Sep 15, 2008 15:31

WHEN: Week 01, 'Big Bang Theory, Sunday December 3rd, 2008, 8:30 PM
WHERE: All over the school, but mainly in the Great Hall and foyer
WHO: EVERYONE! Whether they knowingly go into the battle with the DA, DE, ORDER, FUKD, or whether they're innocent and caught in the crosshairs!

And here I dreamt I was a soldier... )

morgan gravenor, adriana winters, gwen gravenor, lexi winchester

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Re: Doors of the Great Hall andyfraz September 16 2008, 02:18:48 UTC
Andy had been about to try out a move he'd been practicing for weeks. If he stepped behind Bachcus real quick like, he could probably throw his foot out just in time to catch the boy on a step and BAM, Bacchus goes down in a spectacular, ungraceful sprawl. He'd get the shit kicked out of him now and then later (later would lead to much more fun things though) but of course, that's the whole reason he did these things, to wind up Bacchus. It gave him an unreasonable amount of joy to see those eyes narrow, and those lips twitch into something that would almost be a smile if it didn't look so dangerous.

Andy's tongue swiped across his lips and he took a step back when suddenly a scream pierced his ears. His head whipped in the direction of the scream and he had much the same instinct as Bacchus, except his concern was for the person in distress (Bacchus didn't need taking care of, after all, he was strong both in body and spirit).

But Bach was telling him to go and Andy fucking turned around and took five steps before he realised what he was doing. Such was the hold the seventh year had over him, he was willing, if only for a second, to head for safe ground because the boy had told him to.

"What's happening," he cried out as the screams got louder by the second. "I'm not going, I'm gonna help."


Re: Doors of the Great Hall godofwines September 16 2008, 02:35:49 UTC
A curse-- a fucking curse-- flew far too close to Andy's head for Bacchus to give a flying fuck what the other thought about helping or whatever nonsense. Andy was right. Bacchus could (or at least, he thought he could) take care of himself. But taking care of someone else? And if something happened to that someone else... how would he ever live it down?

Especially if that someone else was Andy...?

"Death Eaters, and like Ravenclaw's bleeding cunt you're helping!" he screamed, his wand drawn and held out in front of his face. Another curse came headed straight for the pair.

"PROTEGO!" Bacchus screamed for all he was worth, throwing himself infront of Andy. The magnificent red shield fizzed in front of them, the purple spell bouncing off of it before it dissolved.

"Andy, fucking GO PLEASE!!"


Re: Doors of the Great Hall andyfraz September 16 2008, 02:57:40 UTC
Andy, who had the rather unfortunate talent at misunderstanding seventy percent of what people told him, naturally assumed Bacchus thought Andy couldn't fight. That he wasn't good enough to fight because he was only muggleborn or because Bacchus thought him to be weak.

"I'm not useless," he screamed, not really out of anger but because you had to, to be heard over the yelling and panic. "I can take care of myself." Not so true, as he didn't see either spell that was aimed in their direction. He was too busy staring at Bacchus, which come to think of it, probably meant he would be more help in another part of the castle in which he couldn't stare at his boyfriend.

He clucked his tongue and giving a last glance to Bacchus, he tore off, but not in the direction of the common room.

He didn't let himself think that it could be the last time he saw those eyes.


Re: Doors of the Great Hall godofwines September 16 2008, 03:57:12 UTC
Before he could think of anything else to do, Bacchus was welling up inside of him all the secret love and affection he had in his heart for Andy. He didn't know why, didn't know the purpose, but he knew he had to try it, at least. Curses zoomed around his head, and all he could think of was the warm body of the boy in his arms, sleeping gently against his chest, his hands curls in Bacchus' blonde hair...

"Expecto Patronum!" the cry echoed across the Great Hall, causing several people to shriek. Dementors...? Where...?!

But no, there weren't any, just a boy desperately in love.

The half-figure of a silver stallion burst its way out of Bacchus' wand, running in the direction of Andy, gaining quickly on the boy. Bacchus held his wand steady, watching the not-quite complete spell go after him, hooves thunder noiselessly. It caught up to him and wrapped itself around Andy as he went, a fierce look in its silver eyes.

Wherever you're going, it seemed to whisper with its warmth, I will protect you.

Of course, it was fruitless. The spell only worked against Dementors... but still, it was the principle of the thing.


Re: Doors of the Great Hall zheng_li September 16 2008, 04:08:59 UTC
The screams... The frantic running... What the bloody hell was GOING ON!? Li's head popped up when it all happened, and she jumped out of her seat rather clumsily. What were they, these hooded figures? Death Eaters!? HERE!?

Oh no... Oh no!!

"OH NO," she gasped, glancing around the Hall with wide eyes. Li felt her pockets for her candies, making sure they were still there, then she quickly reached for her wand. She was going to fight! She was going to fight like a true Zheng! Like a bleedin' NINJA!

And who cast that pretty Patronus? Though, after seeing the gallant stallion, her best guess was correct. Bacchus!!

