lonely (autumn-themed) prompts as of October 2nd, 2011

Oct 02, 2011 15:29

If you're wondering what this post is all about, please check out the Lonely Prompts Challenge at hoodie_time!

Lonely comment-fic meme prompts - from last year's Halloween/Autumn themed Dean-focused h/c comment-fic meme:

These are leftover prompts from from last year's Halloween/Autumn themed Dean-focused h/c comment-fic meme, which can be found here.

You can totally snag any prompts from the comment-fic memes that have already been written for as well, btw. The more the merrier!

No preference for genre. At Thanksgiving, the boys go out to a questionable diner because Dean wants a turkey dinner, damn it, and he doesn’t care where he gets it. Anyway, this OF COURSE leads to a bad bout of food poisoning.

Sam ordered something else and is unaffected, mostly because I want him to rub pukey!Dean’s back, aw.
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Dean eats too much pumpkin pie and gets a TUMMYACHE. Sam cuddles him and rubs his belly and oh, the schmoop.
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Even though Dean is sick and achy from a cold, he insists on taking care of a poltergeist. It's Halloween, and little kids are running around in masks. Seeing the demon masks, combined with the fever, triggers a serious Hell flashback. Sam helps Dean through the flashback.

Sam holding Dean, some stroking of Dean's hair, wiping away his tears and maybe some forehead kissing would be much loved. This season has been killing me with its lack of brotherly love.

Gen or Wincest is fine with me. Either works.
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Asthma!Dean really hates the fall. Allergies give him unrelenting chest tightness and lung!pain, which is by no means an emergency but man does it makes him crabby. Cue overly helpful!Sam to make things worse.
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Dean and Sam gen, any season. Dean has allergies/a really bad cold/viral meningitis/whatever it takes for him to have a stuffy nose and maybe some shivers. Sam gives him hot cider to help.
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In the pilot, Sam says, "You know how I feel about Halloween." Pre-series; I want to see the real reason he doesn't like Halloween. Perhaps Dean takes Sam trick-or-treating while John is away and they come across a real evil thing that's more than Dean can handle. Exact ages and monster up to the author. Bonus points for Bobby rescuing and/or caring for them afterward.
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While Sam is at Stanford the full moon happens to be on Halloween one year. By the end of the night Dean's werewolf costume is a little too realistic, if you know what I mean...
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Teen!Dean smashes pumpkins when he's upset. Angry!Dean that morphs into crying!Dean FTW.
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Dean has a severe allergic reaction to something in some of Sam's Halloween candy. Sam stays the night at the hospital with Dean watching scary movies.
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Sam and Jess throw a Halloween party one year. Dean uses the opportunity to crash the party and check up on his brother. He wears a costume with a mask so Sam won't recognize him.
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So for this one I'd take either brother in the 'main role.' One of the boys is 'scarily' disfigured - I'm thinking the kind of thing 'we' love, but that might scare the kiddies (scar through and eye/lip..., burnt forearm, limp - go wild). Anyway, they're domesticated now and the kids in the neighborhood are always talking about the 'scary guy' in the run down house. And now it's Halloween, and that means trick or treating, and maybe it's kinda scary to think about stopping at the Winchester house...
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Dean has been permanently injured and is spending time in a rehab hospital learning how to use his new wheelchair. The hospital decides to do a whole halloween celebration, complete with trick or treating and costumes and Dean's really not into it AT ALL, and there's nothing Sam can say to convince him otherwise. But the little (boy/girl) in the room next door manages to persuade him to join the festivities...
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Really, all Dean wanted for Halloween was to get laid. So when Lisa begged him to do a couples theme - him as Hugh Hefner & her as one of the bunnies (or any other sexy-Lisa themed duo), he'd pretty much given in without a fight. But now that the party has been cursed, and everyone starts to become their costumes, he kinda regrets it. Especially when the party was full of all the cliche scary movie guys (Freddy Krueger, Jason, the Hulk, random monsters and zombies...). Cue "weakened" Dean trying to save the party and getting his ass beat to a pulp in the process.
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John is gone hunting, leaving the brothers to their own devices for another Thanksgiving. What else is new? This year, it's different. Dean's sick (pneumonia, please?) but refusing to deal with his health; he has other things to think about. Things like making Sam a decent Thanksgiving meal. Too bad he's too sick to eat the fruits of his labor, and the situation quickly goes from bad to worse for Dean, leaving Sam to look after his older brother until John comes home. Teen!Chesters.
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Gen. It's Dean's first thanksgiving back from hell. This specific holiday has never been a good time for the boys, but especially for the older Winchester, who actually remembers what it used to be like. Dean came back from hell overwhelmed and emotionally broken (depressed/suicidal). Sam is desperate to help him and worried that the holiday will make him even worse. So he tries hard to provide him with a good, comforting Thanksgiving for once. How is up to you. Dean shutting down completely at some point and Sam trying to get him to pull it together (gently) would be much appreciated.

