Fanfic: The Beat Chapter 7 (Rating NC-17)

Jun 08, 2009 12:37

TITLE: The Beat
RATING: Overall NC-17 (Mature content, strong language); this chapter PG-13
PAIRINGS: U-Know Yunho x Female OC; Micky Yoochun x Female OC
SUMMARY: Story dedicated to eklivejour . Eve Kim is a new writer for an upbeat entertainment magazine in the US. Her first assignment is TVXQ in the States. Strongly attracted to Yunho, she begins an intense relationship that is interrupted by Yoochun in more ways than one...

NOTE: Finally chapter seven is up, thanks a lot Cat for the help, cause I know you've been busy and all but I'll make it up to ya in the next chapter hehehe... Also, I'm making it up for last chapter's shortness hehe with a longer chapter this time and a little bit more of action (you'll see what I mean). Thanks in advance for reading and commenting. Enjoy~~

Previous chapters: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6


Eve took her time getting ready for Junsu's interview; she was to meet him in the lobby of their hotel and then head off to a quiet dinner for the interview. Junsu was the only one that she really felt like she didn't know very well and she looked forward to spending some quiet time with just him, getting to know his likes and dislikes, his basic personality.

She parked in front of the hotel and was about to get out when she saw Junsu wave from the front doors and dash to her car. Sliding in, he shut the door and grinned at her.

Maggie was right, Junsu was an angel. He had on a pair of black dressy slacks and a grey button-down shirt. He looked nice and he smelled even nicer!

"Hi Junsu, how are ya?” Eve grinned.

"Great! And you?" He asked, taking in her hair, all pulled up and held by a light colored wooden butterfly clip, and her outfit a short one piece chocolate sleeveless dress, her legs bare of stockings and strappy brown heels on her feet. She was very pretty and very easy to talk to; he didn't dread the interview at all.

"So where are we off to?" She smiled at him.

"Is Italian ok with you?" Junsu grinned and she laughed.

"More than ok, just remind me not to drop any food on myself. I'm famous for that!"

They pulled up at the restaurant quickly and parked the car. Eve fumbled in the back for her purse as he jumped out and went around immediately to her side of the car and opened her door.

"Thanks." She smiled up at him as he grabbed her hand and helped her climb out. Her car was a 1973 red Mustang convertible that had belonged to her father and her only extravagance so far but, it was hell to get out of with a tight little dress and heels on.

"Love the car, Eve!" Junsu smiled, looking it over from bumper to bumper.

"Oh thanks. You're driving it on the way back to the hotel, by the way. You would have driven it here if I had reached you before you'd gotten out of the hotel earlier." She said. He nodded and smiled.

They walked into the restaurant and Eve spoke to the waiter. It wasn't crowded at all and he showed them to a back table that was very private. Junsu seated her and then moved across to sit down himself.

"You really don't mind Italian then?”

“No, I promise. I haven't had it in a good long while so this will be great!" She smiled.

They ordered wine from a choice menu list and as it arrived, sat back and sipped. Eve found she didn't have to really “interview” Junsu; they just talked naturally and she kept her tiny recorder on the table between them as they ate, drank and talked. She learned about his love of soccer and music, his family, his long relationship with his girlfriend Jin Hee; they talked of it more than anything except the band. It was obvious he was quite devoted to Jin Hee and Eve found that admirable in him.

He then started in on the guys at once, giving his impressions of each of them and before long, he had her laughing so hard that her tummy started to ache.  It was amazing what you could find out about people when you lived 24/7 with them. Her first impressions of them seemed right on though, for everything Junsu had told her gelled with what she had in mind.

Glancing at her watch, she gasped: it was already 9:15.

"What's up?" Junsu smiled.

"I was supposed to have you back at that hotel 15 minutes ago. Oh Junsu, I'm so sorry!" She apologized and started to dig for her purse and keys.

"Hey, it's no problem. They know I'm with you so I'm safe, right? I do need to give Jin Hee a call though, so rest easy. Besides, I really want to drive that car of yours." He laughed.

