Sep 15, 2008 15:31

WHEN: Week 01, 'Big Bang Theory, Sunday December 3rd, 2008, 8:30 PM
WHERE: All over the school, but mainly in the Great Hall and foyer
WHO: EVERYONE! Whether they knowingly go into the battle with the DA, DE, ORDER, FUKD, or whether they're innocent and caught in the crosshairs!

And here I dreamt I was a soldier... )

morgan gravenor, adriana winters, gwen gravenor, lexi winchester

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Re: Slytherin Common Room sunny_charles September 16 2008, 04:14:53 UTC
Sunny had her head on her hands which were propped up by her elbows which were digging into the smooth velvet of the plush couch. She was aimlessly staring out the window thinking about depressing things, as she often did. Tonight it was the affects of pollution and greenhouse gases that were detroying the world. Illiad, who was sitting on the lounge next to hers, was reading and she knew how he hated to be interupted. He'd get a kick out of how the muggles were destroying themselves, she was sure, but again, reading. He was super anal about that.

She could tell Paris, he would definitely get a kick out of it, but he didn't even glance her way as he joined their air in this part of the Slytherin Common Room.

So she rearranged her position to drape herself over the armrest of the chair and continued her dreary thoughts.

That is, until...

"Wossat," she asked with a slight dream-like quality to her voice. The blood was rushing to her head because of her position but she could hear perfectly well and that had sounded suspciciously like a bang above their heads.


Re: Slytherin Common Room homely_illiad September 16 2008, 04:25:53 UTC
Illiad looked up at Paris, but right now? Even his bizarre little courtship dance wasn't going to ruin his almost perfect day.

"Tea, Paris?" he asked, waving his wand and beckoning the tea pot to come over from the fire. He conjured another tea cup and poured it slowly for Paris, watching the dark liquid pour into the cup.

And then came Sunny's voice. She was tolerable, but only because Illiad felt a certain kinship for this girl, who was just as dark, he felt as he was.

"No. No, I didn't hear anything," he said, lying through his teeth. Let the castle fall down around them. He wanted his tea and his book.

"What's the number one killer of men in Britain, Sunny?" he asked politely.


Re: Slytherin Common Room perfect_paris September 16 2008, 04:34:31 UTC
'Bizarre little courtship dance'? It was called seduction, thank you very much. Paris chuckled lowly before eying the cup of tea suspiciously. Not because he was suspicious of Illiad, just because he was curious of the taste. Tea was never one of his favorite drinks...

"Ah, grazie," he murmured darkly, casting a side glance at Illiad. Bringing the hot drink to his lips, Paris was extra careful when he drank it, making sure not to burn his perfect lips! Couldn't have that, could he?

And then Sunny seemed to appear out of nowhere! Paris looked over at the girl, raising an eyebrow. She was a bit on the quiet side, which didn't bother him. She seemed a little odd, but then again, who wasn't odd in this godforsaken school? Paris crossed his legs elegantly before leaning forward.

"Number one killer of men? You mean it isn't jealous ex-girlfriends, out for revenge?" he asked, before taking a polite sip of tea.


Re: Slytherin Common Room sunny_charles September 16 2008, 04:47:27 UTC
She sat up, her face as red as beetroot from hanging upside down. No, she was pretty sure she heard something. She looked towards their portrait hole and that's where the noise seemed to be coming from.

"You'd think that would be up there," she said to Paris, still looking at the door with interest though. "But it's not even in the top ten." Sunny sounded quite disappointed with this, as if she half wished more women would go out and ocmmit murder, just so she had an exciting fact to tell someone.

"In fact heart disease and cancer are the leading causes. They change every year though. Cancer will take over for good soon though." Her eyes tore away from the door and she gave the boys a bored look. "Want to put some money on it?"


Re: Slytherin Common Room homely_illiad September 16 2008, 04:55:45 UTC
"No thank you."

Illiad was not a gambling man, as much as he loved Sunny. He also knew who Sunny's pay-man was-- his own dreaded cousin, Bacchus, who could eat Illiad alive and have room to spare.

Plus, he tended to be quite finicky with his money anyways. He was, after all, Illiad Hawkins-- logical, not impulsive, goal-oriented Illiad Hawkins, who never lost his temper (or so he liked people to think) and had no vices, save for one perhaps life-threatening one

"Although it is nice to know, don't you agree, Paris?" he asked with a raised, skeptical eyebrow, lips parting a little to slowly drink the tea. His eyes fell on the boy who was currently trying to get him into bed or whatever the hell he was trying to do.

"Tea, Sunny?" he asked, clearing his throat and pushing all THOSE thoughts from his head. "It's black."


