I practically had to fight back the tears as Angel stalked off to conduct his business with Wesley and Connor. I couldn’t believe that he’d been so unbelievably cold - couldn’t believe that he’d ever think that “forgot to mention it” would pass as an excuse when it came to something this big. Then again, Angel had been the only guy who’d ever
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"I wore the necklace because it was the right thing to do. Wasn't gonna let you take the risk. I went into it with my eyes open, Buffy. Knew the price and was willing to pay. After all I did? Least I could do. Plus it was a way to say thank you, for being the only one to have faith in me. It meant a lot."
I look down at my shoes, unsure what else to say. At least brood boy has scarpered and left us to talk in private, if you can call the lobby private. I try to change the subject, make it easier.
"So what are you doing in LA? Going to school here? I know you wanted to finish what you started. Now with the hellmouth all closed and slayer gig shared out, you can right?"
"Um. Not school, it's been kinda hard to give up the whole 'I am Buffy, I am Chosen' thing. I'm here for Angel, actually," I say, before clapping my hand over my mouth. I said that? I actually said that? To Spike? Okay Buffy, foot in mouth. Again. Way to go.
"To help him do... something," I clarified in the vaguest sense of the word. "Protect someone. You know the drill..."
Just the words I don't want to hear. Should have known they'd start up again the minute I was a dusty footnote in the annals of apocalyptic battles. See it in her eyes and the mortified way she tries to cover up what she'd just let slip.
"Yeah, I know the drill." I mutter darkly, a bitter edge to my voice. What did I expect, anyway? "Gotta help Angel be all hero-like. Help the hopeless and such. Watched the training video, got the shiny membership pin."
What more is there to say? She's here for the big brooding git. Never had a chance did I? Not while he was still looming in the picture.
"How's Dawn?"
Is it though? non-defensive Buffy asks defensive Buffy, and I really don’t have an answer to it. Angel and I have gotten so good at playing tragic lovers on opposite ends of the world (or a couple of hours apart) that I barely remember what it was like to be in his arms ( ... )
"And why do I get the feeling that I'm gonna continue to not know anything about it too? Soulboy crooks his little finger and you're back by his side lickety split. You say it's a new situation. I say it's a broken bloody record. Tomato, tomahto, potato, potahto, let's call the whole soddin' thing off..."
I make silly gestures and pretty much act like an ass. Yeah, make it easier for her. That's the ticket.
“Dawn’s fine. She’s... in high school. Hemery. I burned down the gym there once. It was kind of the prequel to Sunnydale High.”
I nod at that though. Wouldn't have minded to see the little bit. Miss her something fierce, even though she never quite opened up to me again after...after.
"Good. At least someone's happy."
“Look,” I start, all ways of defensive. “This isn’t about Angel, Spike. And I don’t even know why we’re having this argument when all I want is to be thrilled that you’re standing in front of me, ghost or spirit or... God, whatever you are.”
I sigh, running my hands through my hair nervously. Things used to be so much simpler. See vampire, slay vampire. Then souls came into play and I really didn’t have a problem slaying vampires that weren’t related to Angel.
Spike’s right, it always goes backs to Angel. Spike just has no idea why.
"Good. At least someone's happy."
“Obviously you’ve never been to high school.”
"I'm nothing, love. Just a mote being tossed about by the winds of fate. The sooner you accept that and move on the better. At least Angel has a body, he could thrill you. I can't. And that's that."
I shrug and look away. This is not how I wanted it to go. But we don't always get what we want.
“Obviously you’ve never been to high school.”"Obviously. Actually, there's a lot of things I've never done, Buffy. Like thanked you for your faith in me. For letting me have the good end. Went out in a blaze of glory, just like in the movies, didn't I? Pity they had to make a sequal. It's bound to be a disappointment, right?" I can't look at her anymore, I need to get away for a while, sort out what the hell is going on, where I stand ( ... )
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