a Winter/Holiday themed Dean-focused h/c comment-fic meme / MASTERLIST POST

Dec 05, 2011 01:35

A Winter/Holiday themed
Dean-focused h/c comment-fic meme
(themed comment-fic meme #3)

Banner courtesy of geckoholic @ bl00dredskies


some sacred plane by jaimeykay
Current season. Dean has never dealt with his drinking problem (ongoing for several seasons now). The holidays, and a forced off-grid situation in the middle of the woods with Sam and Bobby, make him confront his problem head on when Bobby dumps his last bottle of Jack down the drain. It doesn’t take long for him to start feeling the effects of withdrawal.

Can't Complain by biketest
Sam/Dean-ish gen, G, fluff
It's winter and it's cold outside. Dean's dizzy and feverish and shivery and crashing hard. Sam tucks him inside his jacket with him, like inside Sam's jacket, all snuggled up against his chest.

Reindeer Games by zoemathemata
Sam, Dean, Gen
It wasn't Grandma who got run over by the reindeer. It was Dean.

Operation Popsicle by mad_server
It was September when Dean got out of Hell. Warm enough, though nothing compared to the Pit. Now it's winter and Dean is always, always cold. After 40 years of hellfire, he has no tolerance left for "arctic crapholes". I'd like slashy body heat and cuddling with Sam, the less clothes the better, with a side of shivering, traumatized, Dean. Bonus points if Dean doesn't want to ask for it because he feels weak and Sam tells him it's ok to need it.

Long Johns by mad_server
It was September when Dean got out of Hell. Warm enough, though nothing compared to the Pit. Now it's winter and Dean is always, always cold. After 40 years of hellfire, he has no tolerance left for "arctic crapholes". I'd like slashy body heat and cuddling with Sam, the less clothes the better, with a side of shivering, traumatized, Dean. Bonus points if Dean doesn't want to ask for it because he feels weak and Sam tells him it's ok to need it.

[ART] Sleep in Heavenly Peace by purple_carpets
Gen cuddles.
Classic hypothermia. Wintertime, Dean, a freezing cold lake and help's slow to arrive.

Sing a Song of Sixpence by ramblin_rosie
Gen, 7.10 spoilers
Sam’s convinced that Dean’s the only person ever to have contracted food poisoning from a fruit-mince pie. It shouldn’t be possible, in fact. Now he’s trying to research holiday curses with an affinity for dried fruit whilst dealing with his miserable and cantankerous brother.

Forty Christmases Later by xephwrites
R, Dean, Sam, Alistair
After forty Christmases in hell, Dean doesn't want any part of it topside. References to normal holiday stuff (tree, eggnog, etc.) that the demons desecrated would be awesome.

Season of Giving by notsodamaged
G; Dean and Sam; Gen
It's snowy and cold and there's this shivery little cat sitting in the motel window meowing in at them. They let her in. She goes straight for Dean, who's sick and in his jammiesssss, and loves on him.

Twelve days of Christmas by adrenalineshots
It's the first Christmas since Dean's come back from Hell and he's not having a good time of it - there's nightmares and flashbacks and Hell's just too REAL. Sam notices and tries to give Dean a Christmas, somehow. But the little things Sam's set up in their room as a surprise - like candles and drippy wax and Christmas trees trigger Dean and launches Dean into a flashback. There is freaking out and tears and Sam bringing Dean back down and grounding him and just otherwise being THERE. Gen, please.

[ART] It’s not the first Christmas Dean’s spent in the hospital. by petite_madame
It’s not the first Christmas Dean’s spent in the hospital.

Wash the tears away by anon
Dean's in the shower after a hunt gone bad and he just can't warm up - it was in the woods during winter and there was snow and he might've put his foot through thin ice and forgotten his gloves so he's half frozen with white fingers and blue fingernails and may or may not be mildly hypothermic - and for some inexplicable reason (okay, he knows why - it's the grief and stress of the past four years but he's damned if he admits it) he starts sobbing so hard he slides down to sit on the bathtub floor and the water goes cold and it's too much work to shut it off but he does it anyway and his whole chest hurts... and he still can't stop crying.

Cue in Sam... or not if you prefer. Just crying Dean. In the shower. But if Sam does show, gen please.

Ho Ho Ho by mad_server
Dean will not admit he's sick. Christmas morning Sam has some presents for him. All wrapped up and everything. What could they be? ! OH. Kleenex, Advil, a hot water bottle, cough syrup etc... WHATEVER. Dean isn't amused. And now he's sick and wants some real presents, damn it, because Sammy got his hopes up. And Sam is all, MY PRESENT IS TAKING CARE OF YOU. And Dean is all THAT DOES NOT COUNT.