Re: Slytherin Common Room perfect_paris September 16 2008, 05:09:03 UTC
"Aha ha!" Paris barked a laugh, tossing his head back as he did so. This Sunny girl was amusing... Honestly, bet on what would kill off mankind first? She sounded positively fabulous. "Unfortunately, it's not my decision as to what I invest the family fortune in."

He sipped his tea again, wincing a bit at the strange taste. Why did so many people like this drink...?

"Nice to know?" Paris began, as he returned Illiad's glance, throwing his characteristic smirk in there. "It's fabulous. Heart disease, hm? Sounds wonderful."

Then he paused, sighing softly. "Though, jealous ex-girlfriends do make for better drama..."


Re: Slytherin Common Room sunny_charles September 16 2008, 05:42:59 UTC
"Pity," she said, offering them a yawn. They were picking on her, she didn't miss the glance between them, but she wasn't particularly concerned. Everyone picked on her, that was just what they did.

"Thank you, Illiad. I could use some antioxidents." She said this in such a normal tone, as if she didn't know how utterly weird it was to say something like that. "Helps prevent cancer, did you know? Of course, if I already had cancer it wouldn't do anything. Most people die when -" She paused in her fatalistic speech to watch a young student run into the room screaming.

"- they have cancer," she finished, as if she had only been waiting for silence to continue.


Re: Slytherin Common Room homely_illiad September 16 2008, 05:50:55 UTC
Illiad frowned when the screaming child ran in.

"Silencio!" he said, flicking his wand in a manner that suggested he was merely annoyed with all that noise and the charm was a scolding.

He didn't really think he was picking on Sunny-- he greatly enjoyed her presence. There was something about Paris, however, that unsettled him greatly.

He poured his female friend a cup of tea as well and hovered it over to her with a small smile to let her know he did, indeed, have some sort of warped affection for the girl. Man, the smiles were just coming today. What the hell was up with that, he wondered? Maybe Paris would be lucky enough to get one, too.

"A lot of people die of heart attacks, too," Illiad informed her. "Suppose one had a heart attack while having cancer. Which one would kill them first?"

He glanced over at Paris again. He wasn't really that bad looking... even if he was a little stalkeresque.


Re: Slytherin Common Room perfect_paris September 16 2008, 06:08:26 UTC
Oh, Sunny had nothing to worry about. Paris picked on just about everyone-- it was one of his favorite things to do. Though, this girl hadn't ever done anything too terribly to him, so he rarely found himself teasing this one.

And what was all this ruckus about? First the random noises from upstairs, and then a screaming student? What was this, an asylum? Paris sighed and thanked the heavens when Illiad silenced the screaming student. Continuing on as if nothing had ever happened, he turned to Sunny and tilted his head.

"Tea does all that for you? Prevents cancer and all?" he laughed. "Well. I suppose that's one reason to drink it, no matter how bitter it is..."

Frowning, Paris downed the rest of the tea, setting the pretty cup aside gently, tuning in for the rest of this pleasant talk about death. "Well, obviously the heart attack would kill him first, darling. After all, the heart carries your soul, does it not?"

He caught Illiad's glance and returned it, chuckling deeply as he did so. He was so cute!


Re: Slytherin Common Room sunny_charles September 16 2008, 06:38:15 UTC
Well, well. Iliiad was rather cheerful today. That was a smile if she wasn't mistaken. They happened so rarely, sometimes you kind of had to do a double take, just to be sure. She remebered believing him to have some horrible disease in her first year because she never saw him smile, she figured he simple MUST have been dying.

"Thank you," she said, taking the tea and watching Illiad, studying him unabashedly. What was all this for then? Happiness? It was rather flattering on him but she preferred the old him. Misery does company so very much.

"You know," she said, turning her eyes to Paris. "Some muggle tribes around the world believe that having your picture taken steals your soul. And when you die, you're destined to wander the earth miserable and alone for all eternity." She paused as if thinking. "We've all had our picture taken before. How weird would it be if that belief were actually real? I don't think I'd mind too much."


Re: Slytherin Common Room homely_illiad September 16 2008, 07:10:26 UTC
Maybe it was happiness that was in his eyes and in his heart. That didn't mean he was gonna go about confessing to it! No, he could claim he had good tea, a good book, and maybe good company. Even Paris was being reasonably tolerable.

"You are welcome," he told Sunny when she thanked him. Paris was rambling some bull about the heart and soul and whatever... but Illiad was in just enough of a good mood to think that maybe it could've been real. Whatever it was he was saying.

"Actually, that's what ghosts are," he informed them both in a scholarly fashion. "Although not because of photography. It's because they're too attached to the world or something in the world that they can't let go of it," he sipped his tea.