If you need inspiration, do you remember Sam's face in Faith, when he finds Dean slumped over in the water? That fierce I-gotcha, stay-with-me look? I am so looking for more of that dynamic. It squished my heart.

p.s. please no season 6 spoilers, thanks.
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Teenchesters. John and Sam fighting on Halloween. Dean needs to escape so he goes out alone and get hurt of course. Sam and John have to rescue him and maybe later have some guilt.
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Gen or Sam/Dean would be great.

Some crazy occult practitioners kidnap Dean with the intent to use him as a human sacrifice on Halloween. Sam to the rescue!
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wee or teen!chesters. John leaves the boys with Bobby on Halloween figuring it's the safest place to stash them on the ghoul's busiest night of the year. In lieu of trick-or-treating the boys entertain themselves in the salvage yard, but there's lots of dangerous stuff back there. Dean gets hurt and a disoriented Sam has to find his way back to the house and figure out how to lead Bobby back to him.
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Set in season 6, gen, other characters: Lisa, Cas, Sam. It's Halloween. A twisted serial killer has found a new prey: Dean Winchester. So he decides to pay him a visit in a Halloween costume after Lisa and Ben leave the house.
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It's Thanksgiving and it's snowing and an injured and hypothermic Dean has nothing better to do to be lost in a forest. Alone. Strangers take him in. With them he gets to see what Thanksgiving is all about. Outsider-pov would be awesome! Other characters (Sam, Cas, Bobby.)
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Dean puts Cas in a halloween costume and takes him to do the whole trick-or-trating thing. Unfortunately they ring the bell of the wrong house. Hurt!dean powerless!cas, protective!cas.
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An painful nightmare from Dean's childhood re-visits him.
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Gen. Dean, Sam. Haunted exhibit. And a poor nightguard who hates Halloween.
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My bloody Valentine/ SPN crossover. On Halloween, two days after Tom Hanniger's escape the Winchester boys visit the town of new Harmony. Soon after Dean is arrested for murder by the town's Sheriff who is set to hurt Dean before the older Winchester can explain the misunderstanding. Sam finds Tom Hanniger who is possessed by Harry Warden's ghost.
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Gen. Dean, Sam, stupid rich college students. Dean Winchester in the wrong place at a wrong time. he falls victim to college students playing a deadly Halloween prank. Of course with Dean beeing badly injured the prank doesn't seem so funny anymore. They bail and leave him helpless and hurting. You can decide if they feel guilty and turn back or if they think they can allow themselves everything 'cause their powerful parents will cover their tracks. God, I am evil^^
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Sam's first Halloween at Stanford, he reflects upon a past Halloween of whumpage.

And because the Misfits will explain it better than me, I offer lyrics.

Candy apples and razor blades
Little dead are soon in graves
I remember halloween
This day anything goes
Burning bodies hanging from poles
I remember Halloween
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Thanksgiving Day Parade, Season 2 or later. Dean and Sam have to take care of a case right in the middle of the parade. But they are wanted by the law, so they have to do it without drawing attention to themselves. Dean gets hurt.
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Dean's hurt, and stuck in the hospital on Halloween, but due to overcrowding, he's stuck in the pediatrics ward. While he's there he sees how upset some of the kids are about missing out on trick or treating, and he decides to do something special for the kids.