They made it out of the restaurant and to the car and as before, Junsu helped Eve into the car.

"Yeah, this is cool!" He smiled and put the car in gear, heading back to the hotel.

They discussed cars: BMW's, Mercedes, Mustangs, Corvettes, all the way back and then Junsu was pulling up at the hotel, a bit regretful for he'd had a good time.

He leaned over to kiss her cheek and she smiled at him.

"I'm coming in with you, I have to collect Yunho." She said shyly and he could have sworn he saw a blush creep up her cheeks.

"Yunho's room is next to mine. C'mon, I'll take you up!" He said and they made their way into the lobby and the elevators.

"Oh well, umm..." Junsu started as the elevator doors closed.

"I know, me too."

Eve grabbed Junsu's hand on instinct. He squeezed her hand and closed his eyes. God, he hated these damn things!

The doors opened and he pulled her out. They started to laugh again.

"Ok here, up this way."

He led the way and Eve followed behind him. Knocking on the door, Junsu tried it and opened it.

"Junsu, are you back already?" Eve could hear Yunho from inside.

"Yes and brought you back a little surprise!" Junsu joked and stepped out of the way to reveal Eve. He didn't miss the way Yunho's eyes lit up when he saw her and then he knew.

"Ok boys and girls, I have to go make some phone calls and Eve, thanks so much. I had a wonderful time. The food was good, the company was even better and the car was excellent!" He laughed and bent to kiss her cheek for the second time.

"Thanks Junsu, see you at the photo shoot in the morning!" She called as he nodded and made his way into his room.

Yunho had studied Eve as she had been talking to Junsu. She looked gorgeous for her hair had fallen partially out of its confines; her dress did amazing things for her body, and her legs my God! What those sexy shoes did for her legs made it hard for him to drag his eyes away.

She turned back to Yunho and smiled.

"Ready?" She asked and grinning, he nodded.

He grabbed his bag off the bed; he'd just pulled on a pair of jeans and a tee shirt with his sneakers. He laughed when he noticed how underdressed he seemed next to her. She looked over at him and smiled, wondering what he was thinking when another door opened further down the hall and out came Yoochun, followed by Jaejoong.

Jaejoong had turned to lock the door so he didn't spot her with Yunho but Yoochun faltered slightly in his tracks, quickly recovering though. He smiled and started to speak when he was interrupted by Jaejoong's squeal of excitement.

"Oh look, it's my girl. I told you she was going to find me here, Yoochun. See?"

Jaejoong ran up the hallway, closing the distance between himself and Eve in seconds.

"Girl, look at you!" He admired and held her hands, stepping back to look her up and down.

"Jaejoong, for the love of God, do you mind?" Yunho asked.

Sometimes Jaejoong went way overboard and it was obvious he and Yoochun were going out for a little partying of their own, so Jaejoong was bound to be way off the wall.

"Eve, can I have a hug?" Jaejoong whispered, grinning.

"Yes, always." She smiled and he took her in his arms and gave Yunho a look over her shoulder.

"Umm, you’re gorgeous tonight. Did you and Junsu do Italian then?" He asked.

"Yes, we did. And I'm stuffed but we had a good time." She smiled.

"Good, now off to where?" Jaejoong asked and Yunho rolled his eyes. "Want to go clubbing with Yoochun and I?" He asked her.

"Maybe another time, we've got plans..." She said softly and looked up at Yunho.

Yoochun had watched them both and he felt a sinking sensation in the pit of his stomach. So it was true, Yunho did have feelings for her and she was reciprocating those.

A bit of anger flashed through him for she had told him that she couldn't or wouldn't get involved with any of them. But well, there was nothing he could do, she obviously preferred Yunho to him. He wasn't going to do something stupid to jeopardize what he had tried to repair with her.

His eyes found hers and he smiled at her. She smiled back and they started off for the elevator, the four of them. She got in first and slid back against the wall, gripping the rails. Yoochun, Yunho and Jaejoong climbed in after her and looked at each other.

"Eve, are you ok?" Yunho asked her. She nodded and swallowed.

