Always amused...

Dec 29, 2022 21:02

As I said, Pope Emeritus Benedict is said to be sick / assumed to be close to death.  Last report was he's awake and lucid, stable.  When 7500centfish and I were out I bought some Orange fanta for when the time comes...  I also pulled all my Ratzinger books and my Papal card and took pics...  So yeah, I posted that on instagram and Fr. I faved it.  Dork!  I also went on a shopping spree and bought some Razinger books off amazon.  FYI...  I believe it is common practice to cite works written by popes by their actual names and not their papal names, hence why I refer to him as Ratzinger and not Pope Benedict.

Anyway, I slept in this AM.  As I said there was a funeral this AM at St. E's and I felt weird crashing it.

Oh and by slept in...  I think I got up at 7:30 instead of 7.  I came down at a usual time.  Mom asked for bacon.  I was gonna like fry it, but Mom said to microwave it.  It wasn't as crispy to her liking.  So I took my share before she put it in longer.  I had it with oatmeal.  Mom wanted to go to a new Filipino store, but come the time to leave she no longer wanted to get dressed and just stayed home and watched Ginger.

We first went to petsmart to buy pet food.  7500centfish got food for her pets.  I then got some catnip and a small bag of cat food to lure tuxedo cat...  But then last night I saw a different cat.  It was like...  A grey and white tabby cat, but instead of solid grey it had like patches of grey sprinkled with black and white then large patches of white.

Went to Rite Aid to buy my orange Fanta.  They asked me if I had a loyalty card.  Do they accept Walgreens?  No.  But I guess I still have an acct from before they transitioned?

Went to the new Filipino store.  It...  Didn't have what we were looking for.  In the sense that they have ready made desserts and the like.  Mom needs her something sticky for New Years.  So we might have to go to another store.  7500centfish then ordered some soup and lumpia to go.  Ensemada.  She said it was good.  Oh and the lumpia didn't have filler, so that's a plus.

Mom requested a burger, but then didn't specify which.  So we ended up getting McD.  I got my chicken nuggies.

Forgot to write yesterday!  At Red Lobster we saw a priest(ess?)!  I mean...  I first noticed a person come in with a pink / purple jacket with a frilly hood.  She removed it and...  I then saw the "Roman" collar and pectoral cross.  Oh...  I immediately got Anglican vibes.  I then started questioning man or woman...  But even then still getting Anglican vibes.  geebs pointed him/her to me.  As did Tita Neng.  Wondering if I knew all the priests in the area...  Lol.  No.  But yeah, 7500centfish guess woman as well because of the pants and voice.  Maybe next year I should get Fr. I a Red Lobster gift card!  HAHAHAHA!!!


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