Fanfic: The Beat Chapter 5 (Rating NC-17)

May 26, 2009 09:09

TITLE: The Beat
RATING: Overall NC-17 (Mature content, strong language); this chapter PG-13
PAIRINGS: U-Know Yunho x Female OC; Micky Yoochun x Female OC
SUMMARY: Eve Kim is a new writer for an upbeat entertainment magazine in the US. Her first assignment is TVXQ in the States. Strongly attracted to Yunho, she begins an intense relationship that is interrupted by Yoochun in more ways than one...

NOTE: Story dedicated to eklivejour  (now oficially my beta and secretly the female lead in this story lol). So finally chapter 5 is up!  So yesterday I realized I hadn't updated in over two weeks so I decided to move my ass and hurry to finish with chapter five. It took me a while to update because I've been having problems with my internet connection, among other things...

Le sigh...

Anyway, this chapter is somewhat longer than the previous ones, and that's a good thing! And we're getting some more interaction between Chunface and Eve, and well get to know a little about Chun's thoughts, which will answer some question but also will bring up some more hehe. So, before I finish, I want to thank to everyone who has read and those who have commented, you know it makes me so happy. Enjoy the new chapter and don't forget to drop a line or two.

Links for previous chapters: 1; 2; 3; 4


Eve came into the meeting full of ideas and energy; her editors were impressed with all the knowledge she had gathered so far and were anxious to see what would come out of her individual interviews with the boys.

Jaejoong and Yoochun were having pictures taken this morning, Yunho and Changmin this afternoon, Junsu the following morning and the whole group the next day. All the interviews would be done by then, individual and group, and the story would be able to go up by next week. All in all, she felt very good about what she had gotten so far.

This feeling was to be a bit short-lived, for her personal editor, Adam Young, called her back inside and closed the door to his office.

"Have a seat, Eve." He smiled. She smiled back and took the offered seat, wondering what was up.

"Things are looking up. What you have on TVXQ is amazing so far and it seems as if you've developed a real trust and friendship with them. Therefore, I've decided that you must be the one to go on the road with them for the remainder of their tour. You will be the one doing the remote from location and updating our website, as well as several exclusive CNN spots on them and an Entertainment Tonight or two.”

Eve’s brows rose in evident surprise. Truth be told, she wasn’t expecting this news. She smiled, trying to process Adam’s request as he continued.

“I had this idea before, but I needed to be sure of my hunch that you would gel as quickly with the band as you did. Mr. Lee Soo Man is quite pleased. He says the guys have actually requested you be at their after party and are looking forward to the individual interviews. Apparently, this is a bit unusual for them. They've had a few bad experiences with reporters in the past but looks like you've changed their minds and I congratulate you on that. It's not an easy thing to do!" Adam said.

She didn't know what to say. She was proud of her work and flattered that Adam had noticed what she could do but she didn't know if she could stand being on the road in close quarters with the five of them.

It wasn't that it couldn't be the opportunity of a lifetime; that was the one thing that was holding her in there. It was the day to day, nose to nose bits. Being up under each other every day, all day, 24/7. They had a huge tour bus for the tour and would be working down the line, so no flights were to be made. It would require her to be on said bus with them for a full three months. It would likely result in another good article with them at the end of the tour and lots of recognition for her.

"So, is that acceptable to you? I wanted to talk to you first before I speak to Mr. Lee."

"It would be fine. I'm flattered that you asked!" Eve smiled and got up to shake his hand. She left the office and went straight to Preston's studios to check on the progress of the photoshoot. This was her baby and she wanted to be involved in every bit of it.

She pulled up outside the studio and climbed out of her car. Inside, things were going on as usual and she stood to the back of the studio and watched while Yoochun was having his shots done. Preston was the best they had and his work had garnered national acclaim.

Yoochun was sitting against a blue backdrop that contrasted very well with the delicate paleness of his skin. He had on a tight, denim blue shirt, and the first two buttons were off, showing some of the creamy white skin of his chest. He matched the outfit with white pants though his feet were bare. The colors that had been picked for him just popped on the film. He was a photographer's dream.

Eve stood back long enough to give him time to go to the next shot and moved forward toward Preston. Yoochun noticed her at once and grinned from where he sat.

"How's it going?" She smiled to Preston.

"Very well, if they all photograph as well as Yoochun does, we'll have some award winning shots. This stuff is excellent." He grinned.

"Great! Do you want to send the proofs to my office in the morning?”

"Sure, all four of them should be ready to proof by then and we'll only have the one other guy to do in the morning."

"That would be Junsu and his should go equally as well. They really are quite an attractive bunch!" She said.

Preston continued on with Yoochun, having him slide back against the wall, his legs spread apart, hands clasped between them just hiding what most women would love to see. He seemed to know just when to pout, when to smile and when to frown.

"He's excellent to work with but if you can believe it, he's perked up even more since you walked in. He must want you!" Preston chuckled.