Extra bonus points, if Dean somehow aggravates his injury or makes himself worse because of this.
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Día de los Muertos.

Gen please! Dean + fresh head injury + partial amnesia + sugar skulls + as much surreal goodness and overly bright lights and noise and maybe that head injury is bleeding a little, yeah? er, yeah. As much of that as you can pack into it + awesome Cas taking Dean home to bed ridden/bad leg/wtfever awesome Sam. (Because hurting everyone is obviously more fun.)

Just in case anyone needs any extra inspiration: Day of the Dead Parade (google) and Sugar Skulls! (also google)

Did I forget to mention: The celebration occurs on November 2 in connection with the Catholic holidays of All Saints' Day (November 1) and All Souls' Day (November 2). 'Cause, yeah.
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Devil's Night. Gen, pre-series, who else would leave kids alone in a seedy section of town on 'let's burn shit and destroy shit and fuck everything up night' in Detroit other than John Winchester? I love the man, but yeah. Anyhoo, it's October 30th and Dean, 15 or 16 is at 'home' babysitting the brat while the yahoos are out in the world just making a mess of things. That the motel catches fire isn't wholly unsurprising, but that Dean somehow loses wee Sam in the process is cause for distress especially because some thing seemed to be looking out of the eyes of the last girl Dean saw near Sam. He's not sure, but maybe the eyes were black? He's sick as hell from smoke inhalation, burned his back a bit trying to get their stuff out (shotgun, yes and please), but Sam is gone and Dean's freaked. He's not going to let some stinging burns and a little cough stop him from finding Sammy. Okay, so maybe the cough nearly puts him on the ground a couple of times and maybe his shirt is sticking in spots to the wound like it's been burned into him or something, but Sammy is GONE and Dean? Dean's gotta find him. Even if it means navigating the streets gone mad on this violent night. Teen Dean tracks his brother through the city and goes against this thing that he's too young to know is a demon.
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Dean's First Ghost. Gen, pre-series, a little A/U: It's Halloween somewhere out east and Sammy's just a kid, old enough to know that Halloween's kind of silly, but still totally on board with free candy and soaking up all of the happy pumpkins, carmel apples, families and cute little kids shit that he can. So, Dean relents and takes him trick-or-treating, makes him a shitty costume out of what they have and off they go. They fall in with some kids that they've seen around school and there comes a dare about going to this haunted house and Dean, yeah, Dean knows ALL about hunting because Dad told him absolutely everything ever (he thinks) and so he's pretty "oh, you silly little kids" about the whole thing. Only? The house really is haunted and there's his little brother looking up at him, scared shitless in his lame ass home made Halloween costume with this expression that says he knows Dean will take care of him? What's a guy to do, you know. As for the h/c? You can give him a cold or throw him around or whatever you think is appropriate. :D
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November 27th. Gen, pre-series (WTF with the preseries today?). You can play fill in the blank on this one a bit. Usually it's Sam and John that get into the knock down drag outs, but on Thanksgiving, it's Sam and Dean that nearly come to blows. They're both young, so it's perfectly okay for them both to be dickish, but fic where Sam's all at fault and Dean's an angel kinda turn me off. Anyway, both brothers leave the cramped motel room in a huff. One goes off who knows where and the other finds booze and lots of it. In the morning, the Winchester who got wasted wakes up and feels like maybe he's half an inch shy of alcohol poisoning. He can't stop throwing up, he's stumbling around, he's seeing two of things most of the time, he's shaking, and he's pretty sure that he's going to blow out a couple of veins in his head that it's pounding so hard. Said brother realizes that the second Winchester has not come home in the night and sets off to find him. And he does, finds him in a park not far from the motel, sleeping on a bench, coughing, and half-frozen through because it's cold as hell and he spent the night walking around until settling on the bench. They take each other home and sort each other out - body warmth and skin rubs for the hypothermic boy and some serious hangover work on the other.

