Update on phones

Sep 28, 2016 19:05

The good news: Our phone works. Singular. Just the kitchen phone.
The bad news: I came home and dad said, we're the only house in the neighborhood to have a phone booth!

Dad was on the phone when I arrived, and I could see him in the laundry room, talking on a corded phone. I'd noticed the kitchen phone was off the wall when I walked in. This is the only corded phone in use in the house. Hmm, strange, I never knew we had a phone jack in the laundry room. Especially odd given that I've been known to empty the room of nearly everything while cleaning and never discovered a jack in the wall.

Dad's theory about the phone has to do with the expansion and contraction of the house. Up until a couple days ago, it was still pretty warm outside. I was sleeping in shorts and tank tops. Mom hadn't had the comforter on her bed in months. All of a sudden, the weather changed, and I am here in my sweatpants, sweatshirt, t-shirt, and socks, and I'm still cold. Seriously. It's been pretty dramatic. Dad thinks when we had the siding replaced last year, they didn't cut a proper hole for the phone line coming into the house, and it's being affected. The only reason we have a phone now is because there's some sort of outer connection he's tapped into, he ran the cord in through the side door, and voila, laundry room turned phone booth.

Well, at least the phone is working again. It was disconcerting to call the house to test the phone and get a busy signal knowing that no one was on it.

phone, cold, dad, family, weather

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