"Oh no, he's just a tease is all. I can deal with him!" Eve smiled back.

A few more clicks and Preston was done with him.

"Ok Yoochun, you are finished. Excellent work, excellent. Can you send Jaejoong in here when you go back?" He asked.

"Sure. Eve, are you around for just a bit?” Yoochun asked.

"For just enough time to see how Jaejoong's start out. Then I have a meeting to go to, why?”

"No reason. Can you wait a second for me to change?" He called out.

"Sure." She sighed. She couldn't avoid him, no matter how hard she tried. He was essential to the interview, to the group.

Yoochun ran back to get changed and yelled for Jaejoong to come on out for his turn.

"Eve is here." He said as Jaejoong passed.

"Cool, I knew she was after my body!" Jaejoong laughed as he walked out to begin his work. He was dressed in a burnt orange t-shirt with black jeans, feet also bare. This seemed to be the theme. Spotting Eve he ran over quickly and pulled her into a huge hug, lifting her off the ground. She laughed as he put her down.

"You smell good!" Jaejoong grinned.

"Thanks, Jae. It's my favorite, Lancôme Miracle. Remember that at Christmas, ok?" She smiled.

"I'll buy you the whole damned store full of it!" He sang. "Stay a bit for my work; I want to know what you think."

"Sure, I'd be glad to." She grinned and he ran back to Preston to begin.

Jaejoong had already started when Yoochun made his way out of the back with a black leather bag slung over his shoulder. He had changed into a pair of khaki plaid shorts with a white polo shirt and leather flip-flops. His eyes searched for Eve as he walked behind Preston so as not to interrupt Jaejoong's shots. Spotting her talking to a group of guys by the table he had last seen her at, he walked over and put his bag down, taking a seat. From here he could look at her from the back, unobserved.

Today, he noticed, she had let her hair down, sexily mussed with bangs brushing against her forehead, a look he thought suited her well. Yoochun let his eyes travel down her small form as she kept talking to those men, giving them some sort of instructions, he guessed, and it amused him how she looked really tiny as she stood among them. He also noticed how casual she was dressed, with a simple gray v-neck drapey tee that hit just at her hips and faded jeans. It was a simple look but sexy nonetheless.

His eyes looked her up and down, loving the way those jeans hugged against her bottom, and again he wondered what it would be like to have her in his bed. He could hear her laughter from where he sat and it did funny things to his tummy.

Before he knew it, she had turned back to watch Jaejoong and he watched her walk a bit in front of the table he sat at, her attention fully on his friend. This was the Eve he had first seen, the Eve at work and it was apparent that her work came first with her, the one he could fully understand for he felt the same way.

Jaejoong caught her looking and started to ham it up; she surrendered to helpless laughter and Yoochun couldn't help but laugh with her. She had a laugh that traveled from her toes it seemed and it made him laugh just listening to her.

She turned back toward the table and her eyes fell on Yoochun. He smiled and waved her over.

"Hey." She said and sank down into the chair beside of him.

"Hi, want a Coke?" He asked.

"Yeah that would be good, thanks. I haven't eaten yet and I'm a bit thirsty.”

He nodded and got up to the refreshment table. She sighed when she saw him coming back with two cups and a handful of goodies from the table.

"Here's a sandwich and some sweets. Don't know what kind but they look good, and here's your Coke."

Her heart flip flopped again. Yoochun was a complex guy. She had decided to just take him on a day to day basis. Being on the road with him was going to be a test of nerves.

He went back to the table and picked up several more handfuls of food, bringing them back and sitting them with the other things.

"Now, there’s no point in you being hungry. You’ve got plenty here and I'm sure your publication is paying for it, so eat!" He grinned. She picked up a sandwich and bit into it. He couldn't help but watch her, his eyes on her mouth as she bit into it and then chewed.

"Oh, that is so good! Thanks, Yoochun. I probably wouldn't have had lunch if not for you. Oh, it is good!" She sighed and closed her eyes. He groaned; if she only knew what she was capable of doing to him, she'd never let him live it down.

They finished up what was on the table and Yoochun went back for more Coke while they finished watching Jaejoong.

"Um, Eve...” Yoochun suddenly said.

She dragged her attention from Jaejoong, turning to look at him. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw the serious expression on his face, like in deep thought, and then his intense eyes looked up into hers.

“Yeah?” She asked, kind of guessing what he wanted to say.

“About last night, the kiss-”

She sighed, waving her hand in front of her to keep him from finishing. Of all things, she really didn’t feel like discussing that particular subject right then and there.

"No, Yoochun, let's not go there. This has been nice, don't spoil it by turning back into your regular sarcastic self. I kind of like you like this, it would suit you better for your part of the magazine spread so just shush, ok? Don't spoil it!" She said and he laughed.

"Ok, enough said. So how is everything going? I know you don't have much on us so far but what you have, do you think it's going pretty good?"