You can choose who's the drunk boy and who's the frozen boy. Your choice. :)

(And if you can work in some day after Thanksgiving pie maybe picked up at a 24hr grocery that maybe got a little smashed but that they still eat later when they're not frozen and puking up their guts? I'd be all happy and stuff.)
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Horribly allergic Dean must take a hay ride for a case. For some reason, idk. It'll be awesome!
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Since I've done it to one brother, someone should totally get the other. Dean has surgery for a congenital heart defect a few days before Halloween. On Halloween, he's moved out of the peds ICU to the regular Peds floor and sure there's kids and it's all fun and bright and cheery and there's Halloween crap everywhere - his nurse is even wearing stupid cat ears and a tail and he's totally too old at six or seven to think that's kind of cool or that she's cool and not just some stodgy old adult, but, yeah... he likes it. And they even let him have real food, hooray. No candy though, damn the luck. But, really? He's kind of depressed because it's Halloween and he's in the hospital. No fun. No fair. No Dad or Sammy or anybody. Then, just shy of visiting hours, in toddles Sammy looking round and silly in his Pooh Bear costume with red cheeks and bright eyes and heading right for him, Dad, or for shits and grins, maybe Missouri right behind him.
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Gen, anywhere seasons 1-3: Actual modern witches with a bone to pick decide that it's time to take a stand for witches everywhere and start hunting the hunter. And, okay, so the Salem Witch Trials weren't so much about witches and the devil so much as about fear, religion, mass hysteria, greed, misogeny, and generally shitty behavior and good GOD, Sammy, could you be a bigger geek? Point is, the witches are real, the pond's real, and Dean really is the one being dunked into the freezing water. And, sure, he can hold his breath, but not when he's being pelted with rocks and when the water's so cold it makes him gasp. Awesome Sam to the rescue. If there's a side of wounded, freezing Dean, and the need for manly platonic bedsharing? I'd be down with that.
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Pre-series: Dean's pretty sure that Sam's first real girlfriend is a witch. Dad, yeah, Dad maybe makes a few good humored cracks about Sabrina the Teen-Age Witch and tells Dean to just let the kid have it, he has to grow up sometime after all, but she's just not right. He's not fooled by her normalness and her fuzzy sweaters. He can just feel it, even if Sam's kind of hurt and accusing him of ruining things for him. And the girlfriend? Yeah, she's pretty sure that she's not going to let some douche older brother get in the way of her owning Sam completely. And if she has to do some nasty, damaging spell work to get Dean out of the way? Well, too darn bad. Dean can save himself, blushing, gawky, "a girl just let me touch her boob!" teen Sam can save him, John or Bobby can save him, and Sammy, yeah, he should probably feel horribly guilty and a lot depressed later. And Dean, even beat to hell? He's an awesome big brother.
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AU - here's a pairing to destroy the masses.

De-aged Dean. Actually, it's been about two years since Dean's been de-aged and it's clear that he's never going to turn back and it's weird for everyone because Lisa alternates between hugging the hell out of him because he's such a cute fucking kid and just bursting into tears. Ben's kind of freaked out all to hell because he God damned idolized the hell out of Dean and now he's this kid that follows him around. Sam's getting over whatever fucked him up in season six and so protective over Dean who can be so damned cuddly, and here's awkward because lately when they find themselves at Lisa and Ben's, Sam and Lisa sort of get all awkward and flushed and weird around each other and EW, but, yeah. Tension. Which sometimes gives wee Dean this woeful, sad and confused look. And Sam kind of hates himself and spends quality time banging his head against the wall.

But, in this the longest prompt ever, it's Thanksgiving and they have to come over for dinner because it's Thanksgiving, Sam, and you can't just feed the kid a Hungry Man dinner at Bobby's for God sakes.

Work in hell's own Tryptophan coma and Dean sitting on Sam's lap sleepy as shit while Sam's sleepy as shit and everyone's too tired to be awkward and weird and, yeah, that'd be cool. Especially if Dean who's too full to move totally does not turn down pie.
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Not only is it Halloween night, but it's also a full moon. And wouldn't you know, Dean gets bitten by a werewolf.

