64 goals for 2010

Dec 31, 2010 23:59


1) Finish all the books I have started reading but not finished (list to follow) list here
2) Sort unread books into three piles
-2A) Books I will definitely read list here
-2B) Books I might read list here
-2C) Books I definitely won't read
3) Read one non-fiction book a month
4) Read one fiction book a week
5) Keep a book diary on LJ. The reviews don't have to be long, they just need to exist

REVIEW: Well, despite not reading many of the books that were on my lists by about September, I still managed to read some of them.

That is still very much something I need to do in earnest in 2011 - read all the books I have just waiting for me to get around to them. I'm really trying to not buy any books until I finish the 100 or so books I should be reading.


01) Watch all DVDs before buying new ones (list to follow) list here
02) Watch at least new sci-fi show
03) Watch at least one old classic show
04) Watch at least one new regular show

REVIEW: Well, I managed to watch a couple of new shows: In Plain Sight, Mad Men and Thick Of It

I watched all three seasons of IPS and TOI. I'm watching season three of Mad Men and I'll be dling season four in the New Year.

However, I didn't managed to watch an old classic show, nor a new sci-fi show. Although, in my defence, are there any good, new sci-fi shows out there?


01) Catch up on all DVDs before buying new ones (list to follow) list here
02) Got to the cinema at least once a week
03) Keep a film diary on LJ. The reviews don't have to be long. They just have to exist

REVIEW: Well, I managed to watch several of my DVDs, I really didn't get to see many films in the cinema. Woe is me.


01) Tidy desk and then keep it tidy
02) Sort out paperwork and then keep it organised
03) Get into work for 9.30am at the latest. This tardiness has got to stop - n/a I know start work at 10am...yeah, that's working well...
04) Keep on top of returns (I'm good at this, but it doesn't hurt to restate things occassionally)
05) Follow up lost/missing/otherwise unfulfilled orders - n/a - no longer part of my job description
06) Open deliveries when they arrive so I at least know what's here - n/a - no longer part of my job description
07) Write messages down so I don't forget things. On a related note, don't forget to give people said messages that have been written down
08) Keep book shelves tidy
09) Don't spend as time on the Internet

REVIEW: Well, by half way through the year my job changed so much that most of this really didn't apply any more. This is no bad thing *g*


01) Walk to work everyday
02) Email Henry at least once a week
03) Email friends and family more often
04) Phone people when I say I will
05) Give up bread for a month
06) Give up pasta for a month
07) Give up cookies, brownies etc for a month
07A) Give up chocolate for a month
08) Eat an apple a day
09) Drink less juice
10) Keep and maintain a diary. This way I won't forget stuff.

REVIEW: *coughs* Well, apparently it's communication with friends and family not online that I need to focus on. Must work on that.


01) Be better at reviewing fics that I read - especially those I rec or add to my delicious
02) Keep up to date with organising my delicious account
03) Complete my WIPs
-3A) A Different Rate of Conversion
-3B) reel_merlin Coyote Ugly/Merlin fusion
-3C) My I don't know how many sequels to Spock's Kitten
-3D) The fics for my cliche_bingo card (I can't being myself to count how many that is.
-3E) My SGA/NCIS crossover
-3F) My sequel to A Long Time Gone
-3G) Epilogue to Romancing Alaska
-3H) My Arthur/Merlin fic the night before Arthur marries Gwen
-3I) My SGA big bang from 2008
-3J) Melrin's POV of It's Cold Outside
-3K) 6 Christmas ficlets for various people
04) Get into more fandoms
05) Write for more fandoms (If these could be Friday Night Lights and The Good Wife that would be awesome)
06) Go to at least three conventions
07) Go to ComicCon General photos Thursday photos Friday photos Saturday photos
08) Try to write at least 50,000 in fic - not including completing my WIPs
09) Be more disciplined with my writing. Don't get distracted. Write for a minimum of an hour a day. At a table. Only music is allowed.
10) Do a comms cut. Not a flist cut, but a comms one. I swear there are so many I just scroll past there is no point watching them.

REVIEW: *laughs* Well, yes, uh, this didn't go so well.

Maybe next year I'll get my muse back and I'll be able to write again.


1) Sort out paperwork and then keep it tidy for the rest of the year
2) Finally set up direct debits for water and electricity bills
3) Get a phone line and the Internet
4) Work out where to get the pesky light bulbs that no shop seems to stock
5) When it finally stops raining, weed the garden
-5A) Keep both front driveway and garden clear of weeds and grass cut
6) Buy a vaccum cleaner
7) Build bookcases in spare bedroom and living room

REVIEW: Well, by the end of the year, I think I rocked this section.


01) Visit Blenheim Palace. It's only an hour away. Photos here
02) Visit Baddesley Clinton and Packwood House
03) Go to an American city I have never been to before That would be San Francisco
04) Visit the West Midlands Safari Park
05) Go back to New York
06) Go to San Diego (Although, I will admit it wasn't exactly difficult seeing as I went to ComicCon)
07) Go on the London Eye Photos here

REVIEW: Well, New York didn't get done because I decided I really couldn't go there, too. Which, I have to say, seeing as I broke my foot, was probably a good thing.

I still need to go to West Midlands Safari Park and Baddesley Clinton and Packwood House. These will roll over to next year.


01) Go and see something at the RSC in Stratford-Upon-Avon
02) See something at the Globe MacBeth Merry Wives of Windsor
03) Go to at least three musicals in London
04) Go to at least three theatre productions in London
05) Visit four London museums
06) Visit the National Gallery
07) Visit the National Portrait Gallery
08) Visit the Chelsea Flower Show Photos here
09) Go to Madame Tussauds

REVIEW: I never got to any musicals, which was strange for me. Unless seeing Strictly Come Dancing at the Mayflower Theatre in Southampton counts.

I saw three theatre productions over the year, only not all of them were in London. Secrets of Sherlock in London, The Lady Vanishes in Winchester and The Tempest in Winchester.

And I only managed one museum: The Sherlock Holmes museum in Baker Street.

I still need to go to the National Portrait Gallery. But I'm not at all interested in going to Madam Tussauds any more.

All in all I managed 30/64, which is better than I was expecting.

me:new year resolutions, me:63 things

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