"Yes, in fact, this morning, I did a bit of a presentation on what I have and the powers that be are very impressed so yes, by the end of this I think it's going to be something you guys and I will be quite proud of!" She smiled, relieved he had dropped the subject so easily.

Jaejoong finished up and walked to the back to change.

"I'm going to speak to Preston about Jaejoong's stuff. I'll be right back." Eve said and got up to go to Preston.

Yoochun watched her as she walked across the floor. Now that was some serious sexy walking, he thought to himself. She had it going on and she was driving him just a bit crazy. If she wasn't around, he was fine. If she was around, he either had to muck it up by acting the ass or be nice but he found it an effort. She just made him feel strange things and he wasn't used to a woman making him feel like that. Especially when she wasn't even trying.

He knew Yunho was gone on her and badly! He didn't talk about it too much but he could notice it in the way he acted, how he looked at her and Yoochun had seen how he had been with her at the party. She had a soft spot for Yunho too, he could see that, but it didn't make what he felt for her go away, not one bit.


Jaejoong's shots were needless to say, excellent.

"He has the sweetest smile!" Eve grinned.

"Lovely smile." Preston said.

"Do you think you can come by for the other two this afternoon? They seem to perform well with you here." He smiled.

"Oh, I don't think it has anything to do with me. They are all five extremely handsome and their real personalities are shining right through in these pictures, you've captured Yoochun and Jaejoong as close as you could possibly get." She smiled.

"They trust you, Eve and they like you- both of them. It's very apparent so accept the compliment and come back to see Yunho and Changmin this afternoon." Preston laughed.

Jaejoong came out of the dressing room, his Louis Vuitton bag in hand, dark jeans, a dark grey tank top with a matching blazer.

"Come here to me, woman!" Jaejoong sang across the room. She laughed and stayed where she was.

"Fine, you won't come to me then I come to you!" He shouted and heads turned as he ran with his bag across the room and slid it down on the floor as he scooped her up in his arms. As always, he had her laughing nonstop as he twirled her round and round, before setting her down. She kept her arms around his neck as he put her on her feet and laughter still bubbled up from her.

"And how did I look? Was I handsome? Sexy? Did I rock your world, Eve baby?!" He teased.

"You did. They are dead on gorgeous Jaejoong, truly. You'll want to keep these for your own portfolio, I've never seen better!" She smiled.

"Good! It means he got my good side. Now, where are we off to?" He asked her and slid an arm around her waist, pulling them toward Yoochun.

Yoochun watched them approach. She seemed so at ease with Jaejoong and he wondered why. Jaejoong was the biggest flirt of them all and girls loved him to pieces but Eve wasn't a teenybopper. She was a woman and Jaejoong made her laugh; he could pick her up and hug her, kiss her, make obnoxious remarks to her and she would still have her arm around his waist. Yoochun had to only look at her the wrong way and she would go ballistic.

He sighed. This was complex!

"OK guys, I have to go to a meeting. I'll see you around, take it easy- and Jae please eat something. Yoochun and I already had a bit of lunch. See ya!" She waved and swung out the door. Jaejoong watched her go and went to the table to grab some food before coming back to Yoochun and sitting down.

"Man, if she wasn’t taken right now, I'd be climbing in her bed tonight!" Jaejoong said as he stuffed bits of sandwich in his mouth. Yoochun picked up the hint but decided to brush it aside, playing dumb until Jaejoong would spill the beans himself.

"Oh Jaejoong, come off it. You aren't even her type!" He laughed, taking a sip of his Coke.

"And I suppose you are. Yeah, that's why I saw her slap the shit out of you last night!" Jaejoong laughed. Yoochun blushed and sat his cup down.

"Yeah, you saw it, huh? I moved a bit fast, I think. She's a complicated one, that's for sure!" Hw said softly.

"Well, I'd say Yunho is the lucky one with this one. I don't know, it just seems that way to me!" Jaejoong said, looking at Yoochun.

"Have you talked to Yunho?" Yoochun asked.

"No, you know he's a bit personal with that kind of thing. I just have this hunch. Did you see them backstage and at the party?" Jaejoong asked. Yoochun nodded; he had and it tore at him for some strange reason. They all had an unspoken agreement with each other that as far as their exploits and relationships with women went, they did not move in on each other.

He sighed; this one was hard. He felt like he needed to move back but Yunho hadn't spoken up and that was part of it. Still if he waited- which he didn't want to do- he'd miss out. If he moved in on her, and Yunho was interested or God forbid, she was interested in Yunho then what? She had plainly told him that she didn't want to get involved with any of them, that she couldn't but it wasn't easy to put her out of the picture. Maybe it was best that they were leaving in three days for another city, then he wouldn't have to see her, wouldn't have her on his mind with her right in front of him.

Yeah, that was it.

He relaxed and looked at Jaejoong.

"Let's go explore, let's hit the street!" He chuckled and with that, they jogged out of the studio and on their way.

genre: het, fanfic, tvxq, park yoochun, jung yunho, kim jaejoong, title: the beat

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