Sep 15, 2008 15:31

WHEN: Week 01, 'Big Bang Theory, Sunday December 3rd, 2008, 8:30 PM
WHERE: All over the school, but mainly in the Great Hall and foyer
WHO: EVERYONE! Whether they knowingly go into the battle with the DA, DE, ORDER, FUKD, or whether they're innocent and caught in the crosshairs!

And here I dreamt I was a soldier... )

morgan gravenor, adriana winters, gwen gravenor, lexi winchester

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Comments 125

Doors of the Great Hall godofwines September 16 2008, 01:59:32 UTC
He heard the screams come, but he didn't feel even mildly ashamed at what his first thought was: get Andy out of here! He didn't even have to know that it was the Death Eaters to know there was danger-- some strictly maternal or paternal or fraternal instinct in his brain kicked in, and he grabbed Andy, who was only just walking next to him, by the arms ( ... )


Re: Doors of the Great Hall andyfraz September 16 2008, 02:18:48 UTC
Andy had been about to try out a move he'd been practicing for weeks. If he stepped behind Bachcus real quick like, he could probably throw his foot out just in time to catch the boy on a step and BAM, Bacchus goes down in a spectacular, ungraceful sprawl. He'd get the shit kicked out of him now and then later (later would lead to much more fun things though) but of course, that's the whole reason he did these things, to wind up Bacchus. It gave him an unreasonable amount of joy to see those eyes narrow, and those lips twitch into something that would almost be a smile if it didn't look so dangerous ( ... )


Re: Doors of the Great Hall godofwines September 16 2008, 02:35:49 UTC
A curse-- a fucking curse-- flew far too close to Andy's head for Bacchus to give a flying fuck what the other thought about helping or whatever nonsense. Andy was right. Bacchus could (or at least, he thought he could) take care of himself. But taking care of someone else? And if something happened to that someone else... how would he ever live it down?

Especially if that someone else was Andy...?

"Death Eaters, and like Ravenclaw's bleeding cunt you're helping!" he screamed, his wand drawn and held out in front of his face. Another curse came headed straight for the pair.

"PROTEGO!" Bacchus screamed for all he was worth, throwing himself infront of Andy. The magnificent red shield fizzed in front of them, the purple spell bouncing off of it before it dissolved.

"Andy, fucking GO PLEASE!!"


Re: Doors of the Great Hall andyfraz September 16 2008, 02:57:40 UTC
Andy, who had the rather unfortunate talent at misunderstanding seventy percent of what people told him, naturally assumed Bacchus thought Andy couldn't fight. That he wasn't good enough to fight because he was only muggleborn or because Bacchus thought him to be weak.

"I'm not useless," he screamed, not really out of anger but because you had to, to be heard over the yelling and panic. "I can take care of myself." Not so true, as he didn't see either spell that was aimed in their direction. He was too busy staring at Bacchus, which come to think of it, probably meant he would be more help in another part of the castle in which he couldn't stare at his boyfriend.

He clucked his tongue and giving a last glance to Bacchus, he tore off, but not in the direction of the common room.

He didn't let himself think that it could be the last time he saw those eyes.


Gryffindor Common Room loopdeelou September 16 2008, 02:09:24 UTC
The coins had been ringing off the hook.

Do coins ring?

The DA ones-- the one's they'd been given for joining Dumbledore's Army, at least. Big letters printed along the sides. Lou knew because she'd been watching them curiously, as if waiting for something to happen. Not that she did this frequently! Just...just when she had the spare time these days.


Anyway. She'd just been about to put it into her pocket when she'd felt the letters shifting under her fingers. It didn't surprise her.

It was going to happen one day.

She'd just been waiting, that was all.

"DUMBLEDORE'S ARMY!" she shouted to the full common room, pulling her mottled grey sweater over her head.


A couple people chuckled. Some shook their heads. But a certain few knew what was going on.


Re: Gryffindor Common Room kazuki_takurai September 16 2008, 02:49:32 UTC
Oh god. Oh god, oh god, oh god. NO!

Kazu rolled his sleeves up eagerly, a serious look in his eye. Rarely was Kazuki Takurai this serious, but when Death Eaters were attacking the school-- meaning his brother was in danger-- there was nothing else for him to be. And then, when he heard Lou's shouts, nothing could have stopped him.

"Lou!" he called, narrowing his eyes dangerously. "What are we going to do?"

Where in Merlin's fucking bloody beard was Bacchus!? Last Kazu heard, he was in the Great Hall with Andy. Chen must have been there too... Oh god, oh god, oh god! His stomach was wrenching in the most uncomfortable way!

"Oh shit... What are we gonna do? What are we gonna--" his voice got cut off from a small whimper that died in his throat. Where was Chen? Was he okay? He was sure he would have felt something if Chen had been injured.

And where was the rest of Dumbledore's Army?