"Bach! Bach, OI!" she cried, making her way through the frantic crowd of people. Was he okay? She hoped that he hadn't been hurt! "Bach, what's goin' on here!?"


Re: Doors of the Great Hall andyfraz September 16 2008, 04:23:43 UTC
Andy paused in his run as a silvery whisp engulfed him. He shook it off, thinking it was some sort of spell, before he realised what it was exactly. He turned to face Bachcus, aiming a distracted spell at a death eater running for Bacchus and now that young Zheng.

He shook his head, as if to say be fucking careful, Donovan, or I'll fucking kill you myself and then he was gone, around the corner to where ever he could be of use.


Re: Doors of the Great Hall godofwines September 16 2008, 04:41:19 UTC
Bacchus watched Andy go, followed closely by his still unfinished Patronus. It hadn't vanished yet, but he knew why-- he had to keep his heart light, had to keep these memories close so that it wouldn't leave Andy, it would keep Andy calm, so that Andy would be okay.

And then all the sudden, someone was shouting his name.


He grabbed the girl by her frail wrist and pulled her behind him so that she wouldn't be the target for any stray curses.

"Li!" he shouted. "Li, you have to go, you have to go barricade yourself somewhere-- anywhere!" he said, turning to face her for only a split second.

The thing that tore him away was a curse, which hit him right in the shoulder. He fell to the ground with a terrible yell of pain as the pain of the Cruciartus shot through his veins. This was completely terrible, completely beyond pain. He had never known anything like this!

End it, please! yelled some voice in his brain.

Wherever Andy was, his silvery companion vanished.


Re: Doors of the Great Hall zheng_li September 16 2008, 04:54:50 UTC
"Aie!" Li cried as she was dragged around by Bacchus. She quickly surveyed the area, making sure nothing was going to harm them. Quickly, she cast a quick Protego spell, shielding them from a bizarre attack.

"No! I'm not leaving you here alone, Bach!" she cried in reply. "Not when I can fight--"

With a sharp thud, Bacchus was suddenly on the ground, and Li screamed. What just happened!? Why was Bach yelling in pain!?

"BACH!!" Li screamed, kneeling next to him. "Bach! Bach, are you okay!?"

Suddenly, her face changed, and she rose to her spectacularly short height. Even at her small height, though, her face showed that she meant serious business. Someone was going to pay for hurting Bach!

"REDUCTO!" she yelled, pointing her wand at the large platter of food in the middle of Gryffindor table. With a loud BANG, the whole thing exploded, all except for the sturdy wooden table. Random fragments of silverware scattered everywhere, hitting some cloaked figures and possibly some other students. What did it matter? Li Zheng was pissed.


Re: Doors of the Great Hall andyfraz September 16 2008, 05:24:02 UTC
Andy felt as if he could take on all the death eaters, as he and four other students battled two on the first landing on the stairs. The patronus that Bacchus had made was giving Andy a serious case of confidence when all of a sudden he felt terribly cold. One of the death eaters aimed a curse at his head and it missed by mere inches. What's more, Andy felt it zoom past his head and he recgnised why after just a second.

The patronus had vanished.

Without thinking, he legged it past the fighting death eaters and sprinted back to where he last saw Bach.

He couldn't have been gone more than two minutes and yet the scene that met his eyes was different from when he had left. He spotted his secret boyfriend on the floor, convulsing as if he were having a fit.

"Li," he screamed, "aim at the one by the door, that's who's doing the curse." He shot petrificus totalus at the villain and skidded into Bacchus on the floor.

"Open your eyes, you bastard, you don't get to nap through this." His palm was flat against Bach's cheek as he looked around for somewhere to pull Bacchus, wand gripped tightly in case something was directed his way.


Re: Doors of the Great Hall godofwines September 16 2008, 05:42:45 UTC
Bacchus was not cognizant of anything going on around him, safe for the random fallings of various objects from Li's Reducto curse hitting him in the face and chest. Not that they were very big or much worth his notice. They sort of felt like cool refreshing rain, mostly because they hurt far less than the poison coursing through his veins from the pain of the Cruciartus.

And them, suddenly, before him was burning like a bright white light. For a moment he thought his Patronus had come back to him, galloping back to save him before he slipped into that pit that was drawing closer and closer to his face by the second. Bacchus physically reached out, grabbing on to the first thing he could find with his fingers (read: Andy's nose) and holding on as tightly as he could-- which wasn't very tight. Even just moving like that brought immense pain.

And then came that snide little comment and the pain was broken completely, save for the shuddering remnants which made his eyes roll into the back of his head.

"Shut your fucking trap, Frazer, you lay-a-bed, I will fucking murder you in your sleep."

It all came out on one, painful breath. The curse was broken, but he was still in immense pain.


Re: Doors of the Great Hall zheng_li September 16 2008, 05:56:31 UTC
"Right!" Li cried, in response to Andy's suggestion. She aimed her wand towards the doors of the main hall, pin-pointing one of the Death Eaters out. "Incendio!"

