
Apr 04, 2010 22:09

588 words of kdrama-esque cheesiness :3
he is too late, he's always been too late, right from the start when he was too slow to realize what his heart was telling him all along.

if you close your eyes and silently call for me
i will run to you anytime
- sunset glow (big bang)

When Jonghyun reaches the airport, he runs and runs and runs until he sees Taemin, Jinki and Minho standing there. Jinki is sobbing into Minho's shirt, and Taemin is patting Jinki's back while a tear drips down his cheek, and Jonghyun feels like his heart is disintegrating because fuck he is too late, he's always been too late, right from the start when he was too slow to realize what his heart was telling him all along.

"He's gone?" Jonghyun asks weakly, and Jinki just sobs even harder. Minho meets Jonghyun's desperate gaze and smiles in a way that makes Jonghyun want to punch him because this isn't a fucking joke, but then Minho points at the departure hall and Jonghyun can see Kibum sliding his passport over the counter.

Jonghyun has always been too self-conscious, has always refused to act uncool in public, but this is urgent and life-threatening and if Kibum gets on that plane without knowing how he feels, he thinks he will just die because his heart is already feeling like it's about to stop working. "Kim Kibum!" Jonghyun yells at the top of his lungs, banging the glass separating the departure hall from the area where visitors send passengers off for effect, because he's not about to let Kibum disappear from his side again.

"Kibum!" Jonghyun yells again, but Kibum is walking further and further away and he feels tears clouding his vision. "Fuck, I fucking love you, Kim Kibum, you fucker!" Everything feels awfully, awfully wrong, and Jonghyun sinks down to the ground, palms sliding stickily against the glass as he shuts his eyes.

"It would have been perfect without the vulgarities, you know. But anyway, it took you long enough."

Jonghyun would recognize that voice anywhere. This is the voice that has nagged at him everyday to do his homework and clean up his room, this is the voice that can sing songs in the most beautiful way in the entire world. When Jonghyun opens his eyes, Kibum is standing there, hair more than a little messy, and the world seems a little brighter - too bright to be true, to be real - because Kibum is there in front of him and not on the plane or America or anywhere else, but here.

"Fuck," Jonghyun repeats, this time a little more reverently, and then Kibum is flinging his bag onto the ground and dropping to his knees beside Jonghyun and wrapping tight arms around him, and Jonghyun is gripping Kibum's shirt because he's not going to be letting him go anytime soon.

When Kibum finally disentangles himself from Jonghyun, Minho is standing there smiling that stupid all-knowing smile, Taemin is laughing through his tears, and Jinki is still sobbing. "You guys, this isn't a drama," Jinki says, but he's crying too hard for anyone to take him seriously anyway.

"And so they lived happily ever after," Taemin teases. Minho ruffles his hair, and Jonghyun and Kibum exchange a look and start laughing at the same time.

Later when they all pile into a cab, Kibum says, "I still have to leave, you know."

Jonghyun grips Kibum's hand tighter. Don't go, he mouths.

But Kibum is looking at him and smiling in a way that makes Jonghyun feel like everything is going to be alright, so he shrugs and says, "Do whatever you want."

"You don't have to act cool all the time, you know, hyung." Taemin says, and Jonghyun glares at him.

Wait for me, Kibum mouths back, and Jonghyun grins a little. Of course. 

writings, genre: fluff, length: oneshot, fandom: shinee, pairing: jonghyun/key

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