The good, the bad, and the Polish

May 03, 2008 21:28

After dad got home from work today, he turned on the TV and started flipping around. It wasn't long before he came across the Polish Constitution Day Parade, which lists itself as the largest such parade outside of Poland. Fitting, as Chicago claims the largest Polish population outside of Warsaw, if I remember correctly. And to think my family landed in Iowa first. Hmm. Anyway, dad and I got much amusement out of making fun of the parade, because that's how we roll (or, in the case of the lack of floats, not how we roll...I mean, Stosh was told to build the float. He wasn't told to put it on wheels...). Of course, this led me to complain to my father that he was a bad dad--he never took me to see the parade in person, he never enrolled me in Polish school (though I did do Polish dancing back in the day), he never made me compete for the Polish princess title (to that he said, oh, but you *were* a Polish princess...yes, I know, we have pictures of the outfits to prove it), etc. Ah, bonding over making fun of our heritage. It's proof that we're truly Polish.

Meanwhile, he and mom are at the party of a friend of his...a Polish friend. Wait, what am I saying? All his friends are Polish. I think dad was going to ask his buddy if he was at the parade. I kept joking that I saw all of them there.

I, however, am enjoying a quiet night at home. Well, not that quiet; I did practice for a while. And I spent a decent part of the day working on my little projects and sorting through stuff in my room. Part of me just wants to take a shovel to it and toss everything out. I have too much stuff and probably don't need most of it. But then the lazy clutterbug in me won't let that happen.

It's definitely spring. We had the first bunny sighting of the year. I may call the rabbits bunnies, but this was an honest to goodness baby rabbit in the yard. He spent quite some time munching on grass around dinnertime.

However, not all was pleasant in the animal kingdom. I started to go upstairs after the parade when I noticed this odd bird in the parkway. It definitely wasn't a duck, and it was bigger than our standard birds (cardinals, mourning doves, robins, etc.). Holy crap, is that a hawk? It was just standing there for a while, facing the house, and it kept looking back and forth like it was waiting for a meal to come by. After a while, it flew off...and I realized it was probably digesting, as I discovered what appeared to be a bunch of feathers behind where the bird had been standing. Oh, nice. Guess I won't be having chicken for dinner.

rabbits, dad, family, polocks, flute, hawks, parade, birds, practicing, animals

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