a Winter/Holiday themed Dean-focused h/c comment meme (themed comment meme #3)

Dec 04, 2011 10:08

Let's hope LJ behaves. ::crosses fingers::

Once again, much love to geckoholic for making the beautiful, seasonal banner. Thank-youuu for making this whole thing possible. <333 YOU ARE OUR HERO.

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.themed meme series, *fun stuff, .comment meme, .promo banners, [genre» other: holiday themed]

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MISPLACED COMMENT FIC! 1/? anonymous December 12 2011, 13:33:21 UTC
(Outsider POV, G rated het ( ... )


MISPLACED COMMENT FIC! 2/? anonymous December 12 2011, 13:52:43 UTC
"Hey. Thank you so much," you say, loud enough to be heard over the howling wind and swooshy snow as he swings the thick black and red cables over his shoulder, only lit by the snow-screened street lamps now ( ... )


MISPLACED COMMENT FIC! 3/? anonymous December 12 2011, 14:43:18 UTC
"I've got some medical supplies with me. You should let me take a look at that ( ... )


Re: MISPLACED COMMENT FIC! 3/? roque_clasique December 12 2011, 15:13:58 UTC
Awwwwwwwww I loved this! I love Dean getting taken care of by such a great OC.

"You gonna hog all the good deeds for the day?"

LOL, uh, yup, he pretty much is, unless you FORCE YOUR CARE UPON HIM!


Re: MISPLACED COMMENT FIC! 3/? roque_clasique December 12 2011, 15:18:58 UTC
ooh just saw the ? -- does that mean there'll be more?


Re: MISPLACED COMMENT FIC! 3/? anonymous December 12 2011, 15:33:15 UTC
Glad you like it! I am working on more right now!


MISPLACED COMMENT FIC! 4/? anonymous December 12 2011, 15:50:32 UTC
There are a few things that scare you under that shirt. One is a bloody, ragged looking gash on the inside of his elbow. The second is a scar or bizarre branding, the result of a bad burn in the shape of a hand that covers the lower part of his shoulder and the top of his biceps. And the last is the fact that you feel fascinated and maybe slightly turned on by the first two things ( ... )


Re: MISPLACED COMMENT FIC! 4/? mariahlee December 12 2011, 17:16:23 UTC
I love this so much! Especially your use of second person, it fits this perfectly =)


Re: MISPLACED COMMENT FIC! 4/? anonymous December 12 2011, 18:54:47 UTC
Thanks! There's more coming! I'm kind of posting as I write. I meant to do it a bit more quickly, but I keep getting rudely interrupted! :P


MISPLACED COMMENT FIC! 5/6 anonymous December 12 2011, 19:16:44 UTC
When you're finished, you're not exactly sure how you're going to get that jacket back on him since a) the gauze is wrapped so thick half his arm is about twice as wide now, and b) there's no way he can bend it ( ... )


MISPLACED COMMENT FIC! 6/6 i_speak_tongue December 12 2011, 20:32:58 UTC
Apparently the fates are conspiring today to try and give you a heart attack, because before you've even tried to turn the key, the door swings wide open and you're confronted with a gigantic hippy man. Well, actually it's hard to tell if he's a hippy since he's only wearing baggy pajama pants and a t-shirt with a black lab on the front. You breathe a little easier taking these observations into account. But, yeah. He's got long hair ( ... )


Re: MISPLACED COMMENT FIC! 6/6 i_speak_tongue December 12 2011, 20:35:24 UTC
Hahaha! Yes, it's me! This thing turned into such a beast, I figured I was due the credit! (too bad I still can't go back and fix all those ugly typos though D: )


Re: MISPLACED COMMENT FIC! 6/6 maypoles December 12 2011, 20:47:08 UTC
It's youuuuuu. <333

I love that you wrote this as a misplaced comment-fic. It's epic! Also, epically awesome.


Re: MISPLACED COMMENT FIC! 6/6 i_speak_tongue December 13 2011, 00:43:44 UTC
I honestly had no Idea it was going to be this long, hence why I posted it kinda sporadically. Crazy but It usually takes me weeks to write something this long. And I puked this sucker out in one day! (Granted, I lowered my standards a little since I thought I was anon, lol)


Re: MISPLACED COMMENT FIC! 6/6 maypoles December 13 2011, 01:06:51 UTC
I sometimes post anon at these things too, so I can kind of just thrust something fully-formed into the world without thinking too hard about it. It's kind of freeing!


Re: MISPLACED COMMENT FIC! 6/6 i_speak_tongue December 13 2011, 01:24:52 UTC


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