Jun 16, 2017 20:13
We got a fair bit done on Tuesday, but I spent part of the day in the attic (or carrying stuff to and from the attic) rather than in the workshop. The attic-related task is still on-going, but isn't taking all our time, which is just as well. The weather's been quite hot all week, and the attic is less than pleasant.
On Wednesday there was more of the same, but with an added trip to see the audiologist in the afternoon. In the evening I had a radio club committee meeting to attend.
I caught the weekly Morse practice broadcast on Thursday morning, and did about as well as a fortnight previously. Anti-histamines, necessary to counteract the effects of the high pollen levels, didn't help. In the evening we went round to a friend's for supper.
Today's been one for house, garden and workshop stuff; mostly housework in the morning, and garden work in the afternoon, but at least I managed to get something done in the workshop. I also managed one quick opportunistic SOTA chase, my first in almost a month.
This evening looks like being a quiet one.