"Uh oh, please don't tell me you don't like these things!" Jaejoong said and looked at Yoochun.

"How in hell did you and Junsu get up here then, all alone?" Yoochun asked and started to laugh.

"Very carefully, now hurry!" She laughed and bit her lip. The doors closed and she kept her eyes shut tight on impulse. Jaejoong slid over past Yoochun and grabbed her hand.

"Don't be afraid, your superman is here!" He said in her ear and she burst out with a laugh.

"Then I say I'm in trouble, right?" She smiled and he started to laugh.

The doors opened and all three guys watched with open mouths as Eve shot out of the elevator before either one of them could move. Yoochun laughed. She was so similar to  Junsu in that respect so they were used to it. Still, it just seemed strange coming from her, Ms. "I'm-SO-IN-Control" Eve.

They all went out the glass double doors and into the humid night air.

Eve grabbed Yunho's hand and slid her keys into his palm.

"You want me to drive?" He asked her and she nodded.

Jaejoong and Yoochun followed as they headed for her car and Yunho opened up the passenger side door for her to get in. She turned and knew at once that Jaejoong was going to crush her in one of his hugs- which he did, and then smacked her soundly on the lips.

She was still laughing when she noticed Yoochun in front of her, his eyes smiling, his face unreadable. Still, how could she kiss and hug Jaejoong and not Yoochun. It just wouldn't seem right or fair.

On the other hand, she hated herself for what his eyes did to her state of mind, so she went to him- he was only a few steps away from her anyway, and took his hands into hers and leaned in to kiss his cheek. It was only at the last second that he moved a fraction of an inch to the left and had his lips meet her own. He felt her stiffen against him then her lips opened slightly. It seemed to him that her kiss lasted forever.

Pulling away from him, she looked at him, her eyes wide with a shaky smile.

"Ok, time for us to run. Listen Yoochun, you better be on time for your interview tomorrow and Jaejoong, yours in the afternoon. We'll be all finished so don't be late and I mean it." She warned them, trying to get her heart rate back to normal before she turned to Yunho and got into the car.

"I promise to be on time if you promise that I get to go to lunch with you at the place of my choice all alone with you, fair enough?" Jaejoong teased, his eyes twinkling.

"Fair enough! And Yoochun, dinner with you, got it?”

She was trying to make things as normal as possible. Changmin's interview would be done first thing in the morning and they had arranged a breakfast meeting. One thing was for certain, she surely wouldn't go hungry while working on this story.

Turning, she looked up at Yunho, finding his eyes on her and smiled up at him before she ducked into the car. He shut the door, said something to Yoochun and Jaejoong and they were off.

Jaejoong watched the car pull away from the curb and hit Yoochun on the back of the head with his open palm.

"What the fuck was that for?" Yoochun yelped and rubbed the back of his head.

"That was for the slick move you just pulled. Damn Yoochun! How much more obvious could you get? And Yunho, did you see his face? Your ass has had it when he gets back here; you better have your door locked cause he will not forget that." Jaejoong puffed as they walked up the sidewalk.

"I did no more than you. Hell, look what you always do to her. You're always picking her up as well as hugging her, rubbing all over her and now kissing her. What the hell is so different with me doing it?" Yoochun asked.

"I don't know. I can't answer that one, maybe because I appreciate her openly while you lust after her secretly. Yunho sees how you look at her. Yeah, I know it annoys the hell out of him when I play with her and tease her but he hates for you to be within ten feet of her. He can tell, man. Don't ask me how but he can- hell, I can feel it too, something, some vibe between you two and Yunho don't like it one bit!" Jaejoong said.

Yoochun said nothing cause there was nothing he could say, it was all true- only well, he wasn't sure what he picked up off Eve. Maybe it was still dislike, maybe she was just trying really hard to be friendly to him, but the kiss, it had been a shared thing. Even though he had started it, she had not stopped it.

He groaned in frustration and decided to put Eve Kim out of his mind for the night at least.

genre: het, fanfic, tvxq, park yoochun, jung yunho, kim jaejoong, title: the beat

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