The Fifth-Grade Grinch by ramblin_rosie
AU, implied alt-timeline character death
Pre-series, sometime after the Striga incident. Almost-eleven year old Dean is in a hell of a funk as Christmas approaches. He's grouchy and callous and pissed that all Sam wants to do is sing Christmas carols and watch holiday specials on the tiny, crappy motel TV. When Sam wants to write a letter to Santa, Dean can't take it any more, and whatever he does, it makes Sam cry. Then someone knocks on the motel door. Dean has never seen the guy before, but he knows all of Dad's secret codes. The guy is tall and grumpy and smells like booze and looks at Dean like he's seen some kind of ghost, but he's injured and bleeding and it's really cold out there. . . .

Basically, I want season 7 Dean showing up injured at pre-series Dean's door, as the world's weirdest Ghost of Christmas Future.

take a good look at my face by i_speak_tongue
PG-13; gen; Set in s 7, no real spoilers though
Christmas and/or New Year's Eve + Dean in the psych ward. The reason for this can by anything - natural or supernatural, any time frame, although I would explode with love if it were set in s7, ft. clinically depressed Dean. /o\

Snow (Hey Oh) by apodiopsys
John takes little!Dean out on one his first ghost hunts. It just so happens this hunt takes them into the woods on a snowy, cold Christmas Eve night. Dean gets separated from his father and wanders aimlessly, lost and scared. His little hands and feet become frozen and stiff and he just feels so tired, maybe he'll just lay down and sleep a while, right down in the soft snow. But then the man in the trench-coat with the kind, blue eyes is there beside him, and suddenly, Dean doesn't feel so scared or cold anymore.

Each a Stone Upon His Chest by anon
It's Christmastime at the Braeden's and Dean just doesn't fit into their traditions. He feels like an interloper - intruding on their lives and he stumbles and missteps through the dinner with Lisa's parents and siblings. And he misses Sam so hard and he's barely holding it together. Ben notices and follows Dean outside into the cold snow and maybe gives Dean what he needs most.

Slush by roque_clasique
Dean cracks a vertebrae and has to wear some kind of neck/back brace combo thingy that hold him very still. It's time for Sam to take him home from the hospital but it's super cold and blizzardy and icy out. Let's see how adorable/magnificent it is when Sam has to bundle his brother up for the cold and very very carefully help him out to the Impala. I bet it's great.

Not Exactly Like Timmy and Lassie by kcrenegade
Gen; no major spoilers. Set somewhere between the pilot and now.
Dean cracks a vertebrae and has to wear some kind of neck/back brace combo thingy that hold him very still. It's time for Sam to take him home from the hospital but it's super cold and blizzardy and icy out. Let's see how adorable/magnificent it is when Sam has to bundle his brother up for the cold and very very carefully help him out to the Impala. I bet it's great.

Sweetheart by jennytork
Gen. Dean, Cas, Sam. Season 5 or 6. It's Christmas. Castiel is out looking for Dean whose gone MIA from Bobby's house. Dean had been showing signs of a cold that was no doubt worsening the longer he spends outside, where, naturally, there's a blizzard going on and Sam's worried. Castiel finds Dean at the most unlikely place, a tiny church. In one hand he's holding a single white candle stuck through a cup which flickers, and in the other a little girl's small hand. What happens next, I leave to your imaginations.

Cookies from Heaven by drunkcascookies
Castiel, student of humanity, looongtime observer of planet Earth, is secretly amazing at making Christmas cookies. He's like those monks that make beer. SKILLS. Dean's sick and parked in the kitchen while he works his magic. It's all warm and good-smelling and Dean is sleepy and happy.

someone's prayer by jaimeykay
Gen. Warnings: mental illness, some scenes in a psychiatric ward. Spoilers until 7x10.
Sam, Dean, maybe some OCs? Dean is found, wandering alone in a snowstorm on the side of the road, with no jacket, gaps in his memory, traumatized. WHAT IS GOING ON?

Pie by si_star_x

Prompt contains spoilers for 7x10. Highlight to see. ;)

After Bobby dies, Dean pulls a Holden Caulfield and punches in some windows. He breaks his hand and cuts it up really bad. Now it's Christmas, Sam and Dean are trying to enjoy a special Christmas meal but Dean's hands are still all wrapped in bandages making it hard to eat, so Sam has to help him.

Flood by mad_server
Dean gets a bad case of snow blindness (photokeratitis) after a long trek on a bright, snowy day. Symptoms include pain, sensitivity to light, and INTENSE TEARS. And he keeps telling Sam that really, he's fine. It's just the snow blindness. He's not REALLY crying. And maybe he wasn't. At first.

Untitled by 07nathalie

Prompt contains spoilers for 7x10. Highlight to see. ;)

Dean calls Death for one last favor: To spare Bobby's soul. So Dean walks out in the snow that has begun to fall. It's up to you how he hurts himself in order to call the horseman. Please give me a nice conversation between Death and Dean while Dean is slowly dying and an outsider pov when someone finds Dean afterwards.

Santa Won't Find Me Here by soncnica
PG-13; Sam, Dean, gen
It’s not the first Christmas Dean’s spent in the hospital.

