ComicCon: Saturday

Aug 18, 2010 17:38

So, first up was the Chuck panel. We got up at a ridiculously early hour to be in line for about 06.30. Even though we got there that early the line was already massively long. By the time we got let into the Convention Centre and made our way to Ballroom 20 we were quite a way back.

tahariel and I decided that despite loving our favourite shows to death, we just weren't quite dedicated enough to line up much earlier than 6ish and definitely not overnight. Does this make us bad fans?

To those who know what the Convention Centre is like and how they run ComicCon: So last year, for the first panel, they lined everyone up on the outside veranda by Ballroom 20 until it hit about 8.30/9ish and then they moved the line up so that it was inside, by the big windows by Ballroom 20. And then, eventually they'd let us in the room, right?

This year they just lined everyone up inside and let it snake outside.

So, last year, I was outside and really near the door to let us inside which meant I was, in effect, near the front. This year I was outside and further back than last year. And there is, like, no difference between the time I got there last year and this year.

I'm not really complaining, more illustrating just how insane it was this year.

So, by now I think everyone knows that we got another performance by Jeffster - this time a dance video to Lady Gaga's Bad Romance.

Although the entire panel was kicked off with Morgan and Chuck saving the audience from being brainwashed by The Ring.

And it is also possible that you might have heard the awesome news that Linda Hamilton is going to be Chuck's mum. How cool is that?

As Josh Schwartz said on Twitter: Dr. Sam Beckett and Sarah Connor for parents, no wonder why Chuck & Ellie are so awesome!

The entire panel from where I was sitting

The co-moderators. So they knew who was talking when, they had a toy bunny that belongs to Fienberg's daughter and whoever was holding her, got to talk. A bit like the conch in Lord of the Flies but not as fatal.

The co-creators of Chuck

I'm pretty sure this was about the time Josh was joking about getting between Sarah and Chuck

Adam Baldwin wanted to hold the bunny

And while he did do he asked Joshua Gomez what his favourite thing about Casey was. Everyone in the room had the same reaction as Sarah is *g*

The reason for the fuzzy is because I was laughing so much it was hard to keep the camera still enough

He answer, by the way, was 'soft hands'. So people, we now know Casey has soft hands.

I have NO idea what was just said, but I love this picture of Zach

When asked what it felt like to find out Chuck had been picked up for a fourth season, Ryan was like, well, I don't want to use the word, awaesome, but...'

So the Chuck panel was pretty awesome except they didn't leave enough time for questions and everyone, the moderators, the cast and the audience were pretty bummed about that.

I then went back to the hotel room because I had nothing to do until the afternoon. I was able to keep an eye on the line for Hall H, which was a blessing because when I saw it at about 11am it was insanely huge. I suppose that's what happens when it's Harry Potter and Green Lantern.

Eventually the line went down to nothing and instead of staying in my room for any longer, I decided to line up so I definitely got into Hall H. I waited, twenty minutes, max. the shortest line I waited in, strangely enough.

So, Resident Evil 4 looks fucking awful. Not exactly a surprise, I know, but awful. A slow-mo 3D fight scene? Not a good idea.

I very, very nearly got up and stabbed Mila Jovovich in the eye for the number of times she said something looked 'sick'. Can we please get over that word already?

Then there was the Hall H stabbing. I do love that the people of Hall H found out what was happening through Twitter. Kind of hilarious. I'm also wondering just how many joke t-shirts there will be next year.

First up was Paul which looks amazing. So damn funny. They showed us some of the footage and 6500 people loved it. Especially the bit where they visited ComicCon. Not the real ComicCon, as much as they wished they could. As Nick Frost said, 'in the words of the fire marshall, fuck no.' So they moved it to Phoenix, I do believe.

The entire cast was there:-

Then Jon Favreau appeared on stage to thank us for our support for Iron Man 2. Then he announced that in 2011 Cowboys and Aliens will be released in 2D. It was announcement that was met with a lot of enthusiasm and must have had film execs everywhere a bit worried. How would have thought that less than a year after Avatar was released, so many people would already be yearning to return to good old 2D?

He then said that he had brought the cast with him.

First, Daniel Craig

And then

He was walked in by two security guards, in handcuffs, ala The Fugitive

If you follow me on Twitter you already know that my response was 'Harrison fucking Ford is in Hall H! Fucking Hell!!!!!! I can't believe this!!!'

The entire room surged to it's feet screaming, clapping, cheering, generally going fucking mental because Han Solo/Indiana Jones?Decker etc etc was standing in front of us all. It went on for just under five minutes. I think he kind of loved it *g*

The rest of the cast there included Sam Rockwell, but frankly once Harrison Ford appeared I more or less forgot about everyone else.

And then we saw some footage and it looks AWESOME!!! I can't wait for this movie to come out. It's going to rock.

Then it was Captain America

And then Thor

I've read a lot about how people thought the 3D for ,i>Thor was resoundingly crap, but I thought the complete opposite. Out of all the 3D I saw that afternoon, Thor was the only one that didn't make my eyes feel all cross-eyed.

Plus, the footage looked kind of awesome. I really hope that Thor is good.

I have no idea what she's talking about but I love the look on her face

And then we were asked if we minded sticking around for a few more minutes, despite it being later than usual (thanks to Mr. Stabber). Naturally we didn't mind.

And this is what happened...

(some of the photos are a bit blurry because I could hardly stay still)

Hawkeye and the new Hulk

And then Joss came out

I'm honestly not entirely sure how I survived this

And that was my Saturday. Pretty boring, as you can tell *G*

And the links to all the photos, should you wish to see more


Movie panels

convention:comiccon, film:captain america, film:paul, film:the avengers, show:chuck, film:thor

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