Title: Stood Up
Challenge: Gigawatts
House: Ravenclaw
Rating: PG
Words: 100
Charecters: Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Harry, mentions Ron
Author's Notes/Warnings: Whee! Quote(s) from You've Got Mail. I couldn't resist it :) Cut for lengthiness.
Hermione walked to the Great Hall looking dejected. Last night was supposed to be her date with Ron, but-
"Hermione!" Ginny chased her down. "How was your date with Ron?"
"He... didn't make it."
"He stood you up?!" Her tone was incredulous.
"No, no! He just.."
As they sat down, Luna wandered over. "How was your date with Ron?"
"He didn't go." Ginny replied angrily.
"He stood you up?!"
As Hermione started to explain, Harry wandered over.
"So, how was the date?"
"He didn't go!" Luna exclaimed.
"He stood you up!?" Hermione stormed out of the hall in a huff.
Title: Corsets
Challenge: Gigawatts
House: Ravenclaw
Rating: PG
Words: 100
Charecters: Hermione, Malfoy, Ron
Author's Notes/Warnings: This time from Pirates of the Carribean, as well as PoA. Minor HBP spoiler, though nothing unexpeected :P
Ron, fierce and brave, was locked in a battle with Draco Malfoy. As the curses flew back and forth, Draco backed him into a wall, leaning in so that he could hear his whisper. "I'm going to teach you the meaning of pain, Weasel."
"You like pain, Malfoy?" a voice from behind called, before the stunning curse hit him in the cheek. Hermione kicked him, affirming that he was indeed stunned. "Try wearing a corset."
Ron stared at his savior. "Hermione, that was-"
"Bloody brilliant, I know." She smiled and guestured at the rest of the Death Eaters. "Shall we?"