Christmas in the Ward by lady_entropy17
PG-13. Set in S7, light spoilers through 7x10.
Dean, Sam, any genre. Christmas and/or New Year's Eve + Dean in the psych ward. The reason for this can by anything - natural or supernatural, any time frame, although I would explode with love if it were set in s7, ft. clinically depressed Dean. /o\

To Reach This Day by lunasky3
Vague S7 - no real spoilers (feel free to include events from most recent ep). It's pretty clear Dean's really really really not coping well with everything. He's drinking too much, sleeping too little, and barely picking at his food. Sam can't exactly blame him - God knows they've both been through Hell and back (literally), averted an apocalypse, spent a year in grief, and lost everyone and everything they still managed to hold dear (just not necessarily in that order). And on top of it all, Sam's still seeing Hallucifer and his control on reality is starting to fray again which scares him, but he hasn't been able to bring himself to tell Dean yet because he's terrified that Dean's too close to some kind of edge and he needs Dean in the here and now because Dean's the only thing that's keeping Hallucifer mostly at bay.

One night, Dean disappears. There's no note, he's not answering his cell phone, and there's no sign of him at any of his usual haunts. Sam's been searching frantically for hours - bars, bridges, anywhere a borderline suicidally depressed hunter might go - and the Hellucinations are starting to get bad and he's about ready to file a missing-persons description with the cops, convinced that it's time to drag the river, when he somehow finds Dean....

in a Synagogue. And it's the last night of Hanukkah.

Snow Blind by plain_jane08
Set at some point during S7; PG-13, gen
Dean gets a bad case of snow blindness (photokeratitis) after a long trek on a bright, snowy day. Symptoms include pain, sensitivity to light, and INTENSE TEARS. And he keeps telling Sam that really, he's fine. It's just the snow blindness. He's not REALLY crying. And maybe he wasn't. At first.

When You Wake Up to This by anon
Lisa/Dean Smith, Lisa/Dean, 6x21 AU
Dean wakes up with no idea who he is, where he is, or how he got there. (Think Sam in 6.22.) The reasons and resolutions are up to you, author-fillers. <3 Though I would be happy if he got his memories back eventually.

Some Are Silver by roque_clasique
PG, Set a few years after the events of 7.10 - spoilers for 7.10!
The boys are forced to retire - Sam has no short term memory left thanks to all the concussions, etc. and he can barely function in day-to-day life. Dean has severe arthritis. They retire because hunting's obviously out of the picture with Sam being incapable of helping with the research and Dean just can't physically do it anymore... not the running, not the weapon-cleaning, not the shooting and even sitting in the car for 10+ hours per day is out of the question. It's their first Christmas in the retired life - they can either settle up somewhere or remain transient, adjusting it to suit their respective limitations - and Sam remembers Christmases when they were little and how hard Dean tried to make it special despite being a kid himself, and he's not too sure of the date but there's Christmas decorations everywhere and he gets something for Dean and wraps it up all special...

Untitled by splashnbash
It's almost Christmas and the boys are at this person's house, gathering info for a case. Dean's been sick and he gets suuuper-dizzy and has to lie down. The person/family are freakishly, genuinely awesome/in the Christmas spirit and they tuck him in and make him tea and feed Sam cookies while he waits for Dean to feel okay enough to make it to the car.

Half-Spent Was the Night by i_speak_tongue
PG-13; Sam, Dean, gen, AU in S3
Dean in an Ilizarov apparatus (ie, very very broken leg) stuck in the hospital over the holidays and there are kids involved somehow. Basically.

Snowy Flight by darth_firefly
Christmas 1982. The Winchesters are invited to spend the holidays with friends/family from out of state. Almost 4-yo Dean is super excited to get to go on a plane, even though it's kinda hugs and scary and loud. He's gonna be a big brother soon and big brothers don't get scared of planes. That is, until the clouds go dark and they have to fly through a snow storm.

Paper Snow by darth_firefly
Dean's laid up with a broken leg (or two... you know, if you feel like making me twice as happy) and is very bored and sad. John ORDERS him to make popcorn garland and paper snowflakes because he is very sneaky in his ways of cheering up his kids.

Christmas in Kansas by darth_firefly
PG, Spoilers for Season 7!
Dean and Sam got arrested sometime after the Leviathans are taken care of. Sam was sent to a mental institute and Dean to a maximum security prison. It's Dean's first Christmas behind bars and he's missing Sam like hell. But for the first time in years, there aren't tons of monsters after him. Somehow he's safer now than he's ever been and with Sam gone, he can't distract himself from his own problems by just worrying about his brother. A chaplain at the prison/cellmate/friendly guard/... helps him deal.

There's Always Tomorrow by nwspaprtaxis
PG-13, gen
Dean's sad and sick. Sam takes him to a petting zoo to see some reindeer, to cheer him up. They consider stealing all of the animals.

The Stillness Of Running by soncnica
PG-13; Sam, Dean, gen / not a deathfic!
Christmas during the Stanford years. Sometimes Dean wonders if it would be so bad, wandering out into the snow storm and slowly freezing until he can't feel a damn thing anymore.

Hedwig was an evil mole all along. by anon
Dean gets mauled by a demonic snowy owl. Sam patches up his wounds and his ego. (And takes his temperature if you love me EXTRA.)

