a Winter/Holiday themed Dean-focused h/c comment meme (themed comment meme #3)

Dec 04, 2011 10:08

Let's hope LJ behaves. ::crosses fingers::

Once again, much love to geckoholic for making the beautiful, seasonal banner. Thank-youuu for making this whole thing possible. <333 YOU ARE OUR HERO.

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.themed meme series, *fun stuff, .comment meme, .promo banners, [genre» other: holiday themed]

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FILLED: Presence, 1/3 (gen) anonymous December 15 2011, 21:02:36 UTC

‘Okay, everybody,’ says the worn-out looking substitute teacher who is about a hundred years younger than their usual teacher. She has red curly hair and red sneakers, which is like, Dean didn’t even know that teachers could wear sneakers. Maybe because it’s Christmas. She is clapping her hands together to get their attention, half looking at the clock on the back wall ticking away to home-time. ‘Okay, everybody, if we’ve all finished out pictures, why don’t we all - why don’t you all tell me what you’re all going to do this Christmas? Okay, one at a time.’

Sometimes Dean wishes everybody would kind of shut up. At home Sam’s wailing or banging cupboard doors or saying ‘Dean, Dean, Dean, Dean-‘ like it’s the only word he knows and at school all the kids are shouting and shouting and sticking their hands up and shouting some more. And it’s the last afternoon before school gets out for the holidays and the craft box is out and they’re supposed to be doing Christmas pictures so everybody is even louder and stickier than usual ( ... )


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