(Except, um, not Show's interpretation of a werewolf [ilu Show, but no] and not, you know, Twilight's FURSPLOSION werewolves. Just. A wolf! Okay. Shutting up.)
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Pre-series. Sam decides that, dammit, he wants to go to freaking Homecoming. John's due back at any moment, so Dean says he can't go, but Sam's not at the age to take "no" for an answer. He sneaks out. Dean flips out and goes to get him. Neither of them notice that Sam wasn't careful enough around the salt-line on his way out. . . .
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Teen!chesters. Dean breaks his arm, like really badly. But the rub? It's Thanksgiving, and for once Sam and John are getting along so awesomely and Dean doesn't want to spoil the evening. But he's really messed up and he can barely keep himself from passing out from the pain during dinner. And Sam's not slow on the intake. Not looking for a neglectful John - maybe he was too wrapped up making a turkey dinner to realize that something was wrong. Oh, and did I mention it was a BAD break? Yeah.
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Gen, Teenchester. Why Sam hates Halloween? While a teenage Sammy goes on for trick or treating with his schoolmates, Dean and John are on a hunt that of course goes wrong and Dean ends up in the hospital (nothing life threatening). Sam freaks out, like really and the only one who can calm him down is Dean. So Sam is glued to Dean while he recovers and becomes overprotective, like can't even let him out of his sight because he's afraid something will happen. Dean realizing that something is wrong with Sam lets him motherhen him. So I want hurt!Dean, freaked out Sam and brotherly schoomp. :) Thanks in advance.
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Season 5: It is one of history's ironies that November 9 marks both one of the happiest days in 20th-century German history--the fall of the Berlin Wall--and one of its saddest--Kristallnacht. So what with the Apocalypse in full swing and all, a nasty critter from the old country (Nazi turned demon, vengeful ghost, Lorelei, whatever) decides to take the opportunity of a twentieth-anniversary Mauerfall celebration to raise a little Hell. Choice of victims and means of Dean!whump, I will leave to the author. Bonus points for use of '80s West German pop (Nena, Scorpions, etc.).
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Inspired by what I'm going through now.

Dean gets sore eyes and refuses to go to a Halloween party with Sam. Mad, Sam sneaks out anyway, but forgets to lock the door. He comes home a few hours later to find Dean face down beside the bed and the whole room in a mess.

Maybe a robber had sneaked in and tried to rob the house? Maybe Dean's eyes were watering so much that he didn't watch where he was going and tripped? It's up to the writer to fill in the blanks!

Edit: Forgot to add that this may be set in pre-series. Teen!chesters probably :)
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Dean is in the panic room. It is halloween. God he hates Halloween. And he is in the panic room for reasons that are yours to come up with, but yes, I mean locked in the panic room. And Sam is... you decide.
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Monster Dean. Something gets him, your choice. Sam will stop at NOTHING, NOTHING. Hunter!Sam, totally focused on kicking ass for his big brother. Preferably S1-3, but if you really must have Cas in there you can. ;) But the focus in the rescue is on SAM kicking ASS for DEAN. Any pairing, any rating, have at it.
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Incubus curse! Go!
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Dean shows up, and it is totally halloween night at Stanford. Somehow, despite herself, Jess really seems to fit in her role with Sam AND Dean, she comes to very quickly appreciate big brother Dean, who treats her with respect as the near-sister-in-law she is. Maybe she starts hunting? Focus on big brother Dean being awesome to her and Sam. Then he gets injured on a hunt and Jess is really messed with, she and Sam are pissed as hell and take really good care of him.
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Dean had bulimia. "Had" being rather loosely defined- the main thing is that Dean's not binge eating or throwing up anymore and in traditional Winchester fashion the issue's been swept under the carpet. Except that John's been gone on a hunt longer than expected and the food supply is running low. Dean's been sneakily giving most of it to Sam and is starving hungry and worried about where John is.