[ART] Sam and De-Aged Dean's First Christmas by salihe
Medium: Conte Crayon on paper
Gen. De-aged!Dean and Santa!Sam. That's all.

Death Comes Softly by el_spirito23
R, gen

Prompt contains spoilers for 7x10. Highlight to see. ;)

Dean calls Death for one last favor: To spare Bobby's soul. So Dean walks out in the snow that has begun to fall. It's up to you how he hurts himself in order to call the horseman. Please give me a nice conversation between Death and Dean while Dean is slowly dying and an outsider pov when someone finds Dean afterwards.

Christmas Pie by katiki7
PG-13, Sam and Dean, gen; spoilers through 7x10
s7!Dean is terrified of the idea of ‘taking care of himself’ because it’s such a foreign concept to him, and also it means dealing with issues he’s not ready to deal with. Then he gets de-aged and suddenly he’s this KID who literally CAN'T take care of himself, and Sam (and possibly Bobby) are re-searching ways to kill Leviathans and being all productive and Dean can’t hunt, and they won’t let him drink, and he can’t even seem to keep his emotions in check the way he did as an adult, and being so small brings up all these memories up of being so young and helpless and how he still feels that way years later underneath everything, and basically, it’s not a good time. In the meantime, Sam tries to give them a real Christmas in an attempt to make Dean feel better. He maybe even gets them a tree! There, it’s a seasonal prompt now!

A Beary Merry Christmas by ramblin_rosie
AU, Missing scene for “ Semper Fi,” in which Dean is a Marine and is severely injured by an IED in Iraq; Alec is in the Soldiers' Angels backpack he receives in Germany.
Dean's been hurt pretty badly doing something wildly heroic. Somehow (a grateful child? A charmed nurse?) Dean's wound up with this stuffed animal, that while he's been high on all those painkillers for all that time, he's got all attached to. Sam is hugely tickled, and hugely awesome when Dean sobers up.

Plain Text by mad_server
(1) Text messaging has basically two uses: relaying information, and entertaining people who are bored as fuck. (2) Dean has some kind of winter-related ailment, be it an amazing case of the flu or a broken leg from slipping off a roof or whatever. Something that keeps him at home and not doing much in the way of movement. (Not picky!) (3) Well, Sam needs Dean to get him some info on a case they're working and Dean is bored as fuck. Text message shenanigans ensue. Bonus points for drugged/delirious!texting!

Christmas Waffles by checkthemargins
Christmas morning breakfast, Sam/Dean style. Dean's fresh from the hospital. Sam is gentle.

Hunger Pains by lexophilia
Warnings: 7.10 spoilers, profanity, violence
Depression and/or an eating disorder. Dean has no appetite and hasn’t been eating properly. Sam’s been aware of it for awhile, but when they go out to a diner (or wherever) for Christmas dinner and Dean can’t even manage half of it, that’s the last straw. Worried!Sam and sad!skinny!Dean, please.

Learning to Give a Damn by darth_firefly
PG-13; Gen w. Jess/Sam
Dean never came for Sam when he was in Stanford. Now Sam is a successful lawyer, rich and married to Jess. But, Sam also remembers what it was like when there was almost no food left and Dean (or Dad) took him into a soup kitchen/homeless shelter for a warm meal. So, a tradition in the Jess/Sam Winchester household? Help out in a soup kitchen/homeless shelter on Christmas. Since they moved to a new town/state this year, it will be their first time in this one. One day a man with a very messed up leg/in a wheelchair comes in. The way he's greeted by the staff and the others he seems to be a regular and well liked. Also, he kind of resembles his older brother Dean which he hasn't seen in a decade.

About Face by roque_clasique
Warnings: 7.10 spoilers
Dean gets clobbered in the face. Seriously clobbered--big black eye, split-open cheek, butterfly bandage, multicolored bruises. Three days later or so he has to spend some time at a crowded public venue during the holiday rush. People are there with their kids and understandably freaked out by this dude who looks like he lost a fight with a brick wall.

Better Weather by apodiopsys
All I want is de-aged!Dean (mentally and/or just physically regressed I don't care) + Sam + snowball fight + an injury of some kind + hot chocolate + Bobby's house with the fireplace going as a blizzard hits. And alright. There can be a puppy as a Christmas present in there somewhere. Because Lil!Dean and puppies = de best. :)

[ART] The Art of Cooking Children by petite_madame
Gen. Dean's experience with the fairies had an interesting side effect... he's seeing little pointy-eared people everywhere. They're dressed in red and green and he's the only one who can see them. He thinks it's creepy the way they watch children.

Misplaced comment-fic: Untitled by anon
Outside POV, G-rated het
"No, it's fine," he says, cradling it to his chest the way everyone does with arms that are fine. "I'll patch it up when I get home."

Pie by mad_server
Dean is sick and can’t taste anything (like the PIE Sam brought him for Christmas) which is totally not fair. He’s grumpy and feverish and saaaad.

