Insomnia? Me?

May 14, 2010 09:47

One would figure, without noisy storms or tests to worry about, and tired from lack of sleep the night before, that one would get a good night's sleep the following night. One would be wrong. I just could not fall asleep, and I tried relaxing and breathing deeply and running through stupid stuff in my head, basically my version of counting sheep. Nope, nothing worked. And I have somewhere to go today, too, which I suppose isn't necessary but should be fun; the Smarty Pants Society is having an end-of-year party. I've already made the taffy apple salad.

Maybe once I have a shower I'll wake up some more. I already got my Wii Fit time out of the way, and that helped a tad. Also, despite worrying I might fall off or something, I actually did better on some of the activities than usual. Hmm.

tired, lack of sleep, taffy apple salad, games, college, party

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