Eventually John gets back on halloween, with food, and Dean manages to choke down some dinner like a normal person. But John's also brought back some candy for trick or treaters- exactly the sort of thing Dean used as binge food. John can't work out why Dean's so jittery, until he realises that with his blood sugar all messed up and the worry Dean's worried about relapsing.
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Dean eats too much Halloween candy and gets sick. At least that's what the boys first believe. Turns out he's been poisoned. Hospital bedside scene, please! Bonus if Sam figures out who did it and goes all Chuck Norris on the guy's ass.
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Dean is laid up in the hospital for whatever reason and being bored, he wanders into the children's cancer ward. He spends Halloween night telling scary stories (toned down "real-life" tales) to the kids. He gets Sam to spring for candy apples and candy.
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One-eyed Dean is overjoyed, because Halloween is the one time of year when his eyepatch goes unquestioned. He even tries to rent a parrot.
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Futurefic AU, or something. Dean lost his leg below the knee a while back, and all of a sudden gets to wondering if there are actually still peg-legs around. Like, could he really get a wooden peg leg? The idea is delightful to him, to Sam's complete and utter bafflement. Dean sets himself to the task of finding a peg-leg before Halloween!
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Scarred!Dean, comforting Lisa. Dean was really messed-up in the War, and has some really bad scarring on one half of his face (and maybe he's blind in one eye). That whole side of his body, in fact, is pretty messed-up -- he limps, he has trouble using the hand, that kind of thing. But it's most evident in his face.

Lisa takes him to a Halloween party, and he convinces her that he doesn't need a costume, everyone will just assume his face is makeup, and it works; everyone congratulates him on his kickass makeup and realistic limp -- but it depresses him more than he thought it would. Does he really look that awful? (the answer is no.)
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One-Armed Dean wants a hook! Dean has lost one of his arms, and he and Sam have settled down somewhere. They're kind of hard-up for cash, due to not scamming anyone anymore, and are working their asses off trying to make ends meet.

Enter the costume contest at the local bar: prize? 2,000 dollars.

Dean gets obsessed with the idea of being Hook, and searches far and wide for a real, life hook-hand.

Sam dresses up as the ticking crocodile.

(they win)
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John isn't around, so teen!Dean takes wee!Sam trick-or-treating, even though he's at that awkward teenage stage where trick-or-tricking is like the lamest thing you can do, and oh yeah, he's getting sick.
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Dean and Sam are digging a grave up for a salt and burn on Halloween, and it's hours spent out in the cold even though Dean's cold is maybe, possibly turning into pneumonia. Then when they get back to the car it turns out someone has egged the Impala AGAIN and Dean is like, I give up on life. So Sam drives them home and puts him to bed. Sam/Dean, please, but I'd be okay with gen too.
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Mm... so, for some reason both brothers are deaged and with bobby or with Cas, and they want candies in Halloween =D

If for some reason Cas is deaged too, I will be happy but with both the boys I am fine
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Gen. Dean is subjected to a series of 'tricks' (that escalate in danger) when he fails to give out 'treats'.
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The Winchesters run into some familiar looking spirits roaming the Earth on Halloween night, some (enemies, people they couldn't save, etc.)who aren't so pleased to see Dean (and/or Sam) again.
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On or near Halloween, Dean suddenly (and painfully) manifests wings. Halloween prank? "Gift" from an angel? Would love for it to be set in the current timeline, but really, anything's good!
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The boys seek refuge after a particularly tough job the day before Thanksgiving, somewhere rural and snowy. Dean, of course, is injured and hypothermic (Sam can be roughed up too, I GUESS). They find a house, a nice old couple takes them in (whether or not they're having a big family Thanksgiving is up to the writer), and Dean wakes up covered in cats.

They just really like cats, and their cats really like people!
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Sam/Dean, domestic!Winchesters, PTSD!Dean. Sam/Dean this time! Domestic!Winchesters, after the war is over/they've had to retire. PTSD!Dean’s first Halloween and/or Thanksgiving at their new place.

Maybe the neighbours think Dean is a war vet, and maybe Sam is all rrrr uber-protective he-man!Sam. Yes.
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Gen (or mild Lisa/Dean is okay). Lisa invites Dean and Sam to Thanksgiving dinner. They accept, but when they show up on her doorstep, she discovers Dean's been hurt from their most recent hunt. Lisa, Sam, and even Ben end up fussing over Dean. Also there's pie somewhere in the equation.
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John and Castiel both look out for Dean.