Black by anon
light Sam/Dean
Dean hurt his leg permanently. Anyway, Sam gets really nervous whenever he's in the shower, like, he's scared Dean's gonna fall and knock himself out and drown. So he instates a rule that whenever Dean's in the shower, he has to SINGGGG like a little birdie so Sam can hear him from the next room and be sure he's still upright. Turns out, Dean's a really good singer, when he's not hamming it up with the car radio. Sam finds that he loves to listen to his brother sing. So all stealthy-like he tries to get Dean to take MORE and MORE showers, by trying to get him as dirty as possible all the time. Orrrrr, if you wanted to go the angsty route, you could do the one time Dean stopped singing in the shower. 'Cause he fell down or whatever. And Sam freaked RIGHT OUT.

Cinnamon Sugar by lies_unfurl
post 7x10
It's Christmas Eve. Dean's pale and woozy. Sam makes him cinnamon toast.

Hearth and Home by mad_server
Titanic!AU. Christmas at Bobby's with Ellen and Jo, and a sick!hurt!Dean who gets TLC from the ladies.

Walking In a Winter Wonderland by purple_carpets
John takes little!Dean out on one his first ghost hunts. It just so happens this hunt takes them into the woods on a snowy, cold Christmas Eve night. Dean gets separated from his father and wanders aimlessly, lost and scared. His little hands and feet become frozen and stiff and he just feels so tired, maybe he'll just lay down and sleep a while, right down in the soft snow. But then the man in the trench-coat with the kind, blue eyes is there beside him, and suddenly, Dean doesn't feel so scared or cold anymore.

Untitled by mad_server
Dean is saved by the Abominable Snowman... who bears an uncanny resemblance to Dean's Sasquatch of a brother.

For Thou Art With Me by ramblin_rosie
AU, fusion with The Horse and His Boy
After he is stranded, Dean is stuck having to walk until he gets to the nearest town and it's bitter cold & snowing. He has a weird sensation that someone is walking with him though he can't see anybody. It's only that feeling of a presence that makes him able to save himself.

The Weapons You Hold by i_speak_tongue
It's snowy. They're all checked in at their new motel. What I want to see is Dean, with a cold and a broken leg, supervising as Sam unpacks. Maybe he's loopy from drugs. Maybe he's bossy. I don't really mind. I just want Sam to unpack and thus make the place into their new home, while Dean is sick and hurt, and then at the end there are happy cozy times.

The Most Festive Stitches of the Season by dreamlitnight
Dean and Sam, gen
At the hospital Dean gets festive red and green stitches. He is not amused.

Presence: part 1, parts 2 & 3 by anon
At one of the schools little Dean goes to the class have a substitute teacher around Christmas time, so they make crafts. All is going well up to the point where they start making a Christmas present for their mothers.

Always with the Paper: part 1, part 2 by jennytork
Titanic!AU. Christmas at Bobby's with Ellen and Jo, and a sick!hurt!Dean who gets TLC from the ladies.

Come Away by mad_server

Prompt contains spoilers for 7x10. Highlight to see. ;)

It's Christmas. Bobby's dead. Except maybe not, because he's right here talking to Dean. They're going to have a proper holiday with their makeshift family. Bobby's got a flask of something amazing, like no whisky Dean's ever tasted. Sam said it wasn't Bobby, that Dean shouldn't listen, shouldn't follow, that Sam's going to figure it out and Dean should stay right there, but Sam's got it wrong. Bobby's back, and Dean's going off into the snowy woods with him to cut a Christmas tree.

Under Blankets by i_speak_tongue
What could be suckier than getting a raging case of shingles for Christmas? It's your choice whether he and Sam are at Bobby's, some fleabag motel, or if he's alone.

Twinkle by marlowe78

Prompt contains spoilers for 7x10. Highlight to see. ;)

It's post-7.10 and every last shred of Dean's support system is either dead or gone. Sam knows his brother's having a bad time and is barely coping so he shows his love and appreciation by giving Dean something or doing something special for Dean's birthday. It's something he puts thought, effort, and love into... doing it specifically with Dean in mind and FOR Dean. Bonus points if Dean cries. And Sam hugs/holds him through the breakdown.

The Pain of Living by lexophilia

Prompt contains spoilers for 7x10. Highlight to see. ;)

It's post-7.10 and every last shred of Dean's support system is either dead or gone. Sam knows his brother's having a bad time and is barely coping so he shows his love and appreciation by giving Dean something or doing something special for Dean's birthday. It's something he puts thought, effort, and love into... doing it specifically with Dean in mind and FOR Dean. Bonus points if Dean cries. And Sam hugs/holds him through the breakdown.

Winternight Tragedies by angeltrap
S7; Fluffy h/c with a side dish of angst and horror; PG, Sam+Dean (platonic or preslash depending on your preference)
Outside their motel room, the snow keeps falling. And falling. It’s an almost apocalyptic storm, really, and Dean, who is maybe feverish or otherwise impaired becomes convinced the world is ending, (again) and that he’s let Sam down, let everyone down, etc. etc, while Sam tries calming him down in that soothing voice he has. Dean either has a mental breakdown/psychotic break, or the world really is ending - it’s up to you.

