owl to Sirius

Oct 02, 2006 20:30

Padfoot -

I was wondering if I might stop by Gryffindor Slytherin wherever it is you're staying now and see how you're doing. Are you free this evening?



owl, remus lupin, sirius black, rp

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Comments 25

toujours_sirius October 3 2006, 01:53:32 UTC

For a while, I was holing up in Ravenclaw, but now I'm back in Slytherin. You know, I'm really starting to get confused about what house I belong in...but apparently it's not Hufflepuff (or any of those new houses for the really crazy people).

And I'd love for you to come by. Harry, Ginny, and Ron are all out and about, so it'd be nice to have some company. I'll make sure to lower the wards.



profmoony October 3 2006, 02:58:35 UTC
Remus hadn't been to Slytherin since the whole fuss about Voldemort being unpopcorned. He stepped into the common room with a slight expression of distaste - old habits died hard - and saw Sirius lying in a hammock (of all things), apparently waiting for Remus to show up. "Hello, Padfoot," he said. "How are you doing? I brought you a present." Under normal circumstances, he would've brought booze, but he didn't want to encourage Sirius. So instead, he'd brought the first Nick Drake album (he had two copies). He'd always found Nick Drake very soothing.


toujours_sirius October 3 2006, 03:11:34 UTC
Unfortunately, the hammock in the Slythendor Common Room had never seen its intended use (at least as far as Sirius's own experiences went; he had no clue what Harry and Ginny might or might not have done in it), but it still made for a comfortable place to lie down and relax.

"Hey, Moony," Sirius said from his perch, turning his head to look over at Remus. "I'm actually doing...all right. Better, at least." He slid down off the hammock and took the offered album. After inspecting it, he smiled softly. "Thanks, man. I remember you dedicated one of his songs to me once. And I've even got a record player to play it on - just charmed it to work in here, actually. And to fly."

It was one of the several projects Sirius had involved himself in since he finally awoke from his potion-induced stupor.

"Care for a drink? It's pretty well stocked here, and I haven't dipped into it for some time now." This was Sirius's way of telling Remus he had been mostly prudent with the alcohol, just as he had promised.


profmoony October 3 2006, 03:39:53 UTC
Remus actually did sort of want a drink, but once again he didn't want to provide any encouragement. "No thank you... but I wouldn't mind a cup of tea. You know, seeing as how I'm so tepid and all." He permitted himself a brief sardonic smile, then sat down on the couch and crossed his legs, regarding Sirius thoughtfully. "You do seem like you're doing better. How did things go with Lily?"


toujours_sirius October 6 2006, 21:10:40 UTC
Sirius rolled his eyes and shook his head. "I don't know what he said you were incompetent at, but he's dead wrong and knows it if it's magic or your job. I mean, I've barely seen him so much as take out his own wand, so there's no way he's got a serious opinion on your skills of a wizard. His comment wasn't low so much as ridiculous. Honestly, Moony, I think he was just trying to annoy you. It's what he does to everyone, at least as far as I can tell. It's his modus operandus. I don't know a single person he's kindly and polite to the majority of the time. And I reckon if he truly hated you, he wouldn't spend any time on you, much less seek you out for a prank."

Cox did have his moments, though, like the time he had opened up to Sirius about his cancer-stricken best friend. That was one of the reasons Sirius did like Cox: Deep down, Cox really did care about people - at least, a select few - even if he had strange ways of showing it ( ... )


profmoony October 6 2006, 21:33:41 UTC
"He said I was an incompetent professor. He hasn't even taken one of my classes, for fuck's sake." Remus pondered for a moment. "Well, I suppose there must be a heart in there somewhere or else he wouldn't be a doctor. But look - if you really think he doesn't hate me, then ask him what he thinks of me. I bet you'll get an earful. Honestly, I wouldn't have anything against him if he didn't persist in being an arsehole to me. I have plenty of friends who are a bit... err, snarky. Crowley and Stephen, for instance. Sometimes I think I might be rather snarky myself." He smirked a little.

Remus finished off his tea and got up to fix himself another cup. Sitting down again, he said, "No, I mean you could disguise the porn so nobody would know it was about us. It'd be a... what's the term... a roman à clef. I think it's a brilliant idea, Padfoot - think about it, it'd be easy money and you'd probably acquire throngs of admirers all wanting to take advantage of your sexual expertise." He grinned evilly.


toujours_sirius October 6 2006, 21:59:19 UTC
Sirius nodded slowly, a mixture of amusement and exasperation on his face. "Yeah, sounds like he was just trying to push your buttons and managed to find one or two that worked. He hasn't a clue about your teaching abilities, and if he sat in on one of your classes, I'm sure he'd realise you're a brilliant professor. He might not admit as much, but I know he'd know it. He may be surly, but he's far from stupid."

He took a sip of his tea and then snorted softly. "You, snarky? Never." He grinned. There was nothing anyone could offer him to make him want Remus to tone down his snark. "Anyway, sure, I'll ask him what he thinks of you. Oh, I bet he'll sputter and spew all sorts of rails and barbs at first, but once the wheat is separated from the chaff, I'm positive he won't be able to admit a true hatred for you." Sirius paused and then asked, "Do you hate him?"

He smiled wickedly over his teacup. "I've already got throngs of admirers who want my sex. Or so I choose to pretend. Anyway, the thought of Snivelly getting off on reading a ( ... )


profmoony October 6 2006, 23:07:53 UTC
"I don't hate Cox. I think he's a pathetic, miserable sod who probably needs several years' worth of Muggle therapy... but then, I could probably use some therapy too, so who am I to talk? Anyway, no - I just feel sorry for him, mostly. When I'm not laughing at him or wanting to smack him senseless, that is. I would be curious to find out what he really thinks of me, but I suspect it's probably just another variation on 'insufferable prick.'"

He leaned back on the couch again and crossed his legs. "You don't think the demand for porn here would be high? My goodness, everyone's oversexed here - I'm sure it would be in very high demand. And I really doubt Snape would be reading it. As I recall from when he was here before, his main sexual outlet was with Voldemort, so I don't think he'd be much interested in us less repellent types."


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