. . . Dean doesn't need any looking after.
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Pre-teen/teenchesters. Halloween and the boys are alone with strict orders to stay inside. To cheer Sam up, Dean decides to carve a jack 'o lantern and cuts himself. The severity of the wound and what Sam does is up to the author.
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How about this... Dean managed to break his jaw and had to have it wired shut. He's sore and cranky and a little depressed cuz it's Halloween and he can't eat any candy. Then Sam get a brilliant idea, buys a blender and proceeds to make Dean candy flavored milkshakes and smoothies.
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Dean (~20ys), Sam(~16ys) and John celebrate a - for their standards - big Thanksgiving with Bobby, Pastor Jim and Caleb at one of their homes.

Dean's been having some more than brotherly feelings for Sam for a while now and seeing Sam happy and celebrating with his family becomes too much. He breaks-down in some way, and tells one of the guys/his dad about it, begging for help and advise what to do, while the others continue to celebrate oblivious in the next room.
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Dean goes out to a Halloween party with a tag along Sam at his side. Dean gets a little pre occupied with a girl while dorky Sam is teased by a jerky jock. When Dean notices his little brother's frustration over the teasing he attempts to take on the jock one on one but the jock has lots of friends and Dean is out numbered. Sam is left to take home and take care of a very beaten Dean.
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Dean gets burnt while saving people who started a fire by deep-frying their Thanksgiving turkey.
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Pre-series. Dean, trying to make the holiday extra special for John and/or Sam, cuts himself while preparing one of the dishes for Thanksgiving.
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Sam and Dean are in town to stop the monster that comes out every Halloween to violently murder a trick-or-treater or two. Except it turns out that the “monster” is actually a serial killer. Who OF COURSE kidnaps Dean and ties him up, maybe in a cellar where it’s cold and awful, and if you want to go overboard with the h/c, (muhaha) maybe Dean is sick too, and this makes him worse.

And maybe there’s a kid stuck in the basement with him that he has to comfort. Or maybe he’s alone. And he’s trapped, and he’s hurt/sick/whatever, and the guy keeps putting drugs in his water to make him sleepy and he can’t escape and it's been WEEKS. SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM.

Post-hunt traumatized!Dean would be a plus.
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Teenchesters: Dean with a football injury.
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Here's hoping someone is old enough to understand this prompt:

During Changing Channels, the Trickster sticks Dean and Sam into the Thanksgiving episode of WKRP in Cincinatti. Dean gets hit by a non-flying turkey.
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Or perhaps something more recent . . .

During Changing Channels the Trickster sticks Dean and Sam into the Thanksgiving episode of Friends where Joey gets his head stuck in a frozen turkey. Dean is Joey. Sam is Phoebe.

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A99qU5aedjo
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Dean's been sick/stressed/whatever and he's dropped some weight he didn't really have to lose. Gaining it back has been harder than he anticipated. Sam uses Thanksgiving as an opportunity to fatten Dean up.

To the point where Dean offers to, like, shotgun the tub of gravy if he'll just back the f off.
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One too many trick-or-treaters leads to a snarky reply by Dean. Unfortunately, this group is being chaperoned by a real witch. And s/he curses Dean. Maybe then he'd understand.

And now whatever Dean wishes for comes true. With hilarious/bad results.

Dean never knew there were so many times in one HOUR that the words "I wish" came out of his mouth....
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Dean/Sam. Dean has a long scar down his face he's very sensitive about. On halloween, teenagers make fun, saying its the scariest thing they've seen all night or that hes ugly, which upsets him but he doesn't let it show. Of course Sam notices & takes care of his brother & convinces him he's still beautiful, etc.
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Dean/Sam. On a salt & burn on halloween night, Dean & Sam unknowingly burn the wrong body due to a halloween prank where teens mess with the gravestones & afterwards when they're going back to the car, the ghost somehow controls the Impala & runs Dean over. Seriously injured!Dean panicky!Sam please.
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Dean is living with Lisa and Ben who are taking care of him because he's sick. I want to see Ben being worried for his father and Dean acting strong and like nothing were wrong only to protect his son.You can write Sam being there too.
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Ghostly!John. Anytime in the series after the second season premiere, but Season 6 would be awesome.