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star by wynefred
It's the ugliest star in creation, but it was ten cents at the store and Sam loves it, so John puts it on the top of their crappy little Christmas tree. Too bad Dean made fun of it. Now he's the only one who can see that star's malevolent twinkle. And now he's got a fever and he feels like hammered dog shit, and he knows that damn crappy star is cursed. He's gonna burn that tree down or die trying. If Dad and Sammy would just get out of the way.

glass/dirt/ashes/blood by vie_dangerouse
A/N: SPN poetry, of all things! XD ♥
Angsty curtain!fic. It’s their first Christmas after the war is over and they’ve settled down for the most part, and even though they have each other and they’re so grateful for it, something doesn’t feel right. People are dead who should be alive and here celebrating with them, they never expected to live this long, to lead this life, and (in Dean's case, especially) to have enough spare time to make it impossible not to have to deal with themselves. Etc. Could this, not any of the traumas they’ve suffered, but the relentless buildup of them, the aftermath itself, be the thing that finally pushes Dean towards a breakdown of some sort? YES?

Joke's On You by tifaching
Dean is cursed that he can't get out of his pyjamas. Or like. Any clothes he puts on turn into pyjamas. Also it's winter.

Désolé by purple_carpets
Spoilers for 7x10; Sam, Dean; gen
Dean overdoses by mixing pills with liquor or something like that. Whether or not it’s an accident is up to you. Sam is worried it would take too long to drive Dean to the ER in the middle of the icestorm they're having so he has to force his brother to empty his stomach. Lots of out-of-it, puking Dean and very concerned Sam, and the aftermath of this if you want to be extra nice to me.

i have met a stranger with silent lips by whiplashfics
So ever since the fire sometimes, when things are bad, Dean stops talking. It doesn't happen often, and it never lasts that long. But for some reason, maybe because November is such a bad month, something always happens right before Christmas that shuts him up. So Dean's spend every Christmas since the fire mute. it gets to the point where he just associates them and it happens automatically. And now it's their first Christmas since Stanford and Dean stops talking around the 23rd and Sam just isn't used to it anymore.

Standing At The River's Edge by smalltrolven
PG; Set right after 1.03, pre-Wincest
So ever since the fire sometimes, when things are bad, Dean stops talking. It doesn't happen often, and it never lasts that long. But for some reason, maybe because November is such a bad month, something always happens right before Christmas that shuts him up. So Dean's spend every Christmas since the fire mute. it gets to the point where he just associates them and it happens automatically. And now it's their first Christmas since Stanford and Dean stops talking around the 23rd and Sam just isn't used to it anymore.

Room for the Forsaken by honeylocusttree
PG; Dean, Sam, OCs
A hurt, delirious Dean crashes into the life of a small (perhaps grieving family) and disrupts their Christmas Eve.

Chocolate Love by divendfly
G, gen
Dean's skinny. Sam feeds him lots of holiday chocolate and makes him feel looooooved.

Untitled by jaimeykay
Rumsfeld always gets super-protective of Dean when he's under the weather. Now it's wintertime at Bobby's, and pale wobbly Dean does lots of snoozing by the fire with a giant pile of warm slobbery growly love parked beside him/on top of him.

Untitled by mad_server
Dean and Sam. Stranded in the car, on the side of the road in a snowstorm. Is there cuddling for warmth in the backseat with Dean breaking down in Sam’s arms and/or reacting badly to touch because it’s the first time anyone’s held him/been so close to him since hell? Or something more light-hearted where Dean is getting sick and Sam covers him in the blanket from the trunk and feels his forehead a lot and generally schmoops him up? Both of those things at the same time, maaaybe? I’m just throwing ideas out there; I like ALL THE THINGS.

All I Want for Christmas Is... by beth_summer
Okay. Dean is physically de-aged and FOR SOME REASON has to go undercover as a real kid and sit on Santa’s lap at the mall and whisper in his ear that he wants a vat of whiskey a toy train for Christmas. He is GRUMPY and Sam is like, lolololol. You can throw in some angst if you want. I love angst. You wouldn’t know it from this prompt, but I swear I do! /o\

You're a Mean One Mrs. Grinch by dreamlitnight
Dean and Sam, gen
Dean's got a nasty earache, and while he and Sam are interviewing someone, he kinda totally loses his balance and knocks over their christmas tree. Oops! The interviewee can either be sweet and forgiving, or perhaps grouchy and mean, so that Sam will have to step in and defend his sick, helpless brother.

Little Mall of Horrors by dreamlitnight
Dean, Sam, Bobby, and Castiel, gen
Dean faces the worst horror one can face at Christmas- a crowded shopping mall on Christmas eve. Bonus points if Dean has a fever but is determined to not let it stop him from getting Sam and Bobby and Cas a real Christmas present. Extra bonus points and chocolate covered Deans if Bobby gets a call from the hospital telling them that Dean passed out and he ends up spending Christmas in the hospital and Sam, Bobby and Cas take Christmas to Dean.