"Lost love or something. It wouldn't be that bad," he added, to Sunny, who seemed to agree with this. "Besides, it's a conscious decision... to be a lonely shadow of a person for the rest of eternity."


Re: Slytherin Common Room snake_fromitaly September 16 2008, 14:26:19 UTC
The entrance to the common opened once again; this time for Octavian, relieved and out of breath. Though of course, he really had nothing to be worried about. He was a Slytherin after all. The Death Eaters would not dare touch the house that they had come from themselves, and as it was the house of the Dark Lord. That was at least what Octavian figured. Besides, it would probably be the safest place from stray killing curses and whatnot.

Apparently, others had thought that as well. He glanced around the room as he moved in on it. Plenty full of other Slytherin students, including Illiad, Sunny, and Paris. It was too be expected.

Octavian, except for the fact that he was trying to re-take control of his breathing, remained totally calm. Though on the inside, he was slightly worried for some of his other friends who could not take the safety of Slytherin House. All in good time whether they had survived or not.

All in good time...

"Evening," Octavian spoke casually once he was close enough to the group of three.


Re: Slytherin Common Room perfect_paris September 17 2008, 01:46:16 UTC
Paris frowned at the mentioning of ghosts. He crossed his arms neatly over his chest, clicking his tongue in a way that heavily suggested he didn't like the conversation. Ghosts were... creepy! And not to mention a little on the disturbing side. But Paris wasn't SCARED of them. Oh no. No way.

"Hm. That'd be a rather pathetic existence, wouldn't it? I'd rather be sent to Hell than wander the Earth forever more..." he sighed, looking over his shoulder to see who entered the common room.


"Good evening indeed, Octavian!" Paris greeted, a smile bursting onto his face. "And where have you been all this time, hmmmm? Come and have tea with us, won't you? I've been suffering Octavian-withdrawals, I'm afraid."

He inspected his nails carefully before smiling at his younger cousin again. "Ah, right here, Octavian. Right next to me."

Of course he would invite Octavian to sit next to him. That would mean he'd have to move closer to Illiad to make room! He was liking this already... Now if only Sunny would join them in their little collective...


Re: Slytherin Common Room snake_fromitaly September 17 2008, 02:06:27 UTC
"Of course you have," Octavian smirked at Paris' comment, though he mentally rolled his eyes. He took a seat next to his elder, brother-like cousin as he had requested. "I had just walked in from heading to the Great Hall for dinner," he continued to there. They surely heard the large attack upstairs, but it seemed to him that they were not bothered by it, so he decided against explaining what had sent him back.

Instead of answering Paris for tea, he tossed his glance to Illiad with a look of 'If you don't mind'; he answered as well, "Yes I would like some."

His breathing had relaxed to its normal state as he sat gripping the edge of the couch. "I hope I didn't interrupt anything important?"


Re: Slytherin Common Room homely_illiad September 17 2008, 02:20:19 UTC
Illiad watched when the younger Snake entered, his eyes a little narrowed. He wasn't the biggest fan of Octavian Pioggia. But then again, he wasn't the biggest fan of Paris Valmont either, and they seemed to be getting along just peachy right now. Even if Paris was offering around his tea.

"I'm afraid it's all out," he informed the third year. Ugh, children. "I will make you some more, but I prefer it the Muggle way. Wizarding tea always tastes so... meh."

He leaned over and pulled the tea kettle from the invisible fire, then used his wand to fill it with water. The tea leaves, he noticed, looking into the strainer, were still good.

He set it back down on the fire, noticing that Paris was now considerably closer to him. Normally, he would've been very annoyed about this, but for some reason, it seemed sort of comfortable. He even found his lips pursing in a frown when Paris admitted to having Octavian-withdrawls. Not that that meant anything, of course! Why would he be jealous about -that-?!

And for that matter, no, they hadn't really realized what was going on upstairs. They'd been content with their tea, afterall.

"We were discussing death," he informed the younger boy in a dry tone.


Re: Slytherin Common Room sunny_charles September 17 2008, 04:04:22 UTC
Octavian! Another member to join their little party. It was turning out quite fun, for Sunny at least. What could be a more cheerful topic that death?

She nodded along with Illiad, as he told the third year what they had just been discussing. Yes, death. Ghosts. Shadows. These things sometimes kept her up all night.

"Is there death out there?" Her eyes were wide, like an owl's, as she spoke to Octavian, although her tone indicated she was asking nothing more than a simple question. "It sounds like death," she added, staring at the door although her eyes were unfocused like she was off in la-la land. "I wonder what it looks like?" She stood from the couch and her body swayed towards the door as if she were being drawn to it.


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