May 20, 2018 12:49
It's been a busy couple of weeks, and I've been rather distracted, so havn't even read that much on LJ/DW in that time...
I caught the Thursday morning Morse practice broadcasts well enough. Last week's went rather better than usual. This weeks wasn't going badly until the phone rang just as the 12wpm section started. I only caught about half of that, but didn't do too badly.
The Sunday morning Nets have gone as well as usual. There were three radio club meetings last week. The first, on Monday, was a talk about offshore pirate radio broadcasters. The second, on Tuesday, was a talk and live demonstration of the FT8 digital mode that seems to be hugely popular present. However, once your system's set up it seems, mostly, to be an exercise in mouse-clicking, so I expect it will find its corner and quieten down sooner or later. Wednesday evening's outing was a committee meeting.
Early last Tuesday morning we picked my nephew up from Heathrow. He headed off to visit other relatives on Wednesday morning.
We've made it over to Gravesend on Fridays, but mostly for tea and chat rather than gaming.
We've done a few Pokémon-driven outings. Last Sunday there was one to Rochester. Yesterday there was a long walk locally, during a "community day", in which we managed to meet exactly no other players, but did catch a silly number of the day's special, and manage to evolve a few of them. Ingress has taken a back seat.
In between we've done a bit in the garden, taken a number of less frantic walks, and done a bit of tidying up. We made the mistake of trying to do a dump run last Monday, and ended up waiting in the queue for about half an hour. Other days of the week are available, and the dump isn't usually that busy except at weekends.
Today there's an NMC rehearsal here, so time to get things ready.