Dreams We Seek by lies-unfurl
PG-13; mentions of alcohol abuse, general S6 spoilers; Gen (background Dean/Lisa)
Dean, Cas and others, set during the "lost year" between 5.22 and 6.01. So, it hasn't been a bad Christmas with Lisa and Ben. Dean put up the lights, was able to buy a few real gifts and there was lots of pie. But one night while Lisa and Ben are gone, it just gets to him. Sam is gone, Bobby is distant, etc. Dean drinks himself almost into a coma, but at least it keeps him from putting a bullet in his head. His dreams are filled with horrible images of Hell, and he just can't wake up. That's when Cas visits, unseen. He heals Dean, and then gives him a unique present. He fills Dean's dreams with the most lovely images of a Christmas that never was. Everyone Dean ever loved and everything Dean ever wanted all in one place at one time.

A million miles from home by anon
Meg and Alastair know exactly what Dean wants for Christmas this year. (Can be in hell, or first half of S4. Just give those evil lovelies some love! By which I mean... well, make them hurt Dean and make Dean be pretty while they do it, and then let Sam give him a hug at the end. Yes?)

When You Remember Me by lexophilia
It's December of Sam's third year at Stanford and he gets a package in the mail from Dean. He thinks it's a Christmas present, like Dean has sent him the past two years so he waits to open it on Christmas day. Turns out it's actually the box Dean arranged to have sent if he ever died hunting. Merry Christmas, Sam.

Please, Daddy (Don't Get Drunk This Christmas) by purple-carpets
Taken from a John Denver cover of Please, Daddy (Don't Get Drunk This Christmas):

Just last year when I was only seven
And now I'm almost eight as you can see
You came home at a quarter past eleven
Fell down underneath our Christmas tree

[ART] Heroic Dean by mad_server
Dean dives into a flooded river/semi-frozen lake to save a puppy and almost drowns. The puppy licks him better.

Dean Vs. Food by jennytork
Four days before Christmas, Dean and Sam find a place that has a restaurant built in. The restaurant has a promotion -- whoever can eat six quarter-pound burgers and three huge orders of fries in x amount of time gets their meal and the meals of everyone in their party free -- for as long as they stay there. Dean succeeds. And then spends the next 12 hours throwing up. And all the puking leaves him with a wrecked throat and clogged sinuses.

River by i_speak_tongue
Stanford era. John and Dean driving around, on a hunt. There's a ton of tension between them-they're both sad that Sam's gone and each kind of blame the other for it. It's Christmas, they see holiday decorations everywhere, but they don't say anything to each other about it. The holiday goes by without either acknowledging it. I figure this is hurt!Dean already just because he'd be really sad and stuff but you can give him a cold or injury if you want!

Check the Bottle, Stupid by nightrider101
Dean and Sam, gen or pre-slash depending on how you choose to see it, PG-13, non-recreational drug use
It’s Christmas Evening or Dean’s birthday. Dean’s legs are stiff, his ribs hurt and the cut in his back stings and he sneezes. He takes a shower, swallows some painkillers and goes to bed. When Sam arrives he wants to make sure that Dean’s okay but maybe Dean didn’t count how many pills he took. Dean can’t understand why Sam’s poking him and doesn’t let him alone. Also, I am ALWAYS happy when Sam feeds Dean.

The Little Snow Cloud That Could by nightrider101
PG, Sam/Dean-ish
You know the expression "under the weather"? Dean gets cursed with a little snowcloud, that sits right above him wherever he goes. It leads to sickie-times.

Power of Song by biketest
PG, gen
Dean gets pretty sick, and also Sam is the Impala again. Oh their lives. Sampala takes control and drives Dean (carefully on the snowy slippery wintry roads) to a clinic and is like, nope, not moving, and Dean is like COME ON.

Smooth by divendfly
PG, Dean/Sam
What if Dean quit drinking and was going through withdrawal and his hands were too unsteady to shave himself and he was ashamed but Sam was all, Dean you are so strong and impressive and oh boy do I love you, let me shave your pretty face, and Dean was like okay.

Trouble Breathing by biketest
R, gen; Warnings: attempted suicide/homicide, depression, anxiety, alcoholism, language

Warning for attempted homicide/suicide and general S7 spoilers.

Post 7.10, Dean's exhausted but too hollowed-out to sleep, can't get drunk enough ever, and it's snowing like crazy on this winding mountain road. Sam's asleep in the passenger's seat, his face all red from where he'd been crying, and visibly dreaming unpleasant things. It'd be so easy for Dean to let his grip on the wheel slip just a little, to look over at his brother a second too long, to not see that cliff's edge fly out from underneath them... The car they're in isn't as solid as the Impala, though, and Sam wakes up when it smashes into that pesky guard rail but doesn't quite demolish it enough to have them sailing. Dean's lead foot isn't enough to finish the job before Sam manages to flip the fuck out and hauls Dean out through the passenger side. Dean is violently determined now, though, he'd been so close, and Sam realizes he's going to have to beat the living hell out of him if he wants to keep him.

