
Jun 06, 2010 02:17

I've been able to cross things off my 64 goals list, which is awesome.

MacBeth at The Globe

This was about two weeks ago, now. I can't quite believe it was that long ago. After the Merlin Meet of the same day, me, krazykipper and seektheinfinite made our way to The Globe and got there just about in time.

We had awesome seats and had great fun.

MacBeth has been my favourite play since I did it for my GCSEs but seeing it brought to life was amazing. It makes such a difference.

The scene with the Porter, MacDuff and...Ross? was SO much better to watch then read. It was always my least favourite part but now I think it's one of my favourites. The guy playing the Porter was amazing. SO funny. I never quite got how funny it was before.

The witches were amazing. Possibly the funniest bit with them was at the very beginning when they made their way to the stage through the standing only crowd and when they got there they revealed they had nicked someone's wallet (now I need suki_blue to tell me if it happens when she goes and sees it)

The guy playing MacBeth - Elliot Cowan - was stunning. He did a really good job of making MacBeth a sympathetic character despite the terrible things he does. He was also shirtless for some of the play and really very fit. I appreciated that.

And you get the special touches - like Banquo's son being happy to see MacBeth, showing the depth of their friendship.

And then, there was Lady MacBeth, who was played as a young, naive woman who loved her husband and didn't comprehend the extent of what she was pushing for. I liked the interpretation.

It was also really rather awesome with all the swords and armour. It made me want to watch Merlin again *g*

And now for my first ever picspam (which you can tell by the fact that I have no idea how to size the photos, but I think it's a good beginning). This marks something of a moment for me, really.

Blood from the first act (and it was a lot of blood) getting mopped up.

The curtain was kind of weird, and, honestly, I don't think it really added all that much to the play itself.

Okay, so you see that black cloth with all the holes? That was where the floating heads were. In fact, there are three people who have kindly not moved during the interval, so you can see exactly what I mean. People in the standing audience were put in them and before the play started some of the actors ran in between their legs making them scream. It was hilarious, especially if you were only watching *G*

Blood is still being swept away. You see in the middle of the stage there is a trapdoor? That is where they threw all the dead bodies.

It was kind of hilarious to watch these bodies being thrown into the hole and watching the backstage guys try to close the doors without being seen by those sitting with a view right into the trapdoor. Every time a body got thrown in there, everyone with that view (which was a lot of us) starting giggling.

Kind of inappropriate, I know, but really quite funny.

And those four smaller looking trapdoors? Bodies kept appearing and disappearing through them as well. It was awesome.

Some of the roof. I really have no idea why I took this (and the next) photo. But I can tell you there was a bird there, that kept flying back to perch on the lower straw. It was bloody distracting and at one point it had a worm.

This flag was flying all the way through the first half and the second, but the second the interval started until the minute it ended, the flag just fell.

Can't wait to see The Merry Wives of Windsor with my mum in August.

theatre:macbeth, me:63 things, picspam

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