She wanted the Death Eater's robes to catch on fire, but the tricky devil already put up a quick Protego spell. How frustrating! Li growled under her breath before trying again, this time managing to start a little flame on the bottom of her opponent's robes.

"A-Andy!" Li shouted, albeit her voice being full of terror. "Is Bach gonna be okay!?"

She was running out of ideas, and there was a Death Eater approaching them quickly. Gritting her teeth, Li cast another Incendio.

"What should we do!?" she demanded, turning back around.


Re: Doors of the Great Hall andyfraz September 16 2008, 06:12:38 UTC
Andy let out a sigh of relief as Bacchus spoke back and he gently pulled away the hand that was attached to his nose. "What did you get hit for," he hissed, "the aim is to not die. You do that again and I'm going to have to show you my mean side." He predicted Bach's responce and added quickly, "yes, it does exist. Just, oh fuck, hold on."

He jumped to his feet, drawing himself up to his full height (which wasn't particularly impressive) and stood beside Li, wand raised at the advancing death eater.

"I'm gonna try and distract him," he hissed out of the corner of his mouth. "I'm gonna throw a spell, you get behind that pillar and protect Bacchus. If I get this guy to face away from you, fucking hit him with every spell you can think of, you hear? I don't care what, use a candy summoning spell for all I care, just hit him with eveything."

Without waiting to see if she was okay with his sketchy plan, he leaped to the left and cast a random spell, calling all attention on himself so Li could hide.


Re: Doors of the Great Hall godofwines September 16 2008, 06:40:15 UTC
By this point, Bacchus had struggled up to his elbows, although his body was still wracked with the pain. But he was gritting his teeth so hard to try to pass the pain from his mind.

Pretend, said his mind, It's Andy. With a whip.

He actually laughed. First person in the world to laugh while being Crucio'd? Perhaps? And it really wasn't so much of a laugh as it was a bark of pain that somehow made him feel very silly. Andy. With a whip.

Oh how bizarre was his mind!

He didn't even hear Andy and Li talking, although he was clinging very hard to Li's leg, just for something to hold on.


Re: Doors of the Great Hall zheng_li September 17 2008, 01:29:39 UTC
Li's eyes widened as she listened to Andy's plan, trying to follow his words carefully. She never was good at following instructions... If people just wrote things down, this would be a lot easier!! She nodded, glancing cautiously at Bach.

"Okay! I'm on it!" she replied quickly, watching Andy throw himself in front of the Death Eaters. Gosh, he was so brave... It was no wonder that both these boys were in Gryffindor!

But she had to act fast! How was she going to move this lumpy oaf named Bacchus?

"Come on, Bach!" she cried, her voice strained a bit. She was attempting to move the boy on her own, and she wasn't faring too horribly! Li grabbed Bacchus under his arms and dragged him behind the pillar. "You stay and stay unhurt, okay? Be a good boy!"

Her eyes alight, Li waited behind the pillar, until the most opportune moment. As she waited, she tried to think of every spell EVER.

...This was difficult.


Re: Doors of the Great Hall andyfraz September 17 2008, 02:48:00 UTC
"No, over here, focus on me," Andy said with a grunt, as the death eater seemed to be caught between coming after him or Li and Bacchus. He threw Levicorpus at the man (or woman, who could tell with those black cloaks) but the death eater snapped it away. It served Andy's purpose though and the cloak billowed around the man as he took several determined strides towards him.

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. Face to mask with this guy, Andy of course had a mental blank. C'mon, he said to himself angrily, think.

"Densaugeo! Petrificus Totalus! Furnunculus!" He shouted until his voice cracked but it was no use, the death eater was too good for Andy, nothing he said found its target. At least he wasn't getting hit but then, the death eater didn't seem to be throwing that many spells. It was like this was just a game... He didn't seem to be turning around either, at leats not enough for Li to have a clear shot at him.

"Fucking stop it," he yelled and the death eater seemed to be slightly stunned that Andy was talking to him/her/it and they lowered their wand. "Wow, I didn't think that would work," he said, eyes wide. The villain raised his wand again and Andy tried Petrificus Totalus one more time. It missed and the sixth year roared in frustration. "Fine, you don't want to get hit then we'll just play it my way."

With that, he launched his body at the cloaked figure.


Re: Doors of the Great Hall zheng_li September 17 2008, 03:03:12 UTC
"W-WAAAUGH! ANDY!" Li cried, covering her mouth.

Wooooooah, he's so cool! Li turned to Bacchus and shifted on her feet, not knowing what to do. What WAS she supposed to do!? If she didn't act fast, Andy's ass was on the line. Oh gosh...

"Bach!" she cried, shaking the boy. "Bach, what do I do?"

Oh why was she bothering him? He'd just been Crucio'd! Bach needed to rest, most likely. Li shifted on her feet again.

"Waaaauuugh..." she wailed. "I'll do my best!"

She looked around the pillar and cast a fierce Expelliarmus at the Death Eater Andy just hurled himself at. When it missed, she tried again. She needed to disarm that bloody Death Eater!


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