Heal by divendfly
G; John, Dean, Sam, gen
January 1: Y2K didn't end the world. New Year's Eve almost did Dean in, though. He's upstairs, immobile. I don't feel good myself.
- John Winchester's Journal by Alex Irvine.

Maybe the Street's Alight, Maybe the Trees Are Gone by apodiopsys
Cursed on a solo hunt, with no way to contact John 'cause he's gone deep cover or something, a physically de-aged Dean manages to make it to Stanford all by himself so he can get Sam to help him find a reversal. It's cold and he picks up a plague or two along the way. Sam is out studying somewhere, or whatever, and Jess is the one who catches Dean tumbling in through the window. He manages to babble something vague and confusing about Sam's brother, which leads her to conclude Sam's brother is a terrible parent who drops his poor, sick kid on other people's doorsteps in the middle of the night and takes off. Dean doesn't correct her because the truth wouldn't exactly go over better, anyway. Jess takes care of him and plays stupid games with him that he will never admit to enjoying out loud, and is generally awesome.

Later, Sam comes home to a strange orphan bundled up in their bed and figures out what's happened, but his plans to stay behind for the holidays-like he always does, except this time he needs that time to secretly fix Dean-are squashed when Jess insists on dragging them both to her parents for a proper Christmas celebration. So there is extra-sneaky sneaking around for magic things, deceptive detours to middle-of-nowhere hunter places, and maybe a boogieman roadblock that they have to convince Jess is just deformed wildlife. The trip is interesting, to say the least, and when they get to the Moore family's place, everyone dotes on little Dean and gives him all the cookies and he kind of secretly loves it.

New Years Eve, Hunter Style by mayhsgirl93
Sam/Dean. Where would they go to celebrate New Year's Eve? I vote for somewhere with drinky sexy cozy fun. Except they're gentle because Dean's injured from that last hunt.

It was the night before Christmas... by jensensdream
Overmedicated Dean falls asleep under the Christmas tree.

Best Idea Ever (it really wasn't) by nightrider101
PG, gen
Dean is sick and doesn’t want to keep Sam awake with his coughing/sneezing, so he goes and sleeps in the car. In the middle of winter. Sam generally laments over Dean’s lack of survival instincts.

The Perfect Contradiction by nightrider101
R, Sam/Dean
Sam/Dean. In the winter Dean always fusses extra with the car, what with all the road salt. He's been giving her some maintenance and looove, and he comes inside all sweaty and grimy and sneezy from the cold. Sam is like, UNGH, and there's some attack-making-out.

Mistletoe by divendfly
Sam/Dean. Dean has a little sprig of mistletoe that he MILKS over the holiday season, moving it from place to place and sometimes just whipping it out of his pocket and extracting maaaany kisses (and eyerolls) from Sam. Then he gets sick and feels really unattractive and stops doing it, until Sam is like, "Where's my mistletoe?" and gives him maaaany more kisses.

We'll Take A Cup O' Kindness Yet by nwspaprtaxis
PG-13, gen
Season 7: Dean catches It's a Wonderful Life on TV and it basically destroys him. Because his Clarence is gone, and it is most definitely not a wonderful life, and he should start looking for that bridge about now.... And then there are hugs from Sam. The end.

Memento by rbmi_fan
PG, gen
My friend's grandmother made him a patchwork quilt out of relics from his childhood, like old clothes, maybe old blankets, maybe other things. I don't know, I haven't seen it. But he said that each patch has significance of some sort. I thought that was the sweetest thing EVER. The Winchesters aren't so much about the quilting, but do they have an equivalent? Is there an equally insanely sweet something-or-other that Sam could give to Dean for Christmas?

I Didn't Steal Them by divendfly
PG, gen
Pre-series. Dean and Sam were alone for the month leading up to Christmas. In preparation for the holiday, Dean started working some odd jobs to save money up to buy Sam presents. John stumbles in the night before Christmas Eve, thinks he stole the presents, and punishes Dean for it-but then he realizes he was wrong. He goes out and gets both boys amazing presents, and gives both boys the Christmas they deserve.

Replay by angeltrap
Warnings: Attempted non-con - again, just to be safe. It's not so much sexual as disturbing, gropey rather than rapey. Very vaguely implied past non-con (Hell). Also, language... and 'Jingle Bell Rock'.
The boys need to take care of this poltergeist/spirit/supernatural entity of the week that's haunting the local shopping mall, but really, all Dean wants to do is take a crowbar to every single loudspeaker in the place. If he has to listen to Jingle Bell Rock one more time...

[ART] Sk8ing Lyk a Pro by angeltrap
With growing up on the road, maybe avoiding cold places during the winter, Dean never learned to ice skate. Now he had to because of a case or maybe he's still in school and doing it for gym class, or maybe it's with Ben and Lisa. Any pairing, any time, I don't have any preference; I would just like to see Dean fumbling on the ice and falling or something!

Masterlist last updated: February 2nd, 2012.

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