Okay, what's the big friggen idea?

Nov 02, 2013 22:30

All right, I've turned a few characters into women in my time, but that was part of the friggen plot. One was cursed by a god, and one could shape shift between sexes (and other forms). But never have I turned a character to another sex for no other reason than I wanted to write that character as the opposite sex. I mean, really, people!

Turning a male character female is just shit. Turning a female character male is even more horrible in my opinion.

I can understand transgender, I can understand it being part of the plot of the character being turned into a female. I will read both if the plot's great. Just straight up switching genders because you feel like it is plain shit. There has to be a reason, I don't care why it happens, but there has to be a reason in the story for it to be.

Also, the use of the letters 'CIS' has got to fucking stop. The meaning is completely fucking stupid and sexist. The people who use it are just retarded. Seriously. You have to have some mental problems if you think it's a good idea. No one fits under the umbrella of 'CIS Girl' or 'CIS Boy' and it's ruining our society when you use it. It's like saying Celebrity Kardashian. Yes, you are that awful when you use it. So, stop. Just, stop.


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