"You've been Thunderstruck"

Jul 05, 2012 02:13

The lighting has been glorious lately. Seriously. It's been happening every night, just about, and often I keep the ungodly hours that allow me to see it. Several times I have been driving through the storms that seem to rove around the streets at night.

It's not raining though, just lightning. I saw one come up fro the earth and branch out like the roots and branches of Yggdrasil. I saw some others span across the entire top of the sky like a net without ever touching the earth. Sometimes they seem to be like someone is pressing a pen upon the sky, drawing little patterns that vanish before they can make the whole picture complete. Once I saw one that was very thick and lit up the whole sky in white. The thunder from that one shook the little car that I drive. The lightning makes me very happy, it is beautiful.

Thor clearly must be very happy. Or upset. Hard to tell with gods. Sometimes they celebrate too hard and ruin things down here.

Better update when I am not so sleepy. Much of my days have been spent working and swimming, both which drain you.

good times, thor, gods, lightning

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