On Halloween Night, ghosts walk the earth. John Winchester pays a wounded and/or recovering Dean a visit.

Yes, I know they burned his bones, but John sure did leave a lot of stuff behind - like in those storage units.
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Sam's first (and only) Halloween costume.
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Daddy!John on Halloween. Dean is 8 and Sam is 4. It's Halloween and unfortunately, Dean's really sick (but trying to hide it). John happens to be home for Halloween and little Sammy really wants to go trick or treating. Luckily for John, Dean's small for his age and can easily be carried...
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The boys investigate some disappearances at a Haunted House (not an actual haunting, but the kind where middle school kids pay $5 to go inside and be scared). Dean becomes the next disappearance. Sam has to saaave him (extra mega bonus points if Cas helps)
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Looking for Dean with John the halloween after Sam left. Don't really care what kind of hurt you inflict on Dean (preferably broken bones), but I'd like something along the lines of, "Dean liked the way Sam took care of him more than John."
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Halloween night. A bunch of teens have been out pranking teachers and drinking booze. Sam and Dean have just finished a case and are driving through the night to get to the next one. There's a nasty crash...
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Dean's been feeling miserable lately - thirsty all the time, frequent pee stops, completely exhausted. Then Halloween rolls around and Dean binges on candy completely unaware that he's developing diabetes... Type of diabetes, age of the boys, John's/Bobby's role, etc all up to the author.
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Wee!Dean and Wee!Sam are left all alone on Halloween night in some backwoods cabin, and they keep hearing noises outside. Dean does extra thick salt lines, but they're attacked! Dean recognizes the man from a news story they heard on the radio about an escaped serial killer, and he and Sam fight for their lives against a human threat.
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De!Aged Dean finds a case on Halloween night while trick-or-treating around Bobby's neighborhood. Hurt!Kid!Dean with a dash of angry and scared, but caring Sam and gruff, but cuddly Bobby...
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When it started snowing in late November, they knew That One Convenient Reservoir Case in Dad's Journal was a bad idea.

Sam uses his college!boy knowledge to commence gen rescue breathing though slashy subtext and/or Sam!musings is A+! Shivery, unpleasant hypothermia! Removal of sopping clothing! Warm, fuzzy blankets!

(Or, you know, whatever the Winchesters have instead of warm, fuzzy blankets.)
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An autumn night in a haunted woods far away from other people, Cas takes care of a sick or injured Dean. Gen or Slash.
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Something that deals with Dean's functional alcoholism, please. Any season.
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Schmoop at Thanksgiving. The lines between natural and supernatural are thinnest around Hallowe'en. In that time, something happens and Dean and Sam's skill sets are reversed. (Dean is suddenly the proficient one with knives and scarily competent at research, Sam hears something off with the Impala and finds it to Dean's horrified shock, etc.) They have the added complication of something being physically wrong with Dean -- something that was once Sam's is now Dean's and his body can't deal with it. (Asthma? super-weird metabolism? maybe there's a REASON he doesn't sleep much or eat much....)

Dean nearly dies on a hunt as a direct result of this and once they heal up, they head to Bobby's. It gets straightened out just in time for Thanksgiving, and both boys are so incredibly grateful to just be themselves that we get schmoop!!
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Dean borrows a costume and sneaks out to go trick-or-treating with some of the kids from school. It's kind of fun for a while, hanging out with kids his own age. That is, up until some shit spell turns everyone into the costumes they're wearing. Including him. Did he mention that his Dad was on a hunt in town? Extra points if we get to see the psychological aftermath of being hunted by your own father.
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Gen. Sam visits an unresponsive Dean (in a hospital/somewhere else) on Thanksgiving night. I'd kind of like the reason for Dean's unresponsiveness to be emotional, like shock or a breakdown or what have you, but if you'd rather make it physical or supernatural, go right ahead... Any season except 6, which I am still waiting to watch (argh!). AU is fine, too. Please oh please?
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Boys in the hospital over Thanksgiving. One can be actually admitted or in the ER, or whatever. Gen please!
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prompts (all), challenge (lonely prompts)

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