Last week of school, part trois

May 13, 2010 11:01

Thunderstorms, you are not conducive to a good night's sleep before a final. Here in Chicagoland, we got a crapload of rain overnight. I passed a number of flooded fields and swollen streams on the route to school. I'm tired because I kept waking up--lightning apparently kept striking nearby, and the flashes and rumbles either freaked the bird or me out. Goody. Thankfully for me, I'd decided to cage Kirby last night, more due to weirdness than impending weather, and at least he wasn't flopping around my room in the darkness because he was afraid of the storms. The bad part was that I ended up getting up ten minutes before my alarm went off, but forgot to turn it off, so it beeped for six minutes straight while I was in the shower. That just added to Kirby's bad morning, poor thing. He hates my alarm more than I do at times.

So, the test. Some of us typically get to class before the teacher, and today was no exception. We were talking about the practice tests we'd had to take; the teacher mentioned the questions for the final would come from them. One guy said, so, those practice tests were extra credit, right? Uh, no, dude. They were our homework, not to mention good to see since, well, the final's coming from there. Whoops. I totally recognized most of the questions, though one involving a verb conjugation was unfamiliar, and I forgot how to say minus 15 minutes while telling time. I figure the most I'd get wrong would be 3 problems, and considering there were 100 questions, well, I think I can live. :) I ended up being the last one out because I am anal-retentive enough to go back to check all my answers, and the teacher asked if I'd be back in the fall. I said, I don't know what I'm doing tomorrow, much less the fall. She said, I know what I'm doing tomorrow--I'm going to France! Very cool. She'd mentioned that she gets to go every few years, so I guess this is her year, barring any volcanic issues.

This was also the week of interesting discoveries about/for my classmates and teachers. This teacher asked if I'd studied French before, and I told her no, I'd taken Latin in high school. She was surprised and said she'd also taken Latin, which surprised *me* simply because I'd figured she'd taken French in high school, really liked it, and that's how she got into becoming fluent and wanting to teach it. Interesting. Also, the girl who sat next to me attended the all-girls school nearby and she'd thought about taking Latin because some of her friends talked it up, but she was already taking French. It was kind of odd to have two separate conversations about Latin within 20 minutes of each other. Also, on Monday, the girl who sat behind me in piano class had been absent all last week; she was telling me that she'd had bad migraines. I told her I understood and that at my last job I was sick for the first three weeks because of the plastic smell. She asked where I work now, and I said I didn't and that was why I came back to school; I was looking into getting certified to teach, since that was the job I enjoyed the most. She looked at me quizzically and then asked, how old are you? She was way shocked to find out I'm a decade older than her; she honestly thought I was her age. Heh. Right then the other girl came in, so the first girl made her guess how old she thought I was. She was closer at 25. Okay, cool. And here I was thinking it was obvious I was the oldest person in the class. You have no idea how amused at that I was.

piano, kirby, latin, family, france, weather, college, flood, thunderstorm, anal-retentiveness

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