and stuff and which Bishop you are supposed to follow.  Like with Marriage you're really supposed to get permission to marry outside of your Rite, etc.  And...  Like for example...  1.  Geography determines your parish, not where you choose to go.  As I've said I was baptized / continue to attend a parish that is not mine.  In the event I ever get married...  I'd have to get permission from the pastor I do not know to have my wedding at St. E's.  takyttik82 lives in the DRVC, but goes to church in the Diocese of B, as well is Aaliyah's school.  For example when they had the Mass dispensation due to covid.  RVC ended the dispensation a week before B did.  So...  She would have to attend Mass when RVC says and not a week later when B says.

7500centfish then brought up Grandpa.  Well, Mom first...  Saying he was baptized Catholic, but then left.  7500centfish then asked but what if he was baptized baptist.  I'm like it doesn't mean anything.  There is only 1 baptism.  7500centfish said my reasons had holes...  Like suppose a Baptist didn't believe Catholic baptism was valid and he was "re"baptized.  As a Catholic it means nothing, I mean aside from being sinful...  Like if a baptist or anyone who was baptized in Trinitarian form converted to Catholicism they would not be baptized again, because...  There is 1 baptism.  You cannot undo / redo what God has already done.  I then mentioned, probably poorly...  Everything not Catholic is either heretical or in schism.  I guess what I meant...  Catholicism is the Church.  It is the fullness of the faith.  Everything else is just a partial understanding.  There is a boat analogy I've heard where people decide to mutiny and take parts with them.  Some follow the general path, but they are still incomplete.  She then asked about the Jews...  Catholicism is the fulfillment of the Old Covenant.  We're not bound to Old Testament laws apart from the Moral laws.  Therefore we cannot divorce, but we can eat bacon (ceremonial laws).

I don't even know who the dude is...  But my twitter feed, mostly Mets twitter for some reason blew up with this dude being arrested in Romania for human trafficking violations.  They were able to locate him because he posted a vid with a pizza box from a Romanian pizza chain.  Honestly it looks like a Domino's Pizza rip off...  But, now I want to know if my priest has had Jerry's Pizza.  HAHAHAHA!!!  But then again, the closest chain is 3 hours from where he's from.

  • If you're gonna be anti something...
  • Papa Benny.
  • Cats.
  • Adoration of the Magi in the style of Sleeping Beauty.
  • catholicism, st e, buy me stuff

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