November flipped the switch

Nov 03, 2021 07:26

Fall has been unseasonable for a while, skewing warmer than average. Up until last week, we had the door open for Regular Band. Now, with a flip of the calendar, I'm wearing my winter coat because it's getting into the 20s at night. That's deep overnight or early enough in the morning that I'm having breakfast, but still. It's like there was no transition and *boop!* Cold. Right now, it's not like it's even upper 20s outside; several outlying areas were all the way down to 21F--with a wind chill. One place's wind chill was down to 15F. Too soon! Whatever happened to a gradual decline so we can acclimate? I've had to use an extra blanket at night, which is unusual when it's above, say, 20F outside, because I find myself shivering at night. Perhaps the shipping issues are affecting Mother Nature and our standard temperatures are stuck on a container ship.

cold, weather

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