Title: Still Unpredictable
Characters: Snape, Harry, Neville, Ron
Rating: R
Word Count: 100
House: Ravenclaw
Challenge: Gigawatts
A/N: The film is 'From Dusk Till Dawn." Cut for violence.
They moved cautiously through the hallways. Harry leading; Ron and Neville on either side. Something felt off but they had to destroy it. The sixth piece.
A strong draft rushed by. Massive Apparition.
They all ran.
There was violet light. Neville; body convulsing, eyes crying blood. Harry turned, cursing the Eater.
It's too late.
"Just . . . g-go Harry.” Another Eater came. Tears blurred Harry’s vision. A curse flew toward him but something black pushed him out of the way.
Snape. Murderer.
Snape killed the Eater, slamming Harry against the wall. “Fight now. Cry later.” He hissed.
Then he was gone.