Re: Gryffindor Common Room loopdeelou September 16 2008, 04:06:50 UTC
Lou gave Kazu the most serene smile coming from someone who had just been shouting her head off. She took him gently by the hands and pulled him into her arms in a most intimate hug, hand tangling a moment in his hair.

"Kazuuu," she purred. "I love you and nothing is going to happen to you," she said calmly, withdrawing to look him eye. She even leaned over to kiss him on the forehead.

"Do you have your wand, m'love?" she asked him, as if she were asking him if he had his quill ready for class.

"We have to go. C'mon. Bacchus will take care of Chenny," she added, as if she sensed his fear, withdrawing her own wand and heading towards the portrait hole with a determined look on her face.


Re: Gryffindor Common Room kazuki_takurai September 16 2008, 04:20:18 UTC
Kazu held onto Lou tightly, burying his face into her shoulder, even if he had to stoop a bit to do so. His arms were shaking. His legs were trembling. Why on Earth was he so scared? He was a Gryffindor, for crying out loud! But then Lou said the best words anyone could have said to Kazu: I love you, and nothing is going to happen to you.

With those words being said, Kazu simply nodded his head and accepted the cute kiss on his forehead. With Lou around, what did he have to fear?

"I do..." Kazu breathed, his voice a little shaky. He felt tears coming on, but he hastily stopped them. "Right. I'm right behind you, Lou!"

He followed Lou with his wand firmly in his grasp, eyes narrowed in a determined glare. "Do you have a plan?"

Though, knowing Lou, she was probably formulating one right now.


Slytherin Common Room homely_illiad September 16 2008, 02:17:11 UTC
Well. The Common Room was awfully quiet for it being after dinner. Usually by this time, it was packed full of people, being loud, being annoying, and being stupid. Not today.

Not that Illiad Hawkins was going to complain.

He was actually very pleased with the arrangement. He'd even bothered to bring out his favorite tea kettle and set it up on the table next to him. Rare were the times when this was done-- mostly because the risk of someone breaking the lovely green kettle with the little brush paintings of the red fish was very high when the Common Room was noisy.

It puttered and purred on the fire, perkalating merrily. Illiad gave it a friendly little smile, then looked up immediately to see if anyone caught that.



He returned his eyes to the book propped up on his knees.


Re: Slytherin Common Room perfect_paris September 16 2008, 03:05:28 UTC
Paris heaved a stressed sigh and he set his violin aside, feeling his fingers slowly growing weary. And besides, he didn't feel too heavily inspired to play Beethoven anyway. What was WRONG with him today?

He swaggered into the common room, when his eyes fell upon a familiar sight. Ah, it was Illiad! Smiling, Paris gave a devious chuckle and crossed the room to where the younger boy sat, reading his book.

"Evening, Illiad," Paris greeted, inspecting his nails carefully. "Just wait until the common room is cleared and there's bound to be an Illiad Hawkins, reading a book."

Just where was everyone? It was rather strange, finding no one here at this hour.


Re: Slytherin Common Room sunny_charles September 16 2008, 04:14:53 UTC
Sunny had her head on her hands which were propped up by her elbows which were digging into the smooth velvet of the plush couch. She was aimlessly staring out the window thinking about depressing things, as she often did. Tonight it was the affects of pollution and greenhouse gases that were detroying the world. Illiad, who was sitting on the lounge next to hers, was reading and she knew how he hated to be interupted. He'd get a kick out of how the muggles were destroying themselves, she was sure, but again, reading. He was super anal about that.

She could tell Paris, he would definitely get a kick out of it, but he didn't even glance her way as he joined their air in this part of the Slytherin Common Room ( ... )


Re: Slytherin Common Room homely_illiad September 16 2008, 04:25:53 UTC
Illiad looked up at Paris, but right now? Even his bizarre little courtship dance wasn't going to ruin his almost perfect day.

"Tea, Paris?" he asked, waving his wand and beckoning the tea pot to come over from the fire. He conjured another tea cup and poured it slowly for Paris, watching the dark liquid pour into the cup.

And then came Sunny's voice. She was tolerable, but only because Illiad felt a certain kinship for this girl, who was just as dark, he felt as he was.

"No. No, I didn't hear anything," he said, lying through his teeth. Let the castle fall down around them. He wanted his tea and his book.

"What's the number one killer of men in Britain, Sunny?" he asked politely.


In the Foyer my_dira September 16 2008, 02:25:35 UTC
Ohhhhh yesssss.

Yess, here was the old rush, here was the old thrill of it all! Dira smiled but hid her laugh-- she didn't want to later be identified for it!

Although how could she with the hood above her head and the mask over her face?

The same thrill that ran through the body of her companion ran through her own as she peered out the mask. A child ran by-- one she knew from the school, one who had, at one time, stared overly long down Dira's dress.


The creature collapsed in screams of pain. This time, Dira did actually laugh. The sound was unpleasant to hear-- even she thought so, but that made it all the more arousing for her. It had a low sort of grumbling in it, coupled with a higher cackle that was positively terrifying.

