Mending: Closed RP for Lily and Sirius

Sep 29, 2006 23:19

((Backdated in a fluid sort of way to several days after Sirius emo'd the hell out in Lily's room))

Several days had passed since Sirius had first taken the Dreamless Sleep potion Lily had given him, and he had spent almost all of that time asleep. Whenever the potion started to wear off and consciousness began to invade his mind once more, he would struggle to go back to sleep of his own accord, but it was a losing battle. Sometimes he tossed, and other times he turned, but the combined forces of mother nature and memories of the situation with James would eventually push him out of bed and to the loo. Then he'd eat something Lily gave to him and head right back to bed, gratefully gulping down more Dreamless Sleep potion (again, courtesy of Lily), desperate to forget all over again. A quick burst of magic would transfigure him into his Animagus form, and then he'd sleep until the next time the potion wore off.

This time was no different. Once again, Sirius drifted awake, finding himself back in his human form, the light from Lily's window filtering through his eyelids.

"Mmmmmm," he moaned softly, his voice a deep croak, and then turned over, hoping that a new position with his back to the window might allow him to fall asleep again. One of his hands brushed his face, which was well beyond stubbly and scratchy, as he hadn't shaved since before the full moon. The sensation woke him up a little bit more, and he opened his eyes and pushed himself up.

And then he remembered again. About James.

No. He did not want to face this. Not now, not ever.

"Lily? Can you ask the house-elf to bring more...oh."

Lily wasn't there. Dammit. His face hollow and impassive, Sirius threw the covers off and went to the toilet. When he returned, he sat on the edge of the bed, picked up the last vial of potion he had taken, and tipped it back, trying to get at least a couple of drops to fall out of it and into his mouth. It was a completely futile exercise, and after shaking the vial a couple of times, he gave up and slumped down, staring glumly at the floor.

sirius black, rp, lily potter

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