Oh, the fun of sport!


Re: In the Foyer herr_edward September 16 2008, 06:34:45 UTC
After running to close the main doors, Edward hurried into the foyer, checking the area closely. Where there any students in here? He found a couple of Hufflepuffs huddled in a corner; they looked like they could have been fourth or five years.

"Hurry back to your common room," Edward whispered harshly to them. "Hurry along now!"

Scowling, Edward readied his wand in case of a random attack, but to his surprise, there was something much worse... Lo and behold, a Death Eater. His initial gut reaction was 'KILL IT!', but he didn't know if that was the right thing to do or not.

"You--!" he hissed, glaring dangerously. He pointed his wand at the cloaked figure, growling wolfishly under his breath. "Expelliarmus!"


Re: In the Foyer my_dira September 16 2008, 06:47:10 UTC
Do not take my prey!

She saw the Professor before he saw her, her eyes having left her first victim immediately to scan the crowd for something far bigger and far better. Yes, Edward. Attractive? Yes. That didn't mean she couldn't try to kill him.

"Protego!" she shouted, throwing up a shield charm to prevent him from disarming her.

Oh, how she wanted to marr that pretty germanic face! How she wanted to see it bleed, how she wanted to cut it up!!

"Sectumsempra!" she screeched at him, brandishing her wand.


Re: In the Foyer herr_edward September 17 2008, 01:20:38 UTC
Edward cursed under his breath as this Death Eater put up her well-cast Protego. Damn, she moved fast! He shot a few warning glances at a few other students, nodding his head quickly towards the exit. He wanted to save as many students as he could before he had to battle this frightening woman (at least, he guessed it was a woman, judging by the voice).

But before he could shoot any form of spell at his opponent, an rather strange spell caught his ear.


Unfortunately, Edward had to find out the hard way what the spell was. His eyes widened when he felt a sudden and immense amount of stinging across his torso.

"Urk--!" he cried, the shocked cry quickly dying in his throat. To his surprise, he saw the blood swiftly stain his clothes and he was beginning to become a little dizzy. Edward fell backwards onto the hard floor, writhing in pain.


What was happening? And what was that spell!?

"Damn... Death Eater--!" he spat, trying to get up. Before he could do much else, his vision faded.


Great Hall, the professor's table herr_edward September 16 2008, 02:40:02 UTC
Edward knew something was wrong that day, he just didn't know what. Little did he expect, though, to hear screams erupting from seemingly everywhere around the castle. Naturally, his first reaction was simply 'Death Eaters', but not even he could deny that he was in somewhat of a state of panic.

And what kind of adult was he? Edward suddenly became rather angry with himself for being a poor role model. He had to remain calm, for the students' sake! Eyes alight with anxiety, Edward stood up and reached for the wand from inside his jacket pocket.

"Damn Death Eaters..." he cursed under his breath. "Calm... We have to remain calm."

But what good was that going to do? What could he say to the student and faculty body that would calm them? Nothing.


Re: Great Hall, the professor's table clairefrey September 16 2008, 03:17:29 UTC
Claire rose from her chair at the Professor's table, knocking over her goblet of pumpkin juice, which stained the clean, white tablecloth with a vibrant orange. She, along with all the Professors, knew what was happening immediately. Her priority, her concern, fell with the children. "Edward," she said, turning to him, just a few seats away, "get the children out of here."

She ran to the tables, getting the students that were too stunned to move to get on their feet. "Up," she snapped at 3 kids at the Hufflepuff table and her usual cool tone seemed to whip their attention back into focus. "Run to your common rooms now. Don't stop, unless you're helping a friend seek shelter. Go, now."


Re: Great Hall, the professor's table herr_edward September 16 2008, 03:40:04 UTC
Edward's gaze remained on Claire for awhile, even after she got up and began giving orders to a few students at the Hufflepuff table. "R-Right..."

Claire, get yourself out of here! Please, please, please get yourself somewhere safe!

Edward finally turned away, strolling hastily to the Ravenclaw table, nodding his head towards the doors of the Great Hall. "Get yourselves back to your common room, all right? Run fast, and do not stop."

He glanced another time at Claire, making sure that nothing had happened to her. What was he supposed to do now? Clearing his throat, Edward made a few glances around the Hall, making sure nothing too big had happened yet. He hurried to another spot at the Ravenclaw table where a few students were mortified about the attacks.

"Go back to your common room, now!"


Re: Great Hall, the professor's table sum_unwholebody September 16 2008, 06:09:37 UTC
Where was the Minister? Of course, he was missing from supper on this most convenient of nights! Where could he be, Sorrows' brain taunted him.

Out in a mask, came the short reply, killing his own students."Edward," Sorrows gave the man a stern look. He was the only Order member currently in the room, was he? No better time to take control, even if it was just for the old man. "Edward, I need you secure the premises-- find out how they're getting in! They can't possibly be..." he stopped. Yes